31. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, kadar molite Rožni venec, imate moč v svojih rokah, da
premagate in porazite ter preprečite satanove načrte in namene v svetu. Z
molitvijo Rožnega venca Mi lahko pomagate, Me podpirate v dviganju tančice
prevar in sleparij, ki jih je satan namestil v srce sveta. Z Rožnim vencem Mi
dovolite, da podaljšam ter podelim in razširim mnoge milosti v svet, katere bi
Bog sicer zadržal in odrekel zaradi človeške nezvestobe Resnici.
Dragi otroci, ne razumete moči Rožnega venca, ki se ga moli iz srca,
toda povem vam, da noben voditelj, nobena vlada, noben mirovni sporazum ali
ekonomska pomoč se ne more primerjati z mogočno močjo te molitve. Sovražnik
skriva to pred vami. Moje besede danes vam spreminjajo temo te skrivnosti (in
satanovega čuvanja te skrivnosti) v Luč Resnice. Ne pustite se zapeljati in
prevarati tako, da bi verjeli, da so vaši napori neučinkoviti ali neuspešni.
Povem vam, vaši Rožni venci so Zmaga.
Holy Love
August 31, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, when you pray the rosary, you hold the power in your hands to defeat Satan's agenda in the world. With the prayer of the rosary, you can assist Me in lifting the veil of deceit Satan has placed over the heart of the world. With the rosary, you allow Me to extend many graces into the world which God would have withheld because of mankind's infidelity to the Truth."
"Dear children, you do not understand the power of a rosary said from the heart, but I tell you, that no leader, no government, no peace accord or economic remedy can compare to the mighty force of this prayer. The enemy hides this from you. My words to you today challenge the darkness of his secrecy with the Light of Truth. Do not be misled to believe your efforts are ineffective. I tell you, your rosaries are the Victory."
29. avgust 2012
Praznik Mučeništva Janeza
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Ponovno prihajam k vam iščoč vašo molitveno podporo v korist vse
pravičnosti. Vsak svetnik ali božji izvoljenec, h kateremu dnevno molite, je bil
samo-zatajevalen; kar pomeni, svetost je bila dosežena s sredstvi in z načini
umiranja sebi in z življenjem za Boga in za druge. Ni popolnosti v
svetosti brez tega.
Lahko določite resnične voditelje s temi načini. Če njihova politika ni
usmerjena v dobrobit in blaginjo ljudi, temveč služi le sebi in njihovi sli po
moči, tedaj ne dosegajo časti primernega in vrednega voditelja. Ko so veljavni
in tehtni zakoni neupoštevani in prezrti in je svobodni volji dana prednost
pred uresničevanjem Božje Volje, nimate primernega in vrednega vodstva.
Kadar so voditelji tako prevzeti in pod vplivom svojega visokega
položaja, da napačno uporabljajo svojo oblast in mnoge vodijo na stranpot,
izzivajo Mojo pravičnost, da poseže vmes in intervenira.
Učite se od poti, ki so jo Farizeji sledili v Mojih Dneh. Bili so tako
zadovoljni sami s seboj, da jim Bog ni bil pomemben. Vsaka generacija vidi
vzpon in padec voditeljev, ki – v pohlepu za več in več moči – padejo v
korupcijo, pokvarjenost in popačenost ter v podkupovanje in v končen polom in
Mnogi narodi in mnogi voditelji sledijo to pot. Morate zagovarjati
Resnico, ne glede kdo ali s kakšno močjo oblasti, vam nasprotuje.
Ko se bom vrnil, ne bo pokvarjenosti vodstva. Vaše izbire bodo čiste,
jasne in pravične. Za zdaj, pa morate pazljivo presojati, kar vam je bilo
rečeno, da storite ali da ne storite, in izbrati skladno z Resnico.
August 29, 2012
Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Once again, I come to you seeking your prayer support on behalf of all righteousness. Every saint that you pray to daily was self-effacing: that is to say, sanctity was reached by means of dying to self and living for God and others. There is no perfection in holiness outside of this."
"You can determine true leaders by this means. If their policies are not towards the welfare of the people, but only serve self and their lust for power, then they fall short of worthy leadership. When valid laws are disregarded and free will takes precedence over the reality of God's Will, you do not have worthy leadership."
"When leaders are so impressed with their own high position that they misuse their authority and lead many astray, they tempt My Justice to step in."
"Learn from the path the Pharisees followed in My day. They were so pleased with themselves, that God did not matter. Every generation has seen the rise and the fall of leadership which - greedy for more and more power - fell into corruption and eventual collapse."
"Many nations and many leaders are following this path. You must always stand for the Truth, no matter who or by what power of authority, opposes you."
"When I return, there will be no corruption of leadership. Your choices will be clear and righteous. For now, you must carefully discern what you are being told to do, or told not to do, and choose according to the Truth."
August 29, 2012
Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Once again, I come to you seeking your prayer support on behalf of all righteousness. Every saint that you pray to daily was self-effacing: that is to say, sanctity was reached by means of dying to self and living for God and others. There is no perfection in holiness outside of this."
"You can determine true leaders by this means. If their policies are not towards the welfare of the people, but only serve self and their lust for power, then they fall short of worthy leadership. When valid laws are disregarded and free will takes precedence over the reality of God's Will, you do not have worthy leadership."
"When leaders are so impressed with their own high position that they misuse their authority and lead many astray, they tempt My Justice to step in."
"Learn from the path the Pharisees followed in My day. They were so pleased with themselves, that God did not matter. Every generation has seen the rise and the fall of leadership which - greedy for more and more power - fell into corruption and eventual collapse."
"Many nations and many leaders are following this path. You must always stand for the Truth, no matter who or by what power of authority, opposes you."
"When I return, there will be no corruption of leadership. Your choices will be clear and righteous. For now, you must carefully discern what you are being told to do, or told not to do, and choose according to the Truth."
28. avgust 2012
Praznik svetega Avguština
Sveti Avguštin pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Povabim vas, da vidite in spoznate, da je spreobrnenje srca vedno
v in skozi Sveto Ljubezen. Še več, nihče ne more biti svet zunaj Svete Ljubezni.
Sveta Ljubezen je nesebična ljubezen – ki postavlja Ljubezen do Boga
vedno na prvo mesto in ljubezen do bližnjega na drugo mesto. Duša napolnjena
in použita z željo, da služi drugim, je
napolnjena in použita s Sveto Ljubeznijo. Njeno srce je napolnjeno s potmi in
načini, da služi drugim in ne tehta o tem, koliko jo bo to stalo in ne obrne
okoliščin v svojo korist. Takšna duša naglo napreduje skozi Dvore Združenih
Src. Znotraj tega srca, napolnjenega z nesebično ljubeznijo, Jezus
prebiva in stanuje v miru.«
August 28, 2012
Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I invite you to see that the way to conversion of heart is always in and through Holy Love. Furthermore, no one can be holy outside of Holy Love."
"Holy Love is a selfless love - placing the Love of God first and the love of neighbor always second. The soul consumed with the desire to serve others is consumed with Holy Love. His heart is filled with ways to assist others and he does not count cost to self. Such a soul progresses rapidly through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Within this heart filled with selfless love, Jesus abides in peace."
August 28, 2012
Feast of St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I invite you to see that the way to conversion of heart is always in and through Holy Love. Furthermore, no one can be holy outside of Holy Love."
"Holy Love is a selfless love - placing the Love of God first and the love of neighbor always second. The soul consumed with the desire to serve others is consumed with Holy Love. His heart is filled with ways to assist others and he does not count cost to self. Such a soul progresses rapidly through the Chambers of the United Hearts. Within this heart filled with selfless love, Jesus abides in peace."
27. avgust 2012
Sveti Peter pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus«
»Tukaj je razlog, zaradi katerega Bog vzdržuje in ohranja to
Misijo/Nalogo navkljub soočanju s tako velikim oporekanjem in nasprotovanju. V
letih, ki prihajajo, in ki se hitro približujejo, bo prisotno napačno in lažno
učenje – heretične oz. krivoverske zamisli in pojmi – ki bodo vsi predstavljeni in prikazani kot
Resnica. Celo sedaj je to že na dosegu roke in se skoraj dogaja.
Če se ljudje ne bodo naučili zdaj gledati pod površje, da najdejo
Resnico, jih bo lahko voditi na stranpot in jih zapeljati v vsako povkarjenost
in popačenost.
Zato Jezus prosi, da ljudje odkrijejo pravo Resnico te Misije/Naloge in
napnejo vse moči, da ne bi bili zapeljani in prevarani s prebrisanimi,
pretkanimi in zapletenimi besedami in izjavami. V prihodnosti bodo ljudje to
morali storiti (poiskati Resnico), da bi tako ostali v Zvestem Ostanku, ki bo
vseboval in vključeval resnično vero.
2 Timotej 4, 1-5:
1 Rotim
te pri Bogu in Kristusu Jezusu, ki bo sodil žive in mrtve, pri njegovi
pojavitvi in njegovem kraljestvu: 2 Oznanjuj besedo, vztrajaj v ugodnih in
neugodnih okoliščinah. Prepričuj, grajaj, spodbujaj z vso potrpežljivostjo in
poučevanjem. 3 Prišel bo namreč čas, ko nekateri ne bodo
prenesli zdravega nauka, ampak si bodo po svojih željah poiskali veliko
učiteljev, ker hočejo ustreči svojim ušesom. 4 Ušesa bodo obračali proč od resnice in
zabredli v bajke. 5 Ti pa bodi v vsem trezen, pretrpi nadloge,
opravi poslanstvo evangelista in izpolni svojo službo.
27. avgust 2012
Ponedeljkova služba: Mir v vseh srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen.
Jezus je tu s Svojim
Razkritim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, bodite vedno združeni v Sveti Ljubezni. Kadar
ste združeni, vas lahko uporabim kot en instrument v Svojih Rokah – kot
močno orodje proti zlu.
Nocoj razširjam nad vami
Svoj Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
August 27, 2012
St. Peter says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Here is the reason God is upholding this Mission in the face of so much controversy and opposition: In the age to come, which fast approaches, there will be false teaching - heretical concepts - all presented as Truth. Even now it is at hand."
"If people do not learn now to look beneath the surface to find the Truth, they will be easily lead astray and carried off by every compromise."
"This is why Jesus is asking that people discover the real Truth of this Mission and make the effort not to be misled by tricky words and statements. In the future, people will have to do this in order to remain in the Remnant Faithful, who will embrace the true faith."
2 Timothy 4:1-5
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
August 27, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, always be united in Holy Love. When you are united, I can use you as one instrument in My Hands - a strong tool against evil."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
August 27, 2012
St. Peter says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Here is the reason God is upholding this Mission in the face of so much controversy and opposition: In the age to come, which fast approaches, there will be false teaching - heretical concepts - all presented as Truth. Even now it is at hand."
"If people do not learn now to look beneath the surface to find the Truth, they will be easily lead astray and carried off by every compromise."
"This is why Jesus is asking that people discover the real Truth of this Mission and make the effort not to be misled by tricky words and statements. In the future, people will have to do this in order to remain in the Remnant Faithful, who will embrace the true faith."
2 Timothy 4:1-5
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
August 27, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, always be united in Holy Love. When you are united, I can use you as one instrument in My Hands - a strong tool against evil."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
26. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Ta Misija/Naloga je bila postavljena tu kot straža, kot čuvaj Resnice
v teh časih, ko je težko razločiti in spoznati Resnico – in še težje – ji biti
zvest in se je trdno držati. Mnogim ljudem, institucijam in tistim na oblasti,
bi se v dneh, ki so prešli, moralo vedno
zaupati, da bodo zagovarjali Resnico in ti dnevi morajo biti skrbno opazovani
in preiskani ter pristno in avtentično presojani v smislu njihov besed in dejanj.
Za mnoge je to zapleteno in Moje današnje besede vam neprijetne in
vznemirjajoče. Toda, če vam ne bi govoril na ta način, ne bi bil Resnica, ne
bi zagovarjal Resnice. Zapomnite si, Resnica
je resničnost, stvarnost, prava narava. Povem vam, da bo kompromis -
poravnava med Resnico in lažjo - zmagal
v mnogih srcih in ogrozil ter spravil v nevarnost mnogo duš.
Zatorej, ne sprejmite nepotrjenih govoric zato ker malo zaupate ali
zaradi ugleda in moči. Iščite Resnico. Najdite Resnico in se je oprimite.
Na koncu, boste sojeni z
August 26, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This Mission has been set here as a sentinel of Truth in these times when it is difficult to discern the Truth - much less, adhere to it. Many people, institutions and those in authority whom, in days gone by, could always be trusted to stand for the Truth, these days, must be carefully observed and genuinely discerned as to their words and actions."
"For many, this is perplexing and My words to you today, disconcerting. But, if I did not speak to you thus, I would not be the Truth, and I would not stand for the Truth. Remember, the Truth is reality. I am telling you that compromise has won over many hearts and imperiled many souls."
"Therefore, do not accept hearsay because you trust title or authority. Search for the Truth. Find the Truth and cling to it. In the end, you will be judged by Truth."
August 26, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This Mission has been set here as a sentinel of Truth in these times when it is difficult to discern the Truth - much less, adhere to it. Many people, institutions and those in authority whom, in days gone by, could always be trusted to stand for the Truth, these days, must be carefully observed and genuinely discerned as to their words and actions."
"For many, this is perplexing and My words to you today, disconcerting. But, if I did not speak to you thus, I would not be the Truth, and I would not stand for the Truth. Remember, the Truth is reality. I am telling you that compromise has won over many hearts and imperiled many souls."
"Therefore, do not accept hearsay because you trust title or authority. Search for the Truth. Find the Truth and cling to it. In the end, you will be judged by Truth."
24. avgust 2012
Petkova služba: Za vse po
krivem obtožene znotraj družbe, v vladah in znotraj Cerkvenih krogov, da bi se
vse klevete razkrile v Resnici
Jezus je tu z izpostavljenim
Svojim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, tako kot se približujejo vaše predsedniške
volitve, tako molite za moralno
poštenost in moralno neoporečnost vaše države; kajti moralna pokvarjenost je
tista, ki vodi v takšno zmešnjavo in zmedo v vesti.
Nocoj razširjam nad vami
Svoj Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
August 24, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, as your presidential election approaches, pray for your country's moral integrity; for it is moral degeneration which leads to such confusion in consciences."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
August 24, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, as your presidential election approaches, pray for your country's moral integrity; for it is moral degeneration which leads to such confusion in consciences."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
23. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Prišla sem, da vas pritegnem nazaj v realnost, v resnično dejstvo, da
v nebesih ni časa ali prostora. Zaradi tega, če ste izpustili en dan
devetdnevnice, jo lahko molite in
nadoknadite naslednji dan.
Ko se prikažem – ne le tu, temveč vsepovsod – govorim vsem angelom
prisotnih ljudi, medtem ko se prikažem in govorim vidcu ali vidcem. Vodim te
angele za dobrobit in blaginjo tistih pod njihovo zaščito.
Na vsakem posamezniku pa leži odločitev, da odpre svoje srce nebeškim
navdihom med ali takoj po vsakem prikazovanju. Bodite odprti Moji Nadoblasti.
Ob istem času, prepoznajte in vedite, da skozi te sedanje trenutke –
med ali takoj po prikazovanju – vas satan poskuša speljati stran, vas
zapeljati, se vmešati in ovirati. To je razlog, moji dragi otroci, zaradi
katerega bi morali moliti za pravo razsodnost pred prikazovanjem in po tem
milosti polnem dogodku.«
23. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Ponovno se prišla, da grajam vse nevernike in vse, ki nasprotujejo tem
Sporočilom in prikazovanjem. Dane so vam bile milosti, da verjamete. Skozi vaš
lastni ponos ste zavrnili, kar Nebesa ponujajo tukaj. Skozi vaš lastni ponos in
navdih zla, delujete v nasprotju z milostmi, ki so bile dane tukaj.
Bog šteje vsakega posameznika, ki je seznanjen s temi Sporočili in
prikazovanji, za odgovornega. Očetova Sveta in Božja Volja je, da vsi
sprejmejo ta prikazovanje in Sporočila.
Ne delajte tega, da bi v samo-pravičnosti, napačno sodili, zavrnili,
ali še slabše, nasprotovali Božji Volji za vas.
Gorje tistim, ki poslušajo, pa se ne zmenijo za to in ne obračajo
pozornosti na to.«
23. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»To je molitev, za katero želim, da jo dodate svojim vsakodnevnim
23. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Prosim razumite, dragi mali otroci, da življenje v Sveti Ljubezni
prinaša s seboj odgovornost vsakokratnega podpiranja življenja v maternici, to
je, da se vedno brani in podpre življenje v maternici. To pomeni, da pri dani
izbiri med dvema političnima kandidatoma, morate podpreti tistega kandidata, ki
zagovarja življenje. To je resnica, tudi če se ne strinjate z drugimi stvarmi
tega kandidata, ki zagovarja življenje. In to ostaja resnično tudi, če so v
kandidatu, ki podpira življenje, osebne ali značajske lastnosti, ki vam niso
Povem vam to, kajti bitka za življenje v maternici je vojna, ki mora
biti izvojevana in v kateri se mora zmagati.
Maternica je bojno polje, ki
bo določilo prihodnost vaše države.
Naj bo to znano vsem.«
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to draw you back into the reality that there is no time or space in Heaven. This is why, if you miss one day of a novena, you can recite it on the next day."
"When I appear - not only here, but anywhere - I speak to all the angels of the people present, while I appear and speak to the visionary or visionaries. I guide these angels as to the welfare of those in their charge."
"It is up to each individual to open his heart to heavenly inspiration during or directly after each apparition. Be open to My Sovereignty."
"At the same time, realize that during these present moments - during or directly after an apparition - Satan tries to mislead and interfere. This is the reason, My dear, dear children, you should pray for discernment before an apparition and after this grace-filled event."
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Once again, I come to reproach all unbelievers and all who oppose these Messages and apparitions. You have been given the grace to believe. It is through your own pride you have rejected what Heaven is offering here. It is through your own pride and the inspiration of evil, that you have acted in opposition to the graces given here."
"God holds each one who is introduced to these Messages and apparitions accountable. It is the Father's Holy and Divine Will that all accept these apparitions and Messages."
"Do not, in self-righteousness, falsely judge, reject or even worse, oppose God's Will for you."
"Woe to those who listen, but do not heed."
August 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This is the prayer I desire you add to your daily prayer regimen:"
"Jesus, give me the courage always to support the Truth - no matter the opposition or the consequences."
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Please understand, dear little children, that living in Holy Love carries with it the responsibility of always supporting life in the womb. This means that given a choice between two political candidates, you must support the pro-life candidate. This is true even if there are other issues this pro-life candidate supports that you do not agree with. It holds true even if there are characteristics in the candidate's personality you do not like."
"I tell you this, for the battle over life in the womb is the war which must be won. The womb is the battleground which will determine the future of your country."
"Make it known."
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to draw you back into the reality that there is no time or space in Heaven. This is why, if you miss one day of a novena, you can recite it on the next day."
"When I appear - not only here, but anywhere - I speak to all the angels of the people present, while I appear and speak to the visionary or visionaries. I guide these angels as to the welfare of those in their charge."
"It is up to each individual to open his heart to heavenly inspiration during or directly after each apparition. Be open to My Sovereignty."
"At the same time, realize that during these present moments - during or directly after an apparition - Satan tries to mislead and interfere. This is the reason, My dear, dear children, you should pray for discernment before an apparition and after this grace-filled event."
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Once again, I come to reproach all unbelievers and all who oppose these Messages and apparitions. You have been given the grace to believe. It is through your own pride you have rejected what Heaven is offering here. It is through your own pride and the inspiration of evil, that you have acted in opposition to the graces given here."
"God holds each one who is introduced to these Messages and apparitions accountable. It is the Father's Holy and Divine Will that all accept these apparitions and Messages."
"Do not, in self-righteousness, falsely judge, reject or even worse, oppose God's Will for you."
"Woe to those who listen, but do not heed."
August 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This is the prayer I desire you add to your daily prayer regimen:"
"Jesus, give me the courage always to support the Truth - no matter the opposition or the consequences."
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Please understand, dear little children, that living in Holy Love carries with it the responsibility of always supporting life in the womb. This means that given a choice between two political candidates, you must support the pro-life candidate. This is true even if there are other issues this pro-life candidate supports that you do not agree with. It holds true even if there are characteristics in the candidate's personality you do not like."
"I tell you this, for the battle over life in the womb is the war which must be won. The womb is the battleground which will determine the future of your country."
"Make it known."
22. avgust 2012
Praznik Device Marije
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Prišel sem razložiti vlogo Moje Matere v Odrešenju. Najini Srci bijeta
kot eno. Moje Srce je Božja Ljubezen. Srce Moje Matere je Sveta Ljubezen. Ker
sem Kralj Usmiljenja, je Ona Kraljica Usmiljenja. Jaz sem Princ Miru. Moja Mati
je Kraljica Miru.
Moje Srce je Vir vseh milosti. Srce Moje Matere je Posrednik
vseh milosti. Na Oltar Mojega Srca, človeštvo postavlja vsako prošnjo. Srce
Moje Matere je Sveti Zagovornik vsake iskrene, prisrčne in globoke prošnje.
Jaz sem vaš Odrešenik. Moja mati je So-Odrešiteljica. Ona je bila
tista, ki je trpela z Menoj ob vznožju Križa, kot to ne bi zmogel nihče drug.
Mistično je nosila in občutila Moje Rane. V Svojem Srcu – je čutila z Menoj.
Padla je z Menoj – nosila Križ in mistično občutila udarce kot žeblje, ki so
prebodli Moje Telo.
Najini Srci vedno bijeta kot eno. Midva sva vedno – čeprav nisva
enaka – združena.
22. avgust 2012
Četrtkova služba: Razširjanje
Sporočil Svete Ljubezni in Bratovščina Združenih Src
Praznik Device Marije
Naša Gospa je tu vsa v belem
in zlatem. Sedi na prestolu in pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, zahvaljujte se vedno Jezusu, Odrešeniku in Kralju.
Dajete mu slavo, kadar živite v RESNICI, Moji dragi otroci, kajti to je edina
pot k resnični svetosti – karkoli drugega ni resnično in pravo.
Torej za nocoj, Moji otroci, vas blagoslavljam z Mojim Blagoslovom
Svete Ljubezni.«
August 22, 2012
Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to discuss with you My Mother's role in Redemption. Our Hearts beat as one. My Heart is Divine Love. My Mother's Heart is Holy Love. As I am King of Mercy, She is Queen of Mercy. I am Prince of Peace. My Mother is Queen of Peace."
"My Heart is the Source of all grace. Her Heart is the Mediatrix of all grace. Upon the Altar of My Heart, mankind lays every petition. My Mother's Heart is the Holy Advocate of every heartfelt petition."
"I am your Redeemer. My Mother is Co-Redemptrix. It is She who suffered with Me at the Foot of the Cross as no other could. She bore My Wounds mystically. In Her Heart, She fell with Me - carried the Cross and mystically felt the blows as the nails pierced My Flesh."
"Our Hearts always beat as one. We are always - though not equal - united."
August 22, 2012
Wednesday Service - The Propagation of the Holy Love Messages and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Feast of Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here all in white and gold. She is seated on a throne and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, praise always to Jesus, Redeemer and King. You give Him praise when you live in the TRUTH, My dear children, for this is the only way to true holiness - anything else is not genuine."
"So, for tonight, My children, I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
August 22, 2012
Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to discuss with you My Mother's role in Redemption. Our Hearts beat as one. My Heart is Divine Love. My Mother's Heart is Holy Love. As I am King of Mercy, She is Queen of Mercy. I am Prince of Peace. My Mother is Queen of Peace."
"My Heart is the Source of all grace. Her Heart is the Mediatrix of all grace. Upon the Altar of My Heart, mankind lays every petition. My Mother's Heart is the Holy Advocate of every heartfelt petition."
"I am your Redeemer. My Mother is Co-Redemptrix. It is She who suffered with Me at the Foot of the Cross as no other could. She bore My Wounds mystically. In Her Heart, She fell with Me - carried the Cross and mystically felt the blows as the nails pierced My Flesh."
"Our Hearts always beat as one. We are always - though not equal - united."
August 22, 2012
Wednesday Service - The Propagation of the Holy Love Messages and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Feast of Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady is here all in white and gold. She is seated on a throne and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, praise always to Jesus, Redeemer and King. You give Him praise when you live in the TRUTH, My dear children, for this is the only way to true holiness - anything else is not genuine."
"So, for tonight, My children, I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
21. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Povem vam, samo-pravičnost je zanka, past, ki jo satan postavlja za
tiste, ki si prizadevajo za osebno svetost. Je spretna vaba v zanko, v katero
se mnogi ujamejo. Samo-pravičnost je nesposobna narediti dobro spraševanje in
preiskovanje vesti, ker preveč verjame v svojo lastno svetost. To je direktno
nasprotje ponižnemu srcu, ki iskreno verjame, da so vsi drugi bolj sveti od
njega. Ponižno srce, torej srce tistih, ki sledijo pot pravičnosti, neprestano
zasleduje in si prizadeva za globlje krepostno življenje. Nikoli ni zadovoljno
samo s seboj, kot je to pri samo-pravičnem srcu.
Samo-pravičnost se (pre)oblači v svetost, da jo vsi vidijo in
občudujejo. Resnična pravičnost izbira skritost in ostaja v ozadju in izbira
svetost, ki je med Mojim Srcem in njenim srcem.
Ponovno vas posvarim, čeprav je med pravičnostjo in samo-pravičnostjo
ogromna razlika in sta svetove narazen, je med njima vseeno samo tanka črta.
Zelo lahko je preiti iz ene v drugo. Tu ni nobenega znaka, preplaha ali
vznemirjenja, ki bi zaznamoval prehod med njima. Zaradi tega morajo duše biti v
stiku s svojimi nameni v svojem lastnem
srcu, tako v misli, besedi in dejanju, v vsakem sedanjem trenutku.
21. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Želim, da naredimo to primerjavo med pravičnim in samo-pravičnim
Vedno si prizadeva za globljo osebno
Je zelo zadovoljno s tem, kjer se duhovno nahaja.
Dnevno preiskuje svoje lastno
srce in išče svoje lastne slabosti in napake v Sveti Ljubezni
Preiskuje in sodi srca drugih glede njihovih napak, zmot in
Želi skritost in ohranja svojo svetost med sabo in Bogom.
Želi biti prepoznano kot sveto in krepostno.
Ima vse druge za bolj svete in za bolj vredne milosti, kot sebe.
Vidi samo sebe kot najbolj vredno vsake milosti; zavida milosti, ki
bi jih drugi lahko prejeli; lahko celo vsebuje mimikrijskega duha (t.j.
sposobnost oponašanja, prilagajanja »barve« okolici).
August 21, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I tell you, self-righteousness is a trap that Satan lays for those who seek personal holiness. It is a clever snare that many fall into. The self-righteous are unable to make a good examination of conscience, for they believe too much in their own holiness. This is in direct contrast to the humble-hearted, who sincerely believe all others to be more holy than themselves. The humble-hearted that is, those who pursue the path of righteousness, are constantly pursuing a deeper virtuous life. They are never self-satisfied as are the self-righteous."
"The self-righteous put on holiness for all to admire and see. The truly righteous choose hiddenness, the background and a holiness that is between My Heart and their own."
"Once again, I warn you, though righteousness and self-righteousness are vastly different and worlds apart, there is a fine line between the two. It is very easy to pass from one to the other. There are no alarms or fireworks that mark passage between these two. This is why the soul needs to be in touch with the motives in his own heart in thought, word and deed in every present moment."
August 21, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I desire that we make these comparisons between a righteous and a self-righteous heart:"
August 21, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I tell you, self-righteousness is a trap that Satan lays for those who seek personal holiness. It is a clever snare that many fall into. The self-righteous are unable to make a good examination of conscience, for they believe too much in their own holiness. This is in direct contrast to the humble-hearted, who sincerely believe all others to be more holy than themselves. The humble-hearted that is, those who pursue the path of righteousness, are constantly pursuing a deeper virtuous life. They are never self-satisfied as are the self-righteous."
"The self-righteous put on holiness for all to admire and see. The truly righteous choose hiddenness, the background and a holiness that is between My Heart and their own."
"Once again, I warn you, though righteousness and self-righteousness are vastly different and worlds apart, there is a fine line between the two. It is very easy to pass from one to the other. There are no alarms or fireworks that mark passage between these two. This is why the soul needs to be in touch with the motives in his own heart in thought, word and deed in every present moment."
August 21, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I desire that we make these comparisons between a righteous and a self-righteous heart:"
seeking deeper personal holiness.
satisfied with where he is spiritually.
his own heart daily for weaknesses and faults in Holy Love.
and judges the hearts of others for errors and faults.
hiddenness; keeps his holiness between himself and God.
to be recognized as holy and virtuous.
all others more holy and more worthy of grace than himself.
himself as most worthy of every grace; is envious of graces others may
receive; may even embrace a mimicking spirit.
21. avgust 2012
4. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Samo ena formalnost, če temu lahko tako rečemo, ki bi jo Otroci
Združenih Src morali slediti: to je, vsak dan moliti Posvetitev Srca Sveta
združenima Srcema in Posvetitev Zruženima Srcema.«
July 4, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"There is one formality, if you can call it that, which the Children of the United Hearts should follow; that is, each day recite the Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts, and the Consecration to the United Hearts."
July 4, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"There is one formality, if you can call it that, which the Children of the United Hearts should follow; that is, each day recite the Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts, and the Consecration to the United Hearts."
19. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Povem vam, vsaka milost navzoča na tej posesti in na tej strani,
prihaja v svet direktno iz Srca Boga Očeta, ki je čista Resnica. Ker je vsaka
duša poklicana v Srce Resnice in da živi v Sveti Ljubezni, iz tega sledi, da je
vsaka duša poklicana, da pride sem.
Nebesa ne prestopajo poslušnosti do Resnice z zaslugo in vrednostjo
tega ponižnega povabila. Raje, dragi otroci, vsak od vas je poklican v Luč
Resnice. Ne vidite z očmi zmede besede »OPOMINJATI, SVARITI« v iz Nebes
narekovanih narekih; kajti ta beseda v Resnici ne pomeni »PREPOVEDATI, NE
Danes vam dajem Luč Resnice.
Dovolite tej Resnici, da prežame vaša srca.
Ne bodite zastrašeni z
Bodite opogumljeni in ohrabreni z Resnico.«
August 19, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I tell you, every grace attendant to this property comes into the world directly from the Heart of God the Father, which is pure Truth. Because every soul is called into the Heart of Truth and to live in Holy Truth, it follows every soul is called to come here."
"Heaven does not transgress obedience to the Truth by merit of this humble invitation. Rather, dear children, each one of you is called into the Light of Truth. Do not see with the eyes of confusion, the word 'ADMONISH' in heavy-handed dictates; for this word in Truth does not mean 'FORBID', but is a GENTLE WARNING. I give to you today the Light of Truth. Allow this Truth to embrace your hearts."
"Do not be intimidated by confusion. Be emboldened by the Truth."
20. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Raje imam in dajem prednost ponižnemu srcu; kajti ponižno srce vedno
gleda, da bo bolj popolno v Mojih Očeh in spoznava ter priznava svoje lastne
Neskončna razlika je med pravičnim srcem in med samo-pravičnim srcem.
Četudi je hkrati le tanka črta med njima.
Pravično srce si prizadeva in se trudi izpopolniti vsako krepost z
izpopolnjevanjem samega sebe v Sveti Ljubezni. Radovoljno priznava svoje
pomanjkljivosti, slabosti in nezadostnost. Gleda dobro v drugih ljudeh. Če
opazi napako drugega, radovoljno prizna, da če ne bi imelo milosti, ki ga
vzdržuje, bi lahko tudi samo naredilo isto napako.
Samo-pravični pa gledajo nase kot na moralno in duhovno superirone,
višje, močnejše ter boljše od drugih.
Lahko celo verjamejo ali dajejo vtis, da verjamejo, da imajo vse
odgovore. Ne pogledajo, s ponižnostjo, v svoja lastna srca ali se trudijo, da
bi izboljšali svoje lastno krepostno življenje.
Lahko se povzdignejo kot strokovnjaki in izvedenci, kot specialisti –
nepripravljeni poslušati mnenja drugih – in neodprti za kritiko. V svojih srcih
ne dajejo slave Bogu za njihovo znanje, svetost ali za kakršen koli položaj med
ljudmi. Zdi se, da verjamejo, da je vse odvisno od, in je tudi direktna posledica,
njihovih lastnih naporov.
Torej, pravično srce se mora paziti in biti budno od takšnega ravnanja
in takšne drže. Pravično srce mora stati na straži in se čuvati ter braniti od
teh čutov, občutkov in pomenov in jih prinesti pod dežnik Svete Ljubezni.
Pravično srce mora biti
Božja Slava v svetu.
20. avgust 2012
Ponedeljkova služba: Mir v vseh srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
Jezus je tu s Svojim
izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, vstop k Mojemu Srcu je Moje Usmiljenje in Moja
Ljubezen. Vedno je odprto in stoji pripravljeno za dobrodošlico in prisrčen
sprejem vsakega, ki želi vstopiti.
Prosim, hrepenite po tem, da bi prišli v Moje Srce, da bi lahko
izkusili Moje Usmiljenje in Mojo Ljubezen.
Nocoj vas blagoslavljam z
Mojim Blagoslovom Božje Ljubezni.«
August 20, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I prefer the humble heart; for it is the humble heart that is always seeking to be more perfect in My Eyes, and recognizes his own imperfections."
"There is a vast difference between the righteous heart and the self-righteous heart; although, at the same time, there is a fine line between the two. The righteous heart strives to perfect every virtue by perfecting himself in Holy Love. He readily acknowledges his shortcomings. He sees the good in others. If others' faults come to light, he willingly admits, had he not had every grace to sustain him, he may have had the same faults."
"The self-righteous, however, regard themselves as morally and spiritually superior to others. They may even believe or give the impression they believe that they have all the answers. They do not, with humility, look into their own hearts or seek to improve on the virtuous life."
"They may set themselves up as experts - unwilling to listen to others' opinions - unopen to criticism. In their hearts, they do not give God the glory for their knowledge, holiness or any status amongst men. They seem to believe everything depends upon, and is the direct result, of their own efforts."
"So, the righteous heart must beware of these traits and attitudes. The righteous heart must stand guard over his senses, and bring them under the umbrella of Holy Love."
"The righteous heart must be God's Glory in the world."
August 20, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, the doorway to My Heart is My Mercy and My Love. It is always open, standing ready to welcome in, any who desire entrance. Please desire to come into My Heart so that you can experience My Mercy and My Love."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
17. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Najpomembnejši vidik vsakega človeka na zemlji je njegova lastna
osebna svetost. To je, o čemer govori ta Misija/Naloga. Osebna svetost je
sprejemanje Resnice o tem, kakšna je duša
pred Bogom oz. kje duša stoji pred Bogom. Duša izpričuje svojo osebno svetost
kadar deluje na temelju očiščevanja svojega srca vseh nepopolnosti v Sveti
Tisti, ki nasprotujejo tej Misiji/Nalogi, niso prepoznali Resnice – ne
iščejo Resnice, in v oziru Resnice – nasprotujejo krepitvi Zvestega Ostanka.
Zato, ker zlo preoblači svoje laži tako, da izgledajo dobre, so dobri
sadovi te Službe bili javno ožigosani, zavrnjeni in nepriznani; toda milosti na
tej strani in na tem posestvu se nadaljujejo. Nihče jim ne more nasprotovati.
Nihče ne more odrediti in predpisati nič proti njim.
August 17, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"The most important aspect of anyone's life on earth is his own personal holiness. That is what this Mission is all about. Personal holiness is the embrace of Truth as to where the soul stands before God. The soul pursues his personal holiness when he acts upon ridding his heart of all imperfections in Holy Love."
"Those who oppose this Mission have not recognized the Truth - do not seek the Truth, and in the reality of the Truth - are opposing the strengthening of the Remnant Faithful."
"Because the evil one disguises his lies in seeming good, the good fruits of this Ministry have been denounced and disallowed; but the graces at this site continue. No one can decree against them."
August 17, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"The most important aspect of anyone's life on earth is his own personal holiness. That is what this Mission is all about. Personal holiness is the embrace of Truth as to where the soul stands before God. The soul pursues his personal holiness when he acts upon ridding his heart of all imperfections in Holy Love."
"Those who oppose this Mission have not recognized the Truth - do not seek the Truth, and in the reality of the Truth - are opposing the strengthening of the Remnant Faithful."
"Because the evil one disguises his lies in seeming good, the good fruits of this Ministry have been denounced and disallowed; but the graces at this site continue. No one can decree against them."
16. avgust 2012
Sveta Katarina Sienska
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Božja Volja ni nikoli daleč proč. Vedno je v sedanjem trenutku. Vedno
vključuje in zajema Sveto Ljubezen. To zlato zrno Resnice lahko prenese celotno
srce in dušo sveta v globoko osebno svetost.
Namesto tega, splošne ljudske množice poskušajo najti srečo in varnost
v minljivih zadovoljstvih. Veliko začasnih, bežnih in minljivih stvari –
razvedril, zabav, iger ter samovšečnost in nečimrnost – je grešnih; toda ljudje
danes na splošno opuščajo in zavračajo zakon Svete Ljubezni, kot tudi Deset
Medtem, ko je dobro biti neodvisen in ločen od satanove kulture in
civilizacije, pa ni dobro živeti neodvisno in ločeno od Božjih Zakonov.
Ponovno ocenite in ovrednotite vaše prioritete v življenju in pridite
pod Najvišjo Oblast Boga. To je vaš mir in vaša varnost.«
August 16, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"God's Will is never far away. It is always in the present moment. It always embodies Holy Love. This nugget of Truth could transport the entire heart and soul of the world into deep personal holiness."
"Instead, the general populace tries to find happiness and security in passing pleasures. Many transient things - pastimes, vanities - are sinful; but people today have generally dismissed the laws of Holy Love, as well as the Ten Commandments."
"While it is good to be independent of Satan's civilization, it is not good to live independent of God's Laws."
"Reassess your priorities in life and come under the Sovereignty of God. This is your peace and security."
August 16, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"God's Will is never far away. It is always in the present moment. It always embodies Holy Love. This nugget of Truth could transport the entire heart and soul of the world into deep personal holiness."
"Instead, the general populace tries to find happiness and security in passing pleasures. Many transient things - pastimes, vanities - are sinful; but people today have generally dismissed the laws of Holy Love, as well as the Ten Commandments."
"While it is good to be independent of Satan's civilization, it is not good to live independent of God's Laws."
"Reassess your priorities in life and come under the Sovereignty of God. This is your peace and security."
15. avgust 2015
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Danes sem prišel, da govorim o resni težavi, to je o tem, zakaj je
vest ljudi postala ravnodušna. Ljudje svoje izbire izbirajo v skladu s svojimi
lastnimi trenutnimi in svetovnimi potrebami – potrebami, ki so minljive in niso
večne. Izbirajo to, kar hrani njihovo blaginjo, korist, moč in ugled. Ne
odobravajo in ne soglašajo z ničemer, kar spreminja njihov svetovni nazor in
oporeka njihovi posvetnosti. Zato ljudje ustvarjajo svoje lastne »resnice«, ki
so v resnici izbiranje satanovih laži.
Opominjam vas, sebična ljubezen, ki postaja nezmerna, nebrzdana in
neredna nasprotuje Sveti Ljubezni, ki je
večna. Ne morete sprejemati in imeti obojega. Ne morete izbirati to, kar
ustreza vašim potrebam in vedno izbrati Resnico.
Toda, če se trudite, da bi vedno živeli v Resnici, vas bo obkrožala
milost ter vas vzdrževala in podirala. Vaše izbire za ali proti Resnici bodo
jasno vidne v tej milosti. Zmeda bo povzdignjena iz vesti sveta. Pot Luči in
pot teme bosta pokazani takšni, kot sta. Glas moralnih izbir bo naloga in cilj
Želite Zmago Brezmadežnega Srca Moje Matere? Takšen bo svet, ko bo Ona
zmagala – nič več ne bo zmedenega razmišljanja in pokvarjenih misli. Ljudje
bodo iskali pravičnost, namesto napak v njej. Lažnivec bo preizkušan in bo
najden kriv v vsakem srcu. Molite za to.
15. avgust 2015
Praznik Marijinega
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Danes, na moj praznik, povabim srce sveta, naj ima vedno upanje in
zaupanje za nepredvideno in nepričakovano. Božja milost odvrača številne
napake, kajti Njegovo Usmiljenje je neskončno in vseobsegajoče.
Izvoljeni – otroci Luči – so poklicani k upanja polnemu zaupanju in
veri v prihodnost. Na ta način, se njihove molitve dvigajo v Nebesa, napolnjene
z upanjem in ogrnjene v vero in ljubezen.«
15. avgust 2015
Četrtkova služba: Razširjanje Sporočil Svete Ljubezni in
Bratovščina Zduženih Src
Praznik Vnebovzetja Blažene
Blažena Mati je tu kot Marija, Zatočišče Svete Ljubezni. Vsa je
oblečena v belo in pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, nocoj vas ponovno nežno opominjam, da je Božje
Usmiljenje popolno in večno. Pošilja vam vsako milost, ki jo potrebujete za
prihodnost, ne glede na okoliščine. Moje Srce je Njegov kanal milosti.
Nocoj vas blagoslavljam z
Mojim Blagoslovom Svete Ljubezni.«
August 15, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to address the serious problem of why consciences have become neutralized. People choose according to what suits their own immediate and worldly needs - needs that are passing and not eternal. They choose what feeds their wealth, their power and their reputation. They do not subscribe to anything that challenges their worldliness. Therefore, people make their own 'truths', which is really choosing Satan's lies."
"I remind you, self-love, which becomes inordinate, opposes Holy Love, which is eternal. You cannot embrace both. You cannot choose what suits your needs and always choose the Truth."
"But, if you make the effort to always live in the Truth, grace will surround you and sustain you. Your choices for or against the Truth will be made clear by this grace. Confusion will be lifted from the conscience of the world. The path of light and the path of darkness will be shown for what they are. Sound moral choices will be the order of the day."
"Do you desire the Triumph of My Mother's Immaculate Heart? This is how the world will be when She triumphs - no more muddled thinking. People will seek out righteousness instead of finding fault with it. The liar will be tried and found guilty in every heart. Pray for this."
August 15, 2012
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, on My Feast Day, I invite the heart of the world to always have hope for the unforeseen. God's grace disallows a myriad of errors, for His Mercy is endless and all encompassing."
"The chosen - the children of light - are called to hopeful trust in the future. This way, their prayers arise to Heaven filled with hope, and wrapped in faith and love."
August 15, 2012
Wednesday Service - The Propagation of the Holy Love Messages and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She is dressed all in white and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, tonight I tenderly remind you once again that God's Mercy is Perfect and Eternal. He sends you every grace you need for the future, no matter the circumstance. My Heart is His conduit of grace."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
August 15, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to address the serious problem of why consciences have become neutralized. People choose according to what suits their own immediate and worldly needs - needs that are passing and not eternal. They choose what feeds their wealth, their power and their reputation. They do not subscribe to anything that challenges their worldliness. Therefore, people make their own 'truths', which is really choosing Satan's lies."
"I remind you, self-love, which becomes inordinate, opposes Holy Love, which is eternal. You cannot embrace both. You cannot choose what suits your needs and always choose the Truth."
"But, if you make the effort to always live in the Truth, grace will surround you and sustain you. Your choices for or against the Truth will be made clear by this grace. Confusion will be lifted from the conscience of the world. The path of light and the path of darkness will be shown for what they are. Sound moral choices will be the order of the day."
"Do you desire the Triumph of My Mother's Immaculate Heart? This is how the world will be when She triumphs - no more muddled thinking. People will seek out righteousness instead of finding fault with it. The liar will be tried and found guilty in every heart. Pray for this."
August 15, 2012
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, on My Feast Day, I invite the heart of the world to always have hope for the unforeseen. God's grace disallows a myriad of errors, for His Mercy is endless and all encompassing."
"The chosen - the children of light - are called to hopeful trust in the future. This way, their prayers arise to Heaven filled with hope, and wrapped in faith and love."
August 15, 2012
Wednesday Service - The Propagation of the Holy Love Messages and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She is dressed all in white and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, tonight I tenderly remind you once again that God's Mercy is Perfect and Eternal. He sends you every grace you need for the future, no matter the circumstance. My Heart is His conduit of grace."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
14. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Danes sem prišel, da nagovorim in obravnavam nevernike. V večini, v
največjem delu, je vaša država izbrala, da ne sprejme teh prikazovanj ali
kateregakoli teh Sporočil. To je preizkušeno draga izbira. Prinaša zmedo in
aroganco s svojim političnim sistemom in vašimi zakoni. Moralni razpad je
izrazit – in je legalen. Posvetni zakoni imajo prednost pred Desetimi
Zapovedmi. Vsake vrste kompromis je sprejemljiv in sprejet.
Če državljani, tega nekoč velikega naroda, ne bodo gledali z očmi
Resnice teh Sporočil in videli slabih sadov satanovih laži, tedaj ne bo
nikakršnega tekmovanja in političnega
Bolj kot Božja Pravičnost se bo množilo zlo nad to deželo, ki bo nato
Ponovno kličem nevernikom, naj verujejo. Ne nadaljujte po vaši poti, ki
vodi stran od Resnice. Resnica vas izziva, da prepoznate to, kar izbirate in
kako to izbirate. Spoznajte svoje lastne šibkosti in slabosti ter nevrednost v
Očeh Boga. Dovolite Bogu in Njegovim
Zapovedim biti zdravilo in pomoč – ne
Poiščite Zatočišče Srca Večnega Zdaj z vašim »da« Sveti Ljubezni.«
August 14, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to address unbelievers. For the most part, your nation has chosen not to embrace these apparitions or any of the Messages. This has proven to be a costly choice. It has brought confusion and arrogance to your political system and to your laws themselves. Moral degeneration is prominent - legal. Secular laws now hold precedence over the Ten Commandments. Every sort of compromise is accepted."
"If the citizens of this once great nation would look with the eyes of Truth at these Messages and at the bad fruits of Satan's lies, there would be no contest as to political choices. Much that God's Righteous Wrath will spend upon this country could then be reversed."
"Once again, I am calling upon unbelievers to believe. Do not continue on your path away from the Truth. The Truth challenges you to recognize what you are choosing and how you are choosing it. Recognize your own weaknesses and unworthiness in the sight of God. Allow God and His Commandments to be the remedy - not the opposition. Seek the Refuge of the Heart of the Eternal Now by your 'yes' to Holy Love."
August 14, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to address unbelievers. For the most part, your nation has chosen not to embrace these apparitions or any of the Messages. This has proven to be a costly choice. It has brought confusion and arrogance to your political system and to your laws themselves. Moral degeneration is prominent - legal. Secular laws now hold precedence over the Ten Commandments. Every sort of compromise is accepted."
"If the citizens of this once great nation would look with the eyes of Truth at these Messages and at the bad fruits of Satan's lies, there would be no contest as to political choices. Much that God's Righteous Wrath will spend upon this country could then be reversed."
"Once again, I am calling upon unbelievers to believe. Do not continue on your path away from the Truth. The Truth challenges you to recognize what you are choosing and how you are choosing it. Recognize your own weaknesses and unworthiness in the sight of God. Allow God and His Commandments to be the remedy - not the opposition. Seek the Refuge of the Heart of the Eternal Now by your 'yes' to Holy Love."
13. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Preučite človeško srce. Sedaj govorim o duhovnem srcu, ki je
izraz povezanosti in odnosa duše s
svojim Stvarnikom. Tako mnogo src ostaja v ujetništvu lastnih napak,
pomanjkanja modrosti in slabo premišljenih dejanj.
Vsak sedanji trenutek ponuja srcu svobodo: svobodo od greha, svobodo od
priložnosti za greh in svobodo njegove lastne osebne svetosti. Vsak sedanaji
trenutek ponuja nove milosti, drugačne okoliščine in edinstvene priložnosti.
Duhovne oči bi morale biti odprte, da vidijo te izbire za ali proti
pravičnosti. Te dni je vest ljudi postala otopljena in zadušena – z
samozadovoljstvom s tem, kje so duhovno. Zelo pogosto se večne posledice nikoli
ne pretehtajo in se ne upoštevajo.
Vse, kar je minljivo, je naredilo samo sebe – za večni cilj in namen.
Toda to ni Resnica! Resnica je Sveta Ljubezen, ki je večna.
Molite, da bi se duhovne oči sveta odprle in spoznale razliko med
dobrim in zlim. Tedaj bo vsako srce izbralo svetost. Tedaj bo prepoznana in
spoznana vrednost vsakega sedanjega trenutka."
13. avgust 2012
Ponedeljkova služba – Mir v vseh srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
»Moji bratje in sestre, resnično vam povem, da ne boste nikoli imeli
miru v svetu, dokler ne boste imeli miru v maternici. Vlade so odgovorne za
ostudnost splava: torej, volite svoje predstavnike previdno.
Nocoj vas blagoslavljam s
Svojim Blagoslovom Svete Ljubezni.«
August 13, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Consider the human heart. I am speaking now of the spiritual heart which is the expression of the soul's relationship with his Creator. So many hearts are held captive by error, lack of wisdom and ill-thought-out courses of action."
"Every present moment offers the heart freedom: freedom from sin; freedom from occasions of sin; and the freedom of his own personal holiness. Each present moment offers new graces, different circumstances and unique opportunities. Spiritual eyes must be opened to see these choices for or against righteousness. These days consciences have become obtuse - self-satisfied with where they are spiritually. Very often eternal consequences are never considered."
"All that is passing has made itself an everlasting goal. But this is not Truth. Truth is Holy Love which is eternal."
"Pray that the spiritual eyes of the world open and realize the difference between good and evil. Then every heart will choose holiness. Then the value of each present moment will be realized."
August 13, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, solemnly I tell you, that you will never have peace in the world until you have peace in the womb. Governments are responsible for the atrocity of abortion; and so, elect your officials carefully."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
August 13, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Consider the human heart. I am speaking now of the spiritual heart which is the expression of the soul's relationship with his Creator. So many hearts are held captive by error, lack of wisdom and ill-thought-out courses of action."
"Every present moment offers the heart freedom: freedom from sin; freedom from occasions of sin; and the freedom of his own personal holiness. Each present moment offers new graces, different circumstances and unique opportunities. Spiritual eyes must be opened to see these choices for or against righteousness. These days consciences have become obtuse - self-satisfied with where they are spiritually. Very often eternal consequences are never considered."
"All that is passing has made itself an everlasting goal. But this is not Truth. Truth is Holy Love which is eternal."
"Pray that the spiritual eyes of the world open and realize the difference between good and evil. Then every heart will choose holiness. Then the value of each present moment will be realized."
August 13, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, solemnly I tell you, that you will never have peace in the world until you have peace in the womb. Governments are responsible for the atrocity of abortion; and so, elect your officials carefully."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
12. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Vsa dobra dejanja in dela morajo zrasti iz srca ponižnosti in
ljubezni; sicer služijo samo sebi in so nevredna, niso zaslužna. Dobro mora
biti opravljeno s tako malo razglašanja, kot je to le mogoče; to se pravi,
pritegniti nase tako malo pozornosti, kot je to le mogoče. Nikoli ne
domnevajte, da ste odgovorni za naloge in dolžnosti, ki jih drugi lahko
opravljajo z več spretnosti in veščine kot vi. Bodite veseli v ozadju. Ne
delajte veliko z vašimi lastnimi napori. Pohvalite napore in prizadevanja
12. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Prišel sem posebno zato, da pritegnem vse ljudi nazaj v vojsko Svete
ponižnosti. Poglejte razlike med ponižnostjo in ponosnim srcem.
Je usklajeno z Božjo Voljo.
Zasleduje svojo lastno voljo.
Se trudi ostajati v ozadju – neopaženo.
Rado je v središču pozornosti
in jo zasleduje; z žalostjo deli to pozornost.
Ne izraža mnenj po nepotrebnem ali nekoristnih mnenj; posluša mnenja
drugih; priznava, da nima vseh odgovorov.
Postavlja sam sebe kot izvedenca in strokovnjaka; rad je vprašan za
nasvet in upoštevan.
Ponižnost – ki je Resnica o tem, kakšen je pred Bogom – je vedno v
njegovem srcu.
Prakticira – uporablja napačno ponižnost, ki je ponižnost vsem na
očeh, da jo vsi vidijo; lahko celo trdi, da je ponižen.
Obravnava vse z enakim spoštovanjem.
Namenja posebno ljubeznivo
stran svoje osebnosti tistim, ki jih ceni ali tistim, ki so visoko
nad drugimi ljudmi; lahko prezre in zapostavlja tiste, ki jih šteje za nepomembne, medtem ko se
dobrika in pajdaši z drugimi.
Če ima posebne darove, daje Bogu zasluge za to; in se ne hvali in ne
baha z njimi; uporablja jih samo tedaj, ko je to nujno potrebno.
Če misli, da ima posebne darove
– omogoči, da vsi zvedo o njih.
Se samozatajuje in je skromen.
Povišuje sam sebe – svoje ideje in filozofijo, svetovni nazor,
kadarkoli je to mogoče.
August 12, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"All good deeds must arise from a heart of humility and love; otherwise, they serve only self and are unworthy. Good needs to be accomplished with as little fanfare as possible; that is to say, drawing as little attention to self as possible. Never presume to be responsible for tasks that others can accomplish with more adeptness than you. Delight in the background. Do not make much of your own efforts. Compliment the efforts of others."
August 12, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come specifically to draw all people back into the arms of Holy Humility. See the differences between the humble and the proud heart."
August 12, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"All good deeds must arise from a heart of humility and love; otherwise, they serve only self and are unworthy. Good needs to be accomplished with as little fanfare as possible; that is to say, drawing as little attention to self as possible. Never presume to be responsible for tasks that others can accomplish with more adeptness than you. Delight in the background. Do not make much of your own efforts. Compliment the efforts of others."
August 12, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come specifically to draw all people back into the arms of Holy Humility. See the differences between the humble and the proud heart."
Humble Heart
Proud Heart
aligned with God's Will.
his own will.
to remain in the background - unnoticed.
the spotlight - pursues it; is sad to share the spotlight.
not express opinions unnecessarily; listens to others' opinions; admits he
does not have all the answers.
himself up as the expert; likes to be consulted.
- which is the Truth of where he stands before God; is always in his heart.
false humility which is humility for everyone to see; may even claim to be
everyone with the same respect.
a special patronizing side of his personality for those he esteems or who are
held in high regard by others; may ignore those whom he regards as
unimportant while he panders to the others.
he has special gifts, he gives God the credit, and does not brag about them;
he uses them only when necessary.
he thinks he has special gifts, he lets everyone know about it.
himself - his ideas and philosophies whenever possible.
11. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Prišel sem, da razširim Svoje Sporočilo iz prejšnjega večera. Prišla je ura, ko se mora dobro združiti
proti zlu. Jasno je, da je zlo združeno proti dobremu. Satan ima svoje načrte –
ki so zelo zapleteni – proti tej državi, proti Cerkvi in proti tej Misiji in
Nalogi, ki zagovarja in razširja Resnico.
Način, da ste zmagovalci nad temo je ta, da temo izpostavite in jo
razkrinkate v Luči. Pot, da ste zmagovalci nad satanovimi lažmi je ta, da
razlivate Luč Resnice nad njimi. Sveta Ponižnost in Sveta Ljubezen bi morala
biti vaš barometer, vaše merilo Resnice in pravičnosti. Če je oseba dvoumna,
neodkritosrčna in hinavska – to pomeni, da govori eno in dela drugo – je
satanovo orodje. Če je oseba rada opažena, če uživa v soju luči, v časteh in
ugledu, velja enako tudi zanjo. Moja izvirna in prava orodja so tisti ponižni,
ki ne uživajo pri služenju v ospredju. V politiki niso samo politiki, ki bi
rekli karkoli za svojo politično zmago, temveč so tudi resnični voditelji – ki
znajo služiti ljudem. Kdorkoli je napolnjen s svojo lastno samo-pomembnostjo
sodeluje z zlom. Vsakdo, ki ima položaj na oblasti in ki verjame, da poseduje
in zasluži svoj položaj, da mu le-ta pripada in ne daje za to zaslug Bogu, je
ravno tako dosegljiv instrument satanu.
Zelo je pomembno, da vsakdo, ki je na oblasti, ki je v vladi – v
resnici, vsaka duša – kliče samo sebe k odgovornosti glede na ta Sporočila.
Nihče ni v popolnosti ponižen ali popoln v Sveti Ljubezni. Nikar samo ne
berite, kar vam danes govorim. Poiščite sami sebe v teh Sporočilih. Samo tedaj,
ko odkrijete in spoznate ter popravite svoje lastne napake, ste povsem Moji."
August 11, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to expand upon My Message of last evening. The hour is at hand when good must unite against evil. It is certain that evil is united against good. Satan has his plans - and they are intricate - against this country, the Church and this Mission, which speaks for, and promotes the Truth."
"The way to be victorious over darkness is to expose it to light. The way to be victorious over Satan's lies is to shed the Light of Truth upon them. Holy Humility and Holy Love need to be your barometer of Truth and righteousness. If a person is duplicitous - that is, speaks in one way but acts in another - he is Satan's tool. If a person enjoys the spotlight, honors and esteem, the same is true. My genuine tools are the humble who do not enjoy being pressed into service in the forefront. In politics they are not just politicians who will say anything towards their political gain; they are true leaders - servants of the people. Anyone who is filled with his own self-importance has cooperated with evil. No one in a position of authority, who believes he owns his position and does not give God the credit, is also an accessible instrument of Satan."
"It is of great importance that each one who is in leadership - indeed, each soul - calls himself to account in regards to this Message. No one is perfectly humble or perfect in Holy Love. Do not just read what I say to you today. Look for yourself in this Message. It is only when you discover and correct your own errors that you are completely Mine."
August 11, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come to expand upon My Message of last evening. The hour is at hand when good must unite against evil. It is certain that evil is united against good. Satan has his plans - and they are intricate - against this country, the Church and this Mission, which speaks for, and promotes the Truth."
"The way to be victorious over darkness is to expose it to light. The way to be victorious over Satan's lies is to shed the Light of Truth upon them. Holy Humility and Holy Love need to be your barometer of Truth and righteousness. If a person is duplicitous - that is, speaks in one way but acts in another - he is Satan's tool. If a person enjoys the spotlight, honors and esteem, the same is true. My genuine tools are the humble who do not enjoy being pressed into service in the forefront. In politics they are not just politicians who will say anything towards their political gain; they are true leaders - servants of the people. Anyone who is filled with his own self-importance has cooperated with evil. No one in a position of authority, who believes he owns his position and does not give God the credit, is also an accessible instrument of Satan."
"It is of great importance that each one who is in leadership - indeed, each soul - calls himself to account in regards to this Message. No one is perfectly humble or perfect in Holy Love. Do not just read what I say to you today. Look for yourself in this Message. It is only when you discover and correct your own errors that you are completely Mine."
10. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Resnica je, da v teh dneh ljudje na splošno ne gledajo in se ne
ozirajo na večne posledice svojih dejanj in odločitev. To so tisti, ki živijo
zato, da iščejo svoje lastne prednosti v sedanjem trenutku. Zato je dandanes
veliko korupcije in podkupljivosti v vladah, v politiki in v poslovnem svetu.
Srca, ki so iskrena in poštena in ki živijo v Resnici, na splošno
nimajo blaginje v svetu. Medtem, ko ne smete soditi, pa se vendar učite prepoznavati,
ali oseba deluje tako, da daje prednost svojim lastnim koristim in dosežkom.
Takšni so nameni in motivacija številnih sedanjih uradnikov in
uslužbencev ter političnih voditeljev v vaši državi danes. Kot sem vam že tako
pogosto rekel, naj na vas ne vplivajo častni naslovi in položaj na oblasti,
medtem ko presojate njihova dejanja.
10. avgust 2012
Petkova služba – Za vse po
krivem obdolžene v družbi, v vladah, znotraj Cerkvenih krogov; da bi bile vse
klevete razkrite v Resnici
Jezus je tu s Svojim
izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, resnično vam povem, da je zlo združeno proti
tej NALOGI, proti temu POSLANSTVU – proti vsemu dobremu. Zatorej je nujno
potrebno, da je dobro združeno proti zlu – proti vsaki vrsti zla.
Nocoj vam podeljujem Svoj
Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
August 10, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"It is true that these days people, in general, do not regard the eternal consequences of their actions and choices. These are the ones who live to seek their own advantage in the present moment. This is why there is so much corruption in governments, politics and the business world today."
"Hearts that are sincere and live in the Truth, generally do not fare well in the world. While you must not judge, learn to recognize if a person is acting towards the advantage of personal gain."
"This is so in the motivation of many current office holders and political leaders in your country today. As I have told you so often, do not be so impressed with title and authority, as you are by studying actions."
August 10, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I tell you solemnly, that evil is united against this MISSION - against all good. Therefore, it is very necessary that good unites against evil - every kind of evil."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
August 10, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"It is true that these days people, in general, do not regard the eternal consequences of their actions and choices. These are the ones who live to seek their own advantage in the present moment. This is why there is so much corruption in governments, politics and the business world today."
"Hearts that are sincere and live in the Truth, generally do not fare well in the world. While you must not judge, learn to recognize if a person is acting towards the advantage of personal gain."
"This is so in the motivation of many current office holders and political leaders in your country today. As I have told you so often, do not be so impressed with title and authority, as you are by studying actions."
August 10, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I tell you solemnly, that evil is united against this MISSION - against all good. Therefore, it is very necessary that good unites against evil - every kind of evil."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
9. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Posvetitev Srca sveta Združenima srcema ima namen prebuditi srce sveta
k Resnici, ki stoji pred Bogom. Vsaka duša je v svoji zadnji sodbi sojena v tej
Resnici in ji je izrečena sodba v skladu z Njo.
Razlog, zakaj satan uspeva privabiti toliko privržencev je v tem, ker
duš ne zanima Resnica o tem, kaj je dobro in kaj je zlo v Božjih Očeh. Ta
posvetitev nosi s seboj prepričanost Resnice.«
August 9, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The consecration of the heart of the world to the United Hearts is an attempt to awaken the heart of the world to the Truth of where it stands before God. Every soul in his final judgment is convicted in this Truth and judged accordingly."
"The reason Satan succeeds in alluring so many followers is that souls are not interested in the Truth of what is good and what is evil in God's Eyes. This consecration carries with it the conviction of Truth."
August 9, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The consecration of the heart of the world to the United Hearts is an attempt to awaken the heart of the world to the Truth of where it stands before God. Every soul in his final judgment is convicted in this Truth and judged accordingly."
"The reason Satan succeeds in alluring so many followers is that souls are not interested in the Truth of what is good and what is evil in God's Eyes. This consecration carries with it the conviction of Truth."
8. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Danes sem prišel, da ponovno ponovim posamezen namen in cilj
ustanovitve in ureditve Otrok Združenih Src. To je POSVETITEV SRCA SVETA
ZDRUŽENIMA SRCEMA. Ta namen se lahko izpolni skozi molitev, žrtev in post. Na
ta način se bo Ostanek krepil in rastel.
Ne dovolite, da bi vas karkoli odvrnilo do tega. Vaša poklicanost ni
osvobajanje. Vaša poklicanost je ponižna
dovzetnost za molitev, žrtvovanje in post v korist in za namen Zmage Najinih
Združenih Src v srcu sveta.
Naj bo to poznano vsem.«
8. avgust 2012
Sveti Janez Vianney pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Vsako posebno služenje, vsaka posebna služba – kot je zdravljenje,
osvobajanje, pridiganje, oznanjanje in poučevanje – če je resnično, pristno in
pravo – mora biti utemeljeno na globoki ponižnosti. Zelo pogosto je pri
tem prisoten odpor biti poseben in ločen
od drugih ali biti viden kot »izbranec«. Če ponižnost ni prisotna, tedaj ta
klic, ta poklicanost ni pristna in ni utemeljena v Resnici.
Sprašujete kako ljudje vedo, če imajo kakšno poklicanost za določeno
nalogo ali poslanstvo? To (zgoraj opisano) je osnovni, ključni skupni
imenovalec. Če oseba želi biti nekaj posebnega, je to ponos."
8. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»To je molitev, ki jo mnogi močno potrebujejo:
»Dragi Jezus, podeli mi milost odpuščanja samemu sebi. V taki meri, da
bom lahko premagal vso krivdo, vsakršen občutek krivde. Daj mi milost zaupanja
v Tvoje Usmiljenje v sedanjem trenutku.
Navdihuj me, da bom vedno slavil Tvoje Usmiljenje. Amen.
8. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Draga hči, prišla sem prosit, da bi bil Rožni venec Združenih Src
del vsakodnevne molitve Otrok Združenih
Src. Namen bi moral biti Zmaga Združenih Src v srcu sveta. »
August 8, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to reiterate the solitary purpose for the formation of the Children of the United Hearts. It is the consecration of the heart of the world to the United Hearts. This can be accomplished through prayer, sacrifice and fasting. It is in this way the Remnant will be strengthened and made greater."
"Do not let anything else distract you. Your call is not to deliverance. Your call is to a humble response to prayer, sacrifice and fasting on behalf of the Victory of Our United Hearts in the heart of the world."
"Make it known."
August 8, 2012
St. John Vianney says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Any special ministry - such as healing, deliverance, preaching - if it is genuine, needs to be founded on deep humility. Very often this is a distaste for being set apart or viewed as 'chosen'. If humility is not present, then the call is not genuine and grounded in Truth."
"You ask how do people know if they have a call to a certain mission? This is a basic denominator: If the person desires to be set apart, this is pride."
August 8, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This is a prayer greatly needed by many:"
"Dear Jesus, grant me the grace of forgiving myself. Thus, I can overcome all guilt. Give me the grace of trusting in Your Mercy in the present moment. Inspire me to praise Your Mercy always. Amen."
August 8, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My daughter, I have come to ask that the Chaplet of the United Hearts be part of the daily prayer regimen for the Children of the United Hearts. The intention should be the Victory of the United Hearts in the heart of the world."
August 8, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to reiterate the solitary purpose for the formation of the Children of the United Hearts. It is the consecration of the heart of the world to the United Hearts. This can be accomplished through prayer, sacrifice and fasting. It is in this way the Remnant will be strengthened and made greater."
"Do not let anything else distract you. Your call is not to deliverance. Your call is to a humble response to prayer, sacrifice and fasting on behalf of the Victory of Our United Hearts in the heart of the world."
"Make it known."
August 8, 2012
St. John Vianney says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Any special ministry - such as healing, deliverance, preaching - if it is genuine, needs to be founded on deep humility. Very often this is a distaste for being set apart or viewed as 'chosen'. If humility is not present, then the call is not genuine and grounded in Truth."
"You ask how do people know if they have a call to a certain mission? This is a basic denominator: If the person desires to be set apart, this is pride."
August 8, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This is a prayer greatly needed by many:"
"Dear Jesus, grant me the grace of forgiving myself. Thus, I can overcome all guilt. Give me the grace of trusting in Your Mercy in the present moment. Inspire me to praise Your Mercy always. Amen."
August 8, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My daughter, I have come to ask that the Chaplet of the United Hearts be part of the daily prayer regimen for the Children of the United Hearts. The intention should be the Victory of the United Hearts in the heart of the world."
7. avgust 2012
Sveti Janez Vianney pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Danes sem prišel, da vam govorim posebno o osvobajanju. Dandanes je
velika potreba po tem daru, toda ni vsem dan ta dar in niso vsi poklicani k
takšni službi. Ta dar mnoge privlači zaradi duhovnega ponosa. Zdi se, da
osvobajanje lahko prinese ponos, ker se »človek spozna na stvari« in je nad
drugimi v duhovni realnosti, v duhovnem kraljestvu.
Toda povem vam, samo branje knjige, poslušanje pogovora ali želja biti
v službi osvobajanja vam še ne prinese daru osvobajanja. Služba Osvobajanja je
dar od Boga. Mnogi so bili iztirjenih iz prave poti in zapeljani na napačno
sled od tistih, ki trdijo, da služijo osvobajanju, toda v resnici gledajo le na
lastno samo-pomembnost.
Tisti, ki so v resnici poklicani v službo osvobajanja so izbrani od
Boga, da pomagajo drugim – in ne da bi bili sami v soju luči. Oni so
ponižni, samo-zatajevalni in ne gledajo na osebo skozi časti in častne naslove.
Večina duhovnikov ima dar osvobajanja, če živijo v Resnici Svete
Ljubezni. Je tudi nekaj laikov, ki imajo resnično takšen dar, toda veliko jih
je, ki mislijo, da ga imajo in so prepričani ter javno zatrjujejo, da ga
Varujte se vsakogar, ki
razglaša, da ima kakršenkoli dar.
Skratka, služba osvobajanja je več kakor izgovarjanje molitvenega
obrazca ali nameščanje etikete, oznake »Službe Osvobjanja« nad seboj. Je več
kot razum in razumništvo. Je duhovno, netelesno Božje navdahnjenje –
povezava, vzajemno delovanje in
medsebojno vplivanje med človekom in Božjim. Nikoli si ne domišljaj in ne drzni
biti več kot je Bog izbral zate. Naj Bog odloči, katere darove naj ti da."
August 7, 2012
St. John Vianney says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I have come to speak to you specifically about deliverance. There is great need for this today, but not all are given this gift or are called to such a ministry. It is attractive to many through spiritual pride. Deliverance seems to carry with it the pride of being 'in the know' and above others in the spiritual realm."
"But, I tell you, just reading a book, hearing a talk or desiring to be in the deliverance ministry does not give you the gift of deliverance. Deliverance ministry is a gift from God. Many are thrown off track by those who claim to be deliverance ministers, but are really looking for self-importance."
"Those who really are called to the deliverance ministry are chosen by God to help others; not to be in the spotlight themselves. They are humble, self-effacing and not looking for identity through titles."
"Most priests have the gift of deliverance if they are living in the Truth of Holy Love. There are few lay people who really have such a gift - but there are many who think they do, and profess that they do."
"Be wary of anyone who proclaims that he has any gift."
"In short a deliverance ministry is more than reciting a formula prayer or placing a label of 'Deliverance Ministry' upon yourself. It is more than intellect. It is spiritual - an interaction between human and Divine. Never presume to be more than God chooses for you. Let God decide what gifts to give you."
August 7, 2012
St. John Vianney says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I have come to speak to you specifically about deliverance. There is great need for this today, but not all are given this gift or are called to such a ministry. It is attractive to many through spiritual pride. Deliverance seems to carry with it the pride of being 'in the know' and above others in the spiritual realm."
"But, I tell you, just reading a book, hearing a talk or desiring to be in the deliverance ministry does not give you the gift of deliverance. Deliverance ministry is a gift from God. Many are thrown off track by those who claim to be deliverance ministers, but are really looking for self-importance."
"Those who really are called to the deliverance ministry are chosen by God to help others; not to be in the spotlight themselves. They are humble, self-effacing and not looking for identity through titles."
"Most priests have the gift of deliverance if they are living in the Truth of Holy Love. There are few lay people who really have such a gift - but there are many who think they do, and profess that they do."
"Be wary of anyone who proclaims that he has any gift."
"In short a deliverance ministry is more than reciting a formula prayer or placing a label of 'Deliverance Ministry' upon yourself. It is more than intellect. It is spiritual - an interaction between human and Divine. Never presume to be more than God chooses for you. Let God decide what gifts to give you."
6. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Največji navdih, ki ga duša lahko prejme je želja, da sledi in si
prizadeva za osebno svetost. Ta želja odpira srce za življenje v Sveti Ljubezni
v vsakem sedanjem trenutku.
Razumite torej, da je ta želja, da bi bili sveti, tisti navdih, ki mu
satan najbolj nasprotuje.«
6. avgust 2012
Ponedeljkova služba – Mir v vseh srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
Jezus je tu s svojim
izpostavljenim srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, kadar čutite, da ste napadeni (od zla), v
skušnjavi ali kadar ste sredi stresne situacije, preprosto recite: Dragi
Združeni Srci, pridita mi pomagat!«
Nebeška obramba vas bo obkrožala in bo potovala in se premikala pred vami.
Nocoj vam podeljujem Svoj
Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
August 6, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"The greatest inspiration that a soul can receive is the desire to pursue personal holiness. This desire opens the heart to live in Holy Love in every present moment."
"Understand, then, that this desire to be holy is the very inspiration that Satan most opposes."
August 6, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, when you feel you are under attack or in the midst of a stressful situation, simply say, 'Dear United Hearts, come to my aid'. Heaven's defense will be all around you, and travel ahead of you."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
August 6, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"The greatest inspiration that a soul can receive is the desire to pursue personal holiness. This desire opens the heart to live in Holy Love in every present moment."
"Understand, then, that this desire to be holy is the very inspiration that Satan most opposes."
August 6, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, when you feel you are under attack or in the midst of a stressful situation, simply say, 'Dear United Hearts, come to my aid'. Heaven's defense will be all around you, and travel ahead of you."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
5. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
» Dragi otroci, hvala vam, ker danes slavite in proslavljate z Menoj.
Niste vi Mene izbrali tako močno kot sem Jaz izbrala vas. Najdite svojo pot v
Moje Brezmadežno Srce skozi ta Sporočila Svete Ljubezni. Začnite v vsakem
sedanjem trenutku živeti ta Sporočila Božjega vodstva.
Mnoge spremembe prihajajo – vse po Dovoljenju Božje Volje. Ne
sprejemajte zla. Molite proti njemu. Ni vam potrebno hoditi daleč, da bi širili
evangelij. Zelo blizu vas so mnogi zakrknjeni in nespreobrnjeni.
Danes slavite mnoge milosti, ki vam jih pošilja Bog. Dovolite, da se
vaš trenutek spreobrnenja trenutek za trenutkom širi v svet okoli vas.
Blagoslavljam vas.«
5. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!
Danes prihajam, da govorim o načrtih, ki ležijo skriti v srcih. To so
vsebine in načrti, ki niso navdihnjeni z dobrim, temveč z zlom. V mnogih srcih
prevladuje zamisel Enega Svetovnega Reda. Ker to ni zveza strpnosti in
obzirnosti in ne temelji na ljubezni do Boga in do bližnjega, morate razumeti,
da to ni od Mene. Ta načrt je namenjen za nadzor.
Vaša odvisnost od potrošništva in zanašanje na tehnologijo bo kmalu
postala satanovo orodje. Morate se naučiti zaupati in zanašati se na Božjo
Previdnost in preskrbo. Odprite svoja srca za poti in načine, ki sem jih Jaz
predvidel. Ne bojte se, temveč spoznajte, da če Sem lahko preskrbel mano v
puščavi, vam lahko pokažem veliko poti in načinov življenja, ki je neodvisno od
vsakršnega načrta zla.
Vedno bodite otroci Luči. Kadar hodite v Luči Svete Ljubezni, odpirate
svoja srca za sprejemanje vsega, kar vam pošljem.
5. avgust 2012
Rožni venec – ob 3. uri popoldan
Blažena Mati je tu, oblečena vsa v bleščeče belo in pravi:
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Moji dragi, mali otroci. Moje veselje je, da sem z vami ta dan. Moje
veselje je, da ste sprejeli Moje povabilo in prišli sem ta konec tedna. Na
podoben način, prosim, sprejmite Moje vabilo, da bi bili zastopniki Združenih
Blagoslavljam vas in vse, kar nosite s seboj, z Mojim Blagoslovom Svete
August 5, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, thank you for celebrating with Me today. You have not chosen Me so much as I have chosen you. Find your way into My Immaculate Heart through these Messages of Holy Love. Begin in every present moment to live these Messages of Divine direction."
"Many changes are coming - all by way of God's Permitting Will. Do not accept evil. Pray against it. You need not travel far to evangelize; very close by are many unconverted."
"Today, celebrate the many graces God sends you. Allow your moment to moment conversion to spread into the world around you."
"I am blessing you."
August 5, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to address the plans that lie hidden in hearts. These are agendas which are not inspired by good, but by evil. Predominate in many hearts is the concept of the New World Order. Since this is not a union of tolerance, and is not founded on love of God and neighbor, you must understand it is not of Me. This plan is designed to control."
"Your dependence upon consumerism and technology will soon become a tool of Satan. You must learn to be reliant upon Divine Provision. Open your hearts as to the ways that I provide. Do not fear, but realize that if I can provide manna in the desert, I can show you many ways to live independently of any evil plan."
"Always be children of the Light. When you walk in the Light of Holy Love, you will open your hearts to receive everything I send."
August 5, 2012
3:00 P.M. Rosary Service
Blessed Mother is here dressed all in a radiant white and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My dear little children, it is My joy to be with you today. It is My joy that you have accepted My invitation to come here this weekend. In a similar way, please accept My invitation to be ambassadors of the United Hearts."
"I'm blessing you, and all that you carry with you, with My Blessing of Holy Love."
August 5, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, thank you for celebrating with Me today. You have not chosen Me so much as I have chosen you. Find your way into My Immaculate Heart through these Messages of Holy Love. Begin in every present moment to live these Messages of Divine direction."
"Many changes are coming - all by way of God's Permitting Will. Do not accept evil. Pray against it. You need not travel far to evangelize; very close by are many unconverted."
"Today, celebrate the many graces God sends you. Allow your moment to moment conversion to spread into the world around you."
"I am blessing you."
August 5, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to address the plans that lie hidden in hearts. These are agendas which are not inspired by good, but by evil. Predominate in many hearts is the concept of the New World Order. Since this is not a union of tolerance, and is not founded on love of God and neighbor, you must understand it is not of Me. This plan is designed to control."
"Your dependence upon consumerism and technology will soon become a tool of Satan. You must learn to be reliant upon Divine Provision. Open your hearts as to the ways that I provide. Do not fear, but realize that if I can provide manna in the desert, I can show you many ways to live independently of any evil plan."
"Always be children of the Light. When you walk in the Light of Holy Love, you will open your hearts to receive everything I send."
August 5, 2012
3:00 P.M. Rosary Service
Blessed Mother is here dressed all in a radiant white and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My dear little children, it is My joy to be with you today. It is My joy that you have accepted My invitation to come here this weekend. In a similar way, please accept My invitation to be ambassadors of the United Hearts."
"I'm blessing you, and all that you carry with you, with My Blessing of Holy Love."
4. avgust 2012
Praznik svetega Janeza
»Potrebno bi bilo, da duhovniki v teh dneh ponovno razvrstijo in si
postavijo svoje prioritete in prednosti. Prva od vsega, in primerna njihovemu
poklicu, je njihova osebna svetost. Če niso sveti, kako lahko vodijo svoje
vernike po poti svetosti? Njihov poklic jim je bil dan zato, da rešujejo duše.
Zatorej, vsak duhovnik mora spoznati in se zavedati, da je odgovoren za rešitev
vsake duše, ki je pod njegovim vodstvom in pod njegovo odgovornostjo.
Duhovnik ne sme zanemarjati in opuščati svoje osebne molitve in
žrtvenega življenja. Če je zavezan in posvečen molitvi in pokori, mu bo dana
Sveta Modrost pri vodenju drugih.
Zatem bi moral skladno služiti zakramentom – in jih uporabljati kot
močna duhovna orožja, kar tudi so. Tako bi bil bolj sposoben svetovati in
poučevati zveste in jih voditi skladno z zakoni Svete Ljubezni.«
4. avgust 2012
Sobotna služba – Proti splavom
Sveti Janez Vianney je tu in
»Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre v Kristusu, nocoj sem tu zato, da vas
vzpodbudim, da si prizadevate za osebno svetost skozi ta Sporočila Svete
Ljubezni; in nocoj razširjam nad vami svoj Duhovniški Blagoslov.«
August 4, 2012
Feast of St. John Vianney
St. John Vianney says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Priests these days need to reset their priorities. First of all, and tantamount to their vocation, is their own personal holiness. If they are not holy, how can they lead their flock along the path of holiness? Their vocation was given to them to save souls. Therefore, every priest must realize he is responsible for the salvation of every soul under his charge."
"The priest must not ignore his own personal prayer and sacrificial life. If he is committed to prayer and penance, he will be given Holy Wisdom to lead others."
"He will then minister the sacraments accordingly - using them as the powerful spiritual weapons that they are. He will be better able to instruct the faithful and guide them according to the laws of Holy Love."
August 4, 2012
Saturday Service - Against Abortion
St. John Vianney is here and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My brothers and sisters in Christ, tonight I am here to encourage you to pursue personal holiness through these Messages of Holy Love; and I am extending to you tonight my Priestly Blessing."
August 4, 2012
Feast of St. John Vianney
St. John Vianney says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Priests these days need to reset their priorities. First of all, and tantamount to their vocation, is their own personal holiness. If they are not holy, how can they lead their flock along the path of holiness? Their vocation was given to them to save souls. Therefore, every priest must realize he is responsible for the salvation of every soul under his charge."
"The priest must not ignore his own personal prayer and sacrificial life. If he is committed to prayer and penance, he will be given Holy Wisdom to lead others."
"He will then minister the sacraments accordingly - using them as the powerful spiritual weapons that they are. He will be better able to instruct the faithful and guide them according to the laws of Holy Love."
August 4, 2012
Saturday Service - Against Abortion
St. John Vianney is here and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My brothers and sisters in Christ, tonight I am here to encourage you to pursue personal holiness through these Messages of Holy Love; and I am extending to you tonight my Priestly Blessing."
3. avgust 2012
Petkova služba – Za vse po
krivem obdolžene v družbi, v vladah, znotraj Cerkvenih krogov; da bi bile vse
klevete razkrite v Resnici
Jezus je tu s Svojim
izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, vedite prosim, da ta celoten konec tedna, in
vse, kar je ponujeno tukaj, je delež Mojega Usmiljenja nad zemljo. Vse vaše
molitve in žrtve so to naredile mogoče, združeno z Mojo Milostjo. Nobena
molitev, nobena žrtev ni premajhna ali kdajkoli neučinkovita.
Zatorej vas vzpodbujam, da nadaljujete z molitvijo, da bi ta Posvetitev
Najinima Združenima Srcema bila razširjena širom po svetu.
Nocoj vas blagoslavljam z
Mojim Blagoslovom Božje Ljubezni.«
August 3, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, please know that this weekend, and all that is offered here, is a portion of My Mercy upon earth. All your prayers and sacrifices have made this possible, combined with My Grace. No prayer, no sacrifice is too small or is ever ineffective."
"Therefore, I encourage you to continue to pray that this Consecration to Our United Hearts is propagated far and wide."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
August 3, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, please know that this weekend, and all that is offered here, is a portion of My Mercy upon earth. All your prayers and sacrifices have made this possible, combined with My Grace. No prayer, no sacrifice is too small or is ever ineffective."
"Therefore, I encourage you to continue to pray that this Consecration to Our United Hearts is propagated far and wide."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
2. avgust 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, vsakič, ko molite to molitev – Posvetitev Srca sveta
Združenima Srcema – Bog izliva milost v svet. Na ta način in v takšni meri,
duše obsodijo svojo slabo pot in jih privlači osebna svetost. Vsaka duša, ki
sledi nagnjenju teh milosti okrepi Zvesti Ostanek!
Satanovo kraljestvo je za vedno oslabljeno s spreobrnenjem ene same
duše. Zatorej razumite, da je močan nasprotnik molitvi in širjenju te
Molite za milost Svetega Poguma in Srčnosti pri soočanju z vsemi
hudobnimi napadi zla. Vztrajajte v Volji Boga, pri širjenju te Posvetitve širom
August 2, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, each time you pray this prayer - the Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts - God pours grace into the world. Thus, souls are convicted of their wicked ways and attracted to personal holiness. Every soul that follows the inclination of these graces strengthens the Remnant Faithful."
"Satan's kingdom in this world is weakened forever by the conversion of one soul. Therefore, understand he is powerfully opposed to the recitation and propagation of this consecration."
"Pray for the grace of Holy Boldness in the face of all evil attacks. Persevere in the Will of God, in propagating this consecration far and wide."
August 2, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, each time you pray this prayer - the Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts - God pours grace into the world. Thus, souls are convicted of their wicked ways and attracted to personal holiness. Every soul that follows the inclination of these graces strengthens the Remnant Faithful."
"Satan's kingdom in this world is weakened forever by the conversion of one soul. Therefore, understand he is powerfully opposed to the recitation and propagation of this consecration."
"Pray for the grace of Holy Boldness in the face of all evil attacks. Persevere in the Will of God, in propagating this consecration far and wide."
1. avgust 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Dandanes so ljudje izgubili občutek Nebeške skrbi za njihovo
dobrobit – duhovno, čustveno in telesno. Prebivalstvo na splošno gleda na
človeški trud kot na rešitev vsake težave. Ta most Svete Ljubezni, ki ga Nebesa
gradijo med Nebesi in zemljo skozi to Misijo/Nalogo Svete ljubezni, je redko
Ta Sporočila so steza skozi most Svete Ljubezni. Morate jih živeti in
tako biti luč na tej poti. Ker svobodna volja nosi ključ za prihodnost, morate
poskušati vplivati na svobodno voljo, da izbere Sveto Ljubezen. Naj vam
nasprotovanje ne vzame poguma in ne dovolite nasprotovanjem in nasprotnikom, da
vas vodijo stran od tega mostu Ljubezni. Angeli vam bodo pomagali, da boste
postali bolj gotovi in zanesljivi ter sigurnih nog, ko potujete skozi ta most.
Molite, da bi se jih še več odpravilo na to pot tako, da izberejo Sveto
August 1, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today people have lost the sense of Heaven's concern for their welfare - spiritually, emotionally and physically. The general population regards human effort as the solution to every problem. The bridge of Holy Love, that Heaven is building between Heaven and earth through this Mission of Holy Love, is sparsely traveled."
"These Messages are the footpath across the bridge of Love. You must live them and thus be a light on the path. Because free will holds the key to the future, we must try to influence free will to choose Holy Love."
"Do not be discouraged by or let opposition lead you away from this bridge of Love. Angels will help you to become more sure-footed as you journey across this bridge. Pray that more make the journey by choosing Holy Love."
August 1, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today people have lost the sense of Heaven's concern for their welfare - spiritually, emotionally and physically. The general population regards human effort as the solution to every problem. The bridge of Holy Love, that Heaven is building between Heaven and earth through this Mission of Holy Love, is sparsely traveled."
"These Messages are the footpath across the bridge of Love. You must live them and thus be a light on the path. Because free will holds the key to the future, we must try to influence free will to choose Holy Love."
"Do not be discouraged by or let opposition lead you away from this bridge of Love. Angels will help you to become more sure-footed as you journey across this bridge. Pray that more make the journey by choosing Holy Love."
30. julij 2012
«Če dovolite svojemu srcu, da je preplavljeno z duhovnimi črepinjami,
vas ne morem napolniti s Svojo Milostjo; tedaj ste manj sposobni določiti in se
odločiti za Voljo Mojega Očeta za vas.
Takšne črepinje so lahko tudi najmanjši greh ali napaka, zmota in
primanjkljaj. Lahko so to posvetne skrbi – zaskrbljenost nad preteklostjo ali
prihodnostjo – ki je slab sad pomanjkanja zaupanja Vame. Duhovne črepinje so
lahko tudi najmanjše zamere, jeza ali nezadovoljstvo – drobna pega, ki draži in
moti ter vznemirja oko vaše duše, ki je vaše srce.
Polastite se milosti sedanjega trenutka tako, da osvobodite vaše srce
vsake in vseh tovrstnih ovir in bremen. Prosite Me in pomagal ter podprl vas
bom skozi Mojo Božansko Ljubezen za vaš duhovni blagor.
30. julij 2012
Ponedeljkova služba – Mir v vseh srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
Jezus je tu s Svojim
izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, prosim razumite, da Moj prihod k vam ni vaša
rešitev. Vaša rešitev je življenje v Sveti Ljubezni iz srca v sedanjem
Tudi nocoj vam podeljujem
Svoj Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
July 30, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"If you allow your heart to be consumed with spiritual debris, I am unable to fill you with My grace; then you are less able to determine My Father's Will for you."
"Such debris can be even the smallest sin or fault. It can be worldly concerns - worry over the past or the future - which is the bad fruit of lack of trust in Me. Spiritual debris can be even the smallest grudge - the tiny fleck that irritates the eye of your soul, which is your heart."
"Lay claim to the grace of the present moment by freeing your heart of any and all such burdens. Ask Me and I will assist you through My Divine Love for your spiritual well-being."
July 30, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, please understand that My coming to you is not your salvation; your salvation is in living in Holy Love from the heart in the present moment."
"So tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 30, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"If you allow your heart to be consumed with spiritual debris, I am unable to fill you with My grace; then you are less able to determine My Father's Will for you."
"Such debris can be even the smallest sin or fault. It can be worldly concerns - worry over the past or the future - which is the bad fruit of lack of trust in Me. Spiritual debris can be even the smallest grudge - the tiny fleck that irritates the eye of your soul, which is your heart."
"Lay claim to the grace of the present moment by freeing your heart of any and all such burdens. Ask Me and I will assist you through My Divine Love for your spiritual well-being."
July 30, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, please understand that My coming to you is not your salvation; your salvation is in living in Holy Love from the heart in the present moment."
"So tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
29. julij 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, dovolite vašim srcem, da bodo vodena z milostjo vsakega
sedanjega trenutka. Očistite in osvobodite vaša srca vsake jeze in
neodpuščanja. Na ta način boste prepoznali milost, ki je lahko preoblečena v
Samo tedaj, ko je vaše srce neobremenjeno od vseh zamer,
nezadovoljstva, prenagle presoje (obsojanja in obtoževanja) in ljubezni do
opravljanja in čenčanja, lahko Božja Volja najlažje pride živo in veljavno v
vaša srca in v vaša življenja.
Nisem prišla, da vam govorim te stvari za svojo lastno korist, temveč
za vašo lastno dobrobit. Želim samo najboljše za vas, to je vašo posvetitev.
Zatorej, dragi otroci, zaljubite se v Božjo Voljo v sedanjem trenutku.
29. julij 2012
Nedeljska služba – Zmaga
Združenih Src v Srcih in v Svetu – Enotnost v družinah
Jezus je tu s Svojim
izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, očistite svoja srca vseh duhovnih bremen, kot
so neodpuščanje, jeza, materializem, želja po časti in ugledu, ljubezen do
slave ter do vseh začasnih in minljivih stvari, nato Mi dovolite, da napolnim
vaša srca z Božjo Ljubeznijo.
Nocoj vam podeljujem Svoj
Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
July 29, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, allow your hearts to be guided by the grace of each present moment. Rid your hearts of all anger and unforgiveness. It is in this way you will recognize the grace which may be disguised as a cross."
"It is when your heart is unburdened of all grudges, rash judgments and the love of gossip, that God's Will can most easily come alive in your hearts and in your lives."
"I do not come to tell you these things for My own welfare, but for your own. I desire only the best for you, which is your sanctification. Therefore, dear children, fall in love with God's Divine Will in the present moment."
July 29, 2012
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, clear your hearts of all spiritual debris such as unforgiveness, anger, materialism, love of reputation and all transient things; then allow Me to fill your hearts with Divine Love."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 29, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, allow your hearts to be guided by the grace of each present moment. Rid your hearts of all anger and unforgiveness. It is in this way you will recognize the grace which may be disguised as a cross."
"It is when your heart is unburdened of all grudges, rash judgments and the love of gossip, that God's Will can most easily come alive in your hearts and in your lives."
"I do not come to tell you these things for My own welfare, but for your own. I desire only the best for you, which is your sanctification. Therefore, dear children, fall in love with God's Divine Will in the present moment."
July 29, 2012
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, clear your hearts of all spiritual debris such as unforgiveness, anger, materialism, love of reputation and all transient things; then allow Me to fill your hearts with Divine Love."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
28. julij 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen
bodi Jezus!«
»Upanje je hranilo vnetega, gorečega molitvenega življenja. Malodušnost
in obupavanje je sovražnik molitve. Vidite torej, čustveno mišljenje in nazor
vašega bitja, ko molite, je tisto, ki
podpre in da moč za izpolnitev prošenj, ki jih nosite v svojem srcu.«
Naj bo to poznano vsem.
28, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Hope is the nutrient of a fervent prayer life. Discouragement is the enemy of prayer. So you see, it is the sentiment of your being when you pray which lends strength to the fulfillment of the petitions you hold in your heart."
"Make it known."
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Hope is the nutrient of a fervent prayer life. Discouragement is the enemy of prayer. So you see, it is the sentiment of your being when you pray which lends strength to the fulfillment of the petitions you hold in your heart."
"Make it known."
27. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Ne morete biti ravnodušni ali malomarni do Mojega Klica vam. Preveč
sedanjih trenutkov v življenju vsake osebe zdrsi proč neizgovorjenih in
neizrečenih v Sveti Ljubezni. Na ta način satan preobraža in preoblikuje zavest
sveta. Na ta način se neresnica oblikuje v srcih.
Srce, ki je najbolje pripravljeno, da vztraja v Sveti Ljubezni, je
tisto, ki ne upošteva mnenja drugih in torej, svojega ugleda v svetu; tedaj se
takšno srce usmeri na ljubezen Boga in bližnjega. Preveč je motenj,
raztresenosti, zmede in razvedril v današnjem svetu. Duše me pozabijo prositi
za milost življenja v Sveti Ljubezni.
Prihajam v tej Misiji /Nalogi/ v teh časih, da opogumim in vzpodbudim
revolucijo Svete Ljubezni v srcih. Takšna revolucija ne bo temeljila, bila
odvisna ali se zanašala na orožja za množično uničevanje, temveč na voljnost in
pripravljenost izbrati Sveto Ljubezen v vsakem sedanjem trenutku.
27. julij 2012
Petkova služba – Za vse po
krivem obdolžene v družbi, v vladah in znotraj Cerkvenih krogov – da bi se vse
klevete razkrile v resnici
Jezus je tu s Svojim
izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Dragi bratje in sestre, hrepenim po tem, da bi bili združeni drug z
drugim, da bi bil tako vsak od vas združen z Menoj. To je mogoče samo tedaj, ko
živite v Sveti Ljubezni in počasi napredujete v Sveti Ljubezni.
Nocoj vam podeljujem Svoj
Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
July 27, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"You cannot be casual about My Call to you. Too many present moments in each person's life slip away unpronounced in Holy Love. This is how Satan reshapes the conscience of the world. This is how untruths take form in hearts."
"A heart that is best prepared to hold on to Holy Love is one that disregards others' opinions and, therefore, his reputation in the world; then, such a heart focuses on love of God and neighbor. There are too many distractions in the world today. Souls forget to ask Me for the grace of living in Holy Love."
"I come to this Mission during these times to encourage a revolution of Holy Love in hearts. Such a revolution does not depend upon weapons of mass destruction, but upon a willingness to choose Holy Love in the present moment."
July 27, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, I desire that you be united with one another so that each of you is united with Me. It is only then that you can live in Holy Love and slowly advance toward Divine Love."
"Tonight I'm imparting My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 27, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"You cannot be casual about My Call to you. Too many present moments in each person's life slip away unpronounced in Holy Love. This is how Satan reshapes the conscience of the world. This is how untruths take form in hearts."
"A heart that is best prepared to hold on to Holy Love is one that disregards others' opinions and, therefore, his reputation in the world; then, such a heart focuses on love of God and neighbor. There are too many distractions in the world today. Souls forget to ask Me for the grace of living in Holy Love."
"I come to this Mission during these times to encourage a revolution of Holy Love in hearts. Such a revolution does not depend upon weapons of mass destruction, but upon a willingness to choose Holy Love in the present moment."
July 27, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, I desire that you be united with one another so that each of you is united with Me. It is only then that you can live in Holy Love and slowly advance toward Divine Love."
"Tonight I'm imparting My Blessing of Divine Love."
26. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus«
»Danes sem prišel, da poudarim dejstvo, da je pot k Božji Ljubezni
Mojega Očeta skozi Dvore Združenih Src. Nihče ne more doseči vrhunca osebne svetosti – povsem sam in
posvetitve – zunaj Volje Mojega Očeta.
Živeti v Volji Mojega Očeta pomeni sprejeti vse stvari kot Božjo Roko.
To je ponižna ljubezen. Objeti križ.
Sprejeti vsako milost. Križ in milost prihajata skupaj v Sveti Ljubezni. Morda
je najtežje v tej Misiji /Nalogi sprejeti napačno mnenje ljudi, ki temelji na
neresnicah. V tem križu je povabilo k molitvi, da bi Resnica zopet ozelenela in
bila sprejeta v srcih. Obstaja težnja,
splošno nagnjenje oz. smer, ki temeji na ponosu – da se ne dovoli mnenjem, da
bi bila dolgoročno veljavna.
Vendar pri napredovanju skozi Dvore Najinih Združenih Src, mora
odpuščanje použiti tvoje srce v sedanjem trenutku. V tem primeru, morate
odpustiti dolgotrajajočemu nasprotovanju in odporu, dolgotrajnim nasprotnikom.
Odpustite tistim, ki so pripravljeni poskušati škodovati ugledu te
Misije/Naloge. To je pot, po kateri lahko dobite veliko milosti za to
Misijo/Nalogo in premagate najbolj trdovratne ovire.
To je trud in napor, v katerega se morate spustiti in ga sprejeti, v
katerem morate vztrajati, da bi sprejeli Voljo Mojega Očeta za vas.
26, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come today to stress the point that the way to the Divine Will of My Father is through the Chambers of the United Hearts. No one can reach the summit of personal holiness - let alone, sanctification - outside of My Father's Will."
"To live in My Father's Will means to accept all things as from the Hand of God. This is humble love. Surrender to the Cross. Accept every grace. They come together in Holy Love. Perhaps the most difficult thing to accept in this Mission is peoples' erroneous opinions based upon untruths. In this cross is the invitation to pray that Truth is revealed and accepted in hearts. There is a tendency that is based upon pride - not to let go of opinions long-established."
"But to progress through the Chambers of Our United Hearts, forgiveness must consume your heart in the present moment. In this instance, you must forgive longstanding opposition. Forgive those who set about trying to damage the reputation of the Mission. This is the way to bring many graces down upon the Mission, and to overcome the most daunting obstacles."
"This is the effort you must put forth to embrace My Father's Will for you."
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I have come today to stress the point that the way to the Divine Will of My Father is through the Chambers of the United Hearts. No one can reach the summit of personal holiness - let alone, sanctification - outside of My Father's Will."
"To live in My Father's Will means to accept all things as from the Hand of God. This is humble love. Surrender to the Cross. Accept every grace. They come together in Holy Love. Perhaps the most difficult thing to accept in this Mission is peoples' erroneous opinions based upon untruths. In this cross is the invitation to pray that Truth is revealed and accepted in hearts. There is a tendency that is based upon pride - not to let go of opinions long-established."
"But to progress through the Chambers of Our United Hearts, forgiveness must consume your heart in the present moment. In this instance, you must forgive longstanding opposition. Forgive those who set about trying to damage the reputation of the Mission. This is the way to bring many graces down upon the Mission, and to overcome the most daunting obstacles."
"This is the effort you must put forth to embrace My Father's Will for you."
25. julij 2012
Zaupljivo predajanje je vhod k svetosti. Duša, ki obupava nad vsako
težavo ali ki poskuša nasprotovati in se upirati križu, ne stopa skozi ta
ljubljeni vhod zaupljivega predajanja.
Nikoli ne padite v satanovo zanko, da bi preveč zaupali vase, tako
boste potovali po poti skozi vhod zaupanja. S takšnimi dušami, Bog stopi korak
nazaj (k njim) in jim dovoli odkriti njihovo odvisnost od Njega. Prosite
svojega angela varuha, naj budno pazi na vaše srce v vsakem sedanjem trenutku,
da ne boste padli v zanko zlega.
July 25, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Trustful surrender is the doorway to holiness. The soul that hangs on to every problem or tries to oppose the cross is not stepping through this beloved doorway of trustful surrender."
"Never fall into Satan's trap of trusting too much in yourself; then you will trip on the way through the doorway of trust. With such souls, God steps back and lets them discover their dependency upon Him. Ask your guardian angel to stand watch over your heart in each present moment so that you do not fall into the snare of the evil one."
July 25, 2012
St. Catherine of Siena says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Trustful surrender is the doorway to holiness. The soul that hangs on to every problem or tries to oppose the cross is not stepping through this beloved doorway of trustful surrender."
"Never fall into Satan's trap of trusting too much in yourself; then you will trip on the way through the doorway of trust. With such souls, God steps back and lets them discover their dependency upon Him. Ask your guardian angel to stand watch over your heart in each present moment so that you do not fall into the snare of the evil one."
24. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
To je Služba, ki mora ohranjati in braniti Resnico pri soočanju z
neresnico. Ko sem bil na zemlji, mi nikoli ni bil pomemben vir neresnice.
Branil sem Resnico in dokazal krivdo vesti navkljub vzklikom, kričanju in
napačnim informacijam, da bi Luč Resnice lahko vzšla.
Ta Misija/Poslanstvo dela enako – prinaša Luč Resnice kjerkoli se
berejo ta Sporočila – ne prenehajoč ugoditi tistim, ki raje ostajajo v temi. Ne
zaničujemo in ne preziramo tistih, ki so prevarani in zapeljani v temo, temveč
tistega, ki je vir vse teme in sovražnik odrešenja – satana samega.
Ta Misija /Naloga razliva luč na pot odrešenja – na stezo pravičnosti –
na pot Svete Ljubezni.
July 24, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This is the Ministry that must stand for the Truth in the face of untruth. When I was on earth, it never mattered to Me the source of untruth. I defended the Truth and convicted consciences despite the outcries and misinformation that the Light of Truth spawned."
"This Mission is doing the same - carrying the Light of Truth wherever the Messages are taken - not stopping to please those who much prefer to remain in darkness. We do not despise those deceived by darkness, but the one who is the source of all darkness and the enemy of salvation - Satan himself."
"This Mission is to shed light on the path of salvation - the path of righteousness - the path of Holy Love."
Pray the Rosary of the Unborn - The MOST POWERFUL and ULTIMATE WEAPON to End Abortion! Click for more...
July 24, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This is the Ministry that must stand for the Truth in the face of untruth. When I was on earth, it never mattered to Me the source of untruth. I defended the Truth and convicted consciences despite the outcries and misinformation that the Light of Truth spawned."
"This Mission is doing the same - carrying the Light of Truth wherever the Messages are taken - not stopping to please those who much prefer to remain in darkness. We do not despise those deceived by darkness, but the one who is the source of all darkness and the enemy of salvation - Satan himself."
"This Mission is to shed light on the path of salvation - the path of righteousness - the path of Holy Love."
Pray the Rosary of the Unborn - The MOST POWERFUL and ULTIMATE WEAPON to End Abortion! Click for more...
23. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Danes ti je Alanus* naredil veliko majhnih, toda pomembnih uslug. Angeli
so vedno pripravljeni, da pomagajo vsaki osebi, in to pogosto tudi delajo. Toda
najbolj lahko pomagajo, kadar se jih prosi za pomoč. Tedaj tiho delajo v
ozadju, da prinesejo najbolj pozitivne učinke.
Angeli ne delujejo samo v majhnih zadevah, temveč tudi pri pomembnih in
velikih zadevah. Lahko molite k angelom politikov in celotnega vladnega telesa
naenkrat. Si vedela, da imata vaš Kongres in vaše Vrhovno Sodišče pri vladanju
vladajoče angele nad seboj?
Angel, ki poskuša voditi Kongres je »Constant«. Angel, ki poskuša
voditi Vrhovno Sodišče je »Micah«.
Molite, da bi bil njihov vpliv učinkovit.«
*Alanus je Maureenin angel varuh.
23. julij 2012
Ponedeljkova služba: Mir v vseh srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
Jezus je tu z izpostavljenim Svojim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, pogosto sta milost in križ podeljena skupaj.
Pomembno je, da sprejmete karkoli prihaja kot Božja Volja Boga in da razumete,
da vas bo On oskrbel z močjo, da vztrajate. To je način predajanja Božji Volji
Mojega Očeta skozi vaše sprejemanje in privolitev.
Nocoj vam podeljujem Svoj Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
July 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today Alanus* did many small but important favors for you. The angels are always ready to help each person, and often do. But they are most helpful when they are asked for assistance. It is then that they work silently in the background to bring about positive effects."
"Angels do not only work in small ways but in significant ways, as well. You can pray to the angels of politicians and whole bodies of government at once. Did you know that your Congress and your Supreme Court has ruling angels over them?"
"The angel that tries to guide Congress is 'Constant'. The angel that tries to guide the Supreme Court is 'Micah'."
Pray that their influence is effective."
*Note: Alanus is Maureen's guardian angel.
July 23, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, often the grace and the cross come vested together. It is important that you accept whatever comes as God's Divine Will, and understand that He will provide strength for you to endure. This is the way to surrender to My Father's Will through your acceptance."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today Alanus* did many small but important favors for you. The angels are always ready to help each person, and often do. But they are most helpful when they are asked for assistance. It is then that they work silently in the background to bring about positive effects."
"Angels do not only work in small ways but in significant ways, as well. You can pray to the angels of politicians and whole bodies of government at once. Did you know that your Congress and your Supreme Court has ruling angels over them?"
"The angel that tries to guide Congress is 'Constant'. The angel that tries to guide the Supreme Court is 'Micah'."
Pray that their influence is effective."
*Note: Alanus is Maureen's guardian angel.
July 23, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, often the grace and the cross come vested together. It is important that you accept whatever comes as God's Divine Will, and understand that He will provide strength for you to endure. This is the way to surrender to My Father's Will through your acceptance."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
21. julij 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Danes, dragi otroci, vas povabim, da uskladiščite Sveto Ljubezen v vaših
srcih. Prav tako, kot se oseba vedno znova vrača v shrambo, da nabere, kar
potrebuje, naredite vaša srca za skladišče Svete Ljubezni, da si boste lahko
nabrali, ko pride potreba.
Srca v svetu, ki so odvisna samo od sebe, od svojih lastnih zalog in
rezerv in od vsakršnega človeškega truda in napora, si ustvarjajo duhovno
lakoto za svojo prihodnost. Imeli bodo malo, da poberejo v uri satanovega
zapeljevanja. In bodo lahke žrtve vsaki vrsti prevar in zvijač.
Naredite torej nedvoumno in zanesljivo, da so se vaša srca pripravljena
oskrbovati s Sveto Ljubeznijo. Naj bo zaloga Svete Ljubezni temelj vašega miru
in varnosti.«
July 21, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, dear children, I invite you to 'store up' Holy Love in your hearts. Just as a person returns over and over to a pantry to gather what he needs, make of your hearts a warehouse of Holy Love that you can draw upon when the need arises."
"The hearts in the world that depend on themselves, their own resources and every human effort, are creating a spiritual famine for their future. They will have little to draw upon in the hour of Satan's wiles. They will be easy victims of every sort of trickery."
"Make certain, then, that your hearts have a ready supply of Holy Love. Let this stock of Holy Love be the foundation of your peace and security."
July 21, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, dear children, I invite you to 'store up' Holy Love in your hearts. Just as a person returns over and over to a pantry to gather what he needs, make of your hearts a warehouse of Holy Love that you can draw upon when the need arises."
"The hearts in the world that depend on themselves, their own resources and every human effort, are creating a spiritual famine for their future. They will have little to draw upon in the hour of Satan's wiles. They will be easy victims of every sort of trickery."
"Make certain, then, that your hearts have a ready supply of Holy Love. Let this stock of Holy Love be the foundation of your peace and security."
20. julij 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Danes, dragi otroci, kličem vsakega posebej in vse skupaj k združitvi
srca. Bodite enih misli in enega srca. Delujte za spreobrnenje mnogih duš, kot
je to najbolj mogoče, pred povratkom Mojega Sina. To je razlog da sem tu, v
vaši sredi, iščoč in poskušajoč doseči posvetitev Srca sveta Najinima
Združenima Srcema. Ta posvetitev bo povečala Ostanek Zvestih in ga okrepila, mu
dala moč v tem, kar prihaja v prihodnosti. V mnogih primerih bo razkrila
satanove laži, ki so vpletene v sistem in strukturo današnje družbe.
V Fatimi je bila Moja prošnja po spreobrnenju Rusije; toda danes je
potreba po vsesvetovni spreobrnivi srca, po spreobrnitvi srca širom sveta. Ne
mislite, da je globalna, svetovna vlada pravi odgovor. Svet dandanes NE
potrebuje človeške rešitve, temveč DUHOVNO rešitev – duhovni popravek srca.*
Zato prihajam k vam. Želim doseči duhovno obnovitev srca sveta skozi Najina
Združena Srca.
Berite Filipijanom 2; 1-4

Opomba: * Duhovni popravek se nanaša na kesanje in spreobrnenje srca.
Petkova služba: Za vse po
krivem obdolžene v družbi, v vladah in znotraj Cerkvenih krogov – da bi se vse
klevete razkrile v resnici
Jezus je tu s Svojim izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:«
Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, dovolite, da Sveta Ljubezen postane del vaših
src, da boste tako lahko bili Sveta Ljubezen v svetu okoli vas. Ni dovolj, da
samo poslušate Sporočila – bodite Sporočila.
Nocoj vas blagoslavljam s Svojim Blagoslovom Božje Ljubezni.«
July 20, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, dear children, I am calling each and all of you to unity of heart. Be of one mind and one heart. Work towards the conversion of as many souls as possible before My Son's return. This is why I am here in your midst seeking the Consecration of the heart of the world to Our United Hearts. This Consecration will increase the Remnant Faithful and strengthen it in what is to come. In many cases, it will unravel the lies Satan has woven into the fabric of society today."
"At Fatima My request was for the conversion of Russia; but today the need is for worldwide conversion of heart. Do not think that a global government is the answer. The world today does not need a human solution but a spiritual solution - a spiritual correction of heart.* This is why I come to you. I seek the spiritual renewal of the heart of the world through Our United Hearts."
Read Philippians 2:1-4
*Note: A spiritual correction refers to repentance and conversion of heart.
July 20, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, let Holy Love become part of your hearts so that you can be Holy Love in the world around you. Do not just listen to the Messages - become the Messages."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 20, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, dear children, I am calling each and all of you to unity of heart. Be of one mind and one heart. Work towards the conversion of as many souls as possible before My Son's return. This is why I am here in your midst seeking the Consecration of the heart of the world to Our United Hearts. This Consecration will increase the Remnant Faithful and strengthen it in what is to come. In many cases, it will unravel the lies Satan has woven into the fabric of society today."
"At Fatima My request was for the conversion of Russia; but today the need is for worldwide conversion of heart. Do not think that a global government is the answer. The world today does not need a human solution but a spiritual solution - a spiritual correction of heart.* This is why I come to you. I seek the spiritual renewal of the heart of the world through Our United Hearts."
Read Philippians 2:1-4
*Note: A spiritual correction refers to repentance and conversion of heart.
July 20, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, let Holy Love become part of your hearts so that you can be Holy Love in the world around you. Do not just listen to the Messages - become the Messages."
"Tonight I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
19. julij 2012
Jaz (Maureen) vidim velik Plamen in slišim Glas:
»Jaz Sem, ki Sem – Bog Oče – Večni Zdaj – Stvarnik Vesolja.«
»Danes sem napojil zemljo v tvojem predelu sveta in prebudil vso
naravo. Kako si želim prebuditi in vzpodbujati srce sveta k Resnici! Duše
morajo dovoliti svojim srcem, da so prežeta z
Resnico, da postanejo ujetniki Resnice. Morajo se predati in prepustiti
Resnici Svete Ljubezni. Ne tako narediti, pomeni drseti v pogubo, v večno
prekletstvo. Kajti kdo lahko vstopi v Moje Kraljestvo, če Me ni prej sprejel v
svoje srce? Kdo lahko kliče Boga za svojo rešitev, če ne ljubi svojega bližnjega kot
Jaz sem Alfa in Omega. Jaz sem Resnica. Če si ne izberete in se ne odločite
živeti v Resnici, potem si ne izvolite Mene, in Jaz si ne izvolim vas.«
July 19, 2012
I (Maureen) see a huge Flame and hear a Voice: "I Am Who Am - God the Father - the Eternal Now - the Creator of the Universe."
"Today I have watered the earth in your part of the world and awakened all of nature. How I long to awaken the heart of the world to the Truth! Souls must allow their hearts to be captured by the Truth. They must surrender to the Truth of Holy Love. Not to do so is to slip to perdition. For who can enter My Kingdom that does not place Me first in their hearts? Who can call upon the God of their salvation that does not love neighbor as self?"
"I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am Truth. If you do not choose to live in Truth, you do not choose Me, and I do not choose you."
July 19, 2012
I (Maureen) see a huge Flame and hear a Voice: "I Am Who Am - God the Father - the Eternal Now - the Creator of the Universe."
"Today I have watered the earth in your part of the world and awakened all of nature. How I long to awaken the heart of the world to the Truth! Souls must allow their hearts to be captured by the Truth. They must surrender to the Truth of Holy Love. Not to do so is to slip to perdition. For who can enter My Kingdom that does not place Me first in their hearts? Who can call upon the God of their salvation that does not love neighbor as self?"
"I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am Truth. If you do not choose to live in Truth, you do not choose Me, and I do not choose you."
18. julij 2012
»Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Popoln Blagoslov Najinih Združenih Src je Zatočišče v teh časih zla.
On je vhod k duhovnemu potovanju skozi Najina Združena Srca. Razumite, da je ta
Blagoslov odprta vrata k življenju v BožjiVolji.
Vsako srce lahko zavrne milosti ponujene skozi ta Blagoslov, kajti
Nebesa nikoli ne vsiljujejo. Vedno je to skladno s svobodno voljo, glede na to,
kakšen je odgovor duše do njegovega lastnega dobrega, do njegove lastne blaginje.
Vendar to ne spremeni Resnic, ki so ponujene duši s tem globokim in
nedoumljivim Blagoslovom. Duši ni potrebno privoliti in se strinjati z
Blagoslovom. Milosti, ki spremljajo Blagoslov in so navzoče pri Blagoslovu, so
lahko prav tako radovoljno ponujene brez vedenja in spoznanja duše.«
18. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Nocoj vas povabim, da uvidite in spoznate, da je neodpuščanje kot sidro
okoli vašega srca, ki ga teži in vleče navzdol ter stran od globlje povezanosti
z Menoj. Odpuščanje je svoboda. Odpuščanje osvobodi, potegne srce iz
preteklosti in ga dviga navzgor. Duhovno srce je torej kot ptica, ki se
neutrudno in brez napora dviga više in više na krilih Božje Volje«*
* Prosim, preberite tudi sporočilo dano angelu Alanu 6. marca 2008 –
»Molitev, da se premaga neodpuščanje«.
Ta molitev je vključena spodaj, da se vam olajša iskanje.
»Jezus, zaupam Vate. Vem, da me ljubiš.
Želim, da je vsaka ovira med nama odstranjena.
Vzemi iz mojega srca vsak drobec neodpuščanja,
da bom tako lahko popolnoma Tvoj(a).
Pomagaj mi odpustiti tistim, ki so me ranili, mi škodovali, ki so
lagali o meni, ki so me opravljali ali izdali, bili name ljubosumni ali mi
nevoščljivi, ki so kradli od mene ali me zlorabljali in me žalili na
kakršenkoli način.
Nato me potopi globoko v Tvoje Presveto
Prekrij me s Tvojo Predragoceno Krvjo.
Ne dovoli mi, da bi se upiral(a) ali ustavljal(a) Tvoji Ljubezni
skozi neodpuščanje drugim.
18. julij 2012
Četrtkova služba: Širjenje
Sporočil Svete Ljubezni in Bratovščina Združenih Src
Jezus je tu s Svojim izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre. Vztrajajte v Sveti Ljubezni. Kajti povem vam,
najboljša žrtev, najboljša molitev ima za svoj temelj – Sveto Ljubezen v srcu.
Nocoj vas blagoslavljam s Svojim Blagoslovom Božje Ljubezni.«
July 18, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts is a Refuge during these evil times. It is the Gateway to the spiritual journey through Our United Hearts. Therefore, understand it is the open door to living in the Divine Will."
"Any heart can refuse the graces offered through this Blessing for Heaven never imposes. It is always according to free will whether the soul's response is towards his own well-being. However, this does not alter the Truths that are offered the soul with this profound Blessing. The soul does not need to consent to the Blessing. The graces attendant to the Blessing can be quite readily offered without the soul's knowledge."
July 18, 2012
"I am your Jesus born Incarnate."
"Today I invite you to see that unforgiveness is like an anchor around your heart, weighing it down, holding it back from a deeper relationship with Me. Forgiveness is a freedom. Forgiveness takes the heart out of the past and raises it up. The spiritual heart is then like a bird which is effortlessly raised higher and higher on the wings of the Divine Will."
"This freedom of forgiveness of self and others should be prayed for - indeed, sought after. It is a giant step towards accepting My Father's Divine Will." *
* Please also read Message from the Angel Alanus given March 6, 2008 - 'Prayer to Overcome Unforgiveness'. This prayer has been included below for your convenience:
Prayer to Overcome Unforgiveness
"Jesus, I trust in You. I know that You love me. I desire every obstacle between us be removed. Take from my heart any morsel of unforgiveness so that I can be completely Yours."
"Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, have lied about me, have gossiped about me, were jealous of me, have stolen from me or have abused me in any way. Then plunge me deep into Your Most Sacred Heart. Cover Me with Your Most Precious Blood."
"Do not allow me to resist Your Love again through unforgiveness of another. Amen."
July 18, 2012
Wednesday Service - The Propagation of the Holy Love Messages and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, persevere in Holy Love. For I tell you, the best sacrifice, the best prayer has as its foundation - Holy Love in the heart."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 18, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts is a Refuge during these evil times. It is the Gateway to the spiritual journey through Our United Hearts. Therefore, understand it is the open door to living in the Divine Will."
"Any heart can refuse the graces offered through this Blessing for Heaven never imposes. It is always according to free will whether the soul's response is towards his own well-being. However, this does not alter the Truths that are offered the soul with this profound Blessing. The soul does not need to consent to the Blessing. The graces attendant to the Blessing can be quite readily offered without the soul's knowledge."
July 18, 2012
"I am your Jesus born Incarnate."
"Today I invite you to see that unforgiveness is like an anchor around your heart, weighing it down, holding it back from a deeper relationship with Me. Forgiveness is a freedom. Forgiveness takes the heart out of the past and raises it up. The spiritual heart is then like a bird which is effortlessly raised higher and higher on the wings of the Divine Will."
"This freedom of forgiveness of self and others should be prayed for - indeed, sought after. It is a giant step towards accepting My Father's Divine Will." *
* Please also read Message from the Angel Alanus given March 6, 2008 - 'Prayer to Overcome Unforgiveness'. This prayer has been included below for your convenience:
Prayer to Overcome Unforgiveness
"Jesus, I trust in You. I know that You love me. I desire every obstacle between us be removed. Take from my heart any morsel of unforgiveness so that I can be completely Yours."
"Help me to forgive those who have hurt me, have lied about me, have gossiped about me, were jealous of me, have stolen from me or have abused me in any way. Then plunge me deep into Your Most Sacred Heart. Cover Me with Your Most Precious Blood."
"Do not allow me to resist Your Love again through unforgiveness of another. Amen."
July 18, 2012
Wednesday Service - The Propagation of the Holy Love Messages and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, persevere in Holy Love. For I tell you, the best sacrifice, the best prayer has as its foundation - Holy Love in the heart."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
17. julij 2012
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Resnično vam povem, vsakdo, ki javno priznava in zagovarja ter poučuje
in želi očitno živeti v Sveti Ljubezni, mora biti ambasador, predstavnik
Resnice. To pomeni, da ne morete in ne smete podpreti neresnice tako, da
ostajate tiho zaradi strahu ali nasprotovanja. Če ne pričate za Resnico, morda
nikoli več ne boste imeli iste ali enake priložnosti z istimi ljudmi in
poslušalstvom, z istim občinstvom.
Misliti, da potrebujete prijazno sprejemanje ali potrditve, da bi lahko
pričali za Resnico Svete Ljubezni, je satanov prstni odtis v vašem srcu. Vaš
narod in svet ste poklicani in pozvani v Resnico teh Sporočil. Resnica
Nebeškega Glasu tu je Luč k razrešitvi svetovnih stisk in nadlog.
Ne potrebujete velikih priložnosti, da širite Evangelij. Morate napeti
vse sile ter nadaljevati in vztrajati v vsakem sedanjem trenutku. Vaš angel
Svete Ljubezni vam bo pomagal, če ga boste za to prosili.
2 Timotej 4, 1-6:
1 Rotim te pri Bogu in Kristusu Jezusu, ki bo sodil žive in mrtve, pri njegovi pojavitvi in njegovem kraljestvu: 2 Oznanjuj besedo, vztrajaj v ugodnih in neugodnih okoliščinah. Prepričuj, grajaj, spodbujaj z vso potrpežljivostjo in poučevanjem. 3 Prišel bo namreč čas, ko nekateri ne bodo prenesli zdravega nauka, ampak si bodo po svojih željah poiskali veliko učiteljev, ker hočejo ustreči svojim ušesom. 4 Ušesa bodo obračali proč od resnice in zabredli v bajke. 5 Ti pa bodi v vsem trezen, pretrpi nadloge, opravi poslanstvo evangelista in izpolni svojo službo.
6 Jaz se namreč že izlivam kot pitna daritev in napočil je trenutek mojega odhoda.
July 17, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Solemnly I tell you, everyone who professes to live in Holy Love must be an ambassador of Truth. This means you cannot support untruth by remaining silent out of fear of opposition. If you do not witness to the Truth, you may never have the same opportunity with the same audience again."
"To think that you need acceptance or approvals to witness to the Truth of Holy Love is Satan's fingerprint upon your heart. Your nation and the world are being summoned into the Truth of these Messages. The Truth of Heaven's Voice here is the Light to the solutions of the world's woes."
"You do not need great opportunities to evangelize. You need to put forth the effort in every present moment. Your angel of Holy Love will assist you if you ask him."
2 Timothy 4:1-6
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come.
July 17, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Solemnly I tell you, everyone who professes to live in Holy Love must be an ambassador of Truth. This means you cannot support untruth by remaining silent out of fear of opposition. If you do not witness to the Truth, you may never have the same opportunity with the same audience again."
"To think that you need acceptance or approvals to witness to the Truth of Holy Love is Satan's fingerprint upon your heart. Your nation and the world are being summoned into the Truth of these Messages. The Truth of Heaven's Voice here is the Light to the solutions of the world's woes."
"You do not need great opportunities to evangelize. You need to put forth the effort in every present moment. Your angel of Holy Love will assist you if you ask him."
2 Timothy 4:1-6
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come.
16. julij 2012
Praznik Karmelske Gospe
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Ponovno sem prišla prosit in vas vzpodbudit, da bi se vaša država
vrnila nazaj h Krščanskim vrednotam. To se ne bo zgodilo, če vaši voditelji in
zakonodajalci v svojh srcih ne bodo imeli krščanskih vrednot. Ker v teh dneh
temu ni tako, moralna izprijenost jemlje svoje žrtve.
Ne sledite nikomur, ki podpira razredni boj ali ki nasprotuje molitvi
ali tistemu, ki slabi neodvisnost. Vse to je od satana - sovražnika vašega
odrešenja. Ne smete pasti pod vodstvo Enega Svetovnega voditelja.
Uprite se vsakomur, ki podpira En Svetovni Red. Borite se za versko
svobodo, na kateri je bila vaša država ustanovljena, vendar je od nje
Dragi otroci, vzemite si k srcu Moje današnje besede. Molim, da boste
imeli pogum, da tako storite. Vaša prihodnost je odvisna od tega.«
16. julij 2012
Nedeljska služba – Mir v vseh
srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
Jezus je tu s svojim izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Moji bratje in sestre, obrnite svoja srca k molitvi in skozi dan tako
posvečujte sedanji trenutek. Molitev je tista, skozi katero se odločitve
svobodne volje lahko spremenijo in je tako lahko spremenjena tudi vaša
Nocoj vam podeljujem Svoj Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
16, 2012
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be Jesus."
"Once again I come to ask that your country return to Christian values. This cannot happen unless your leaders and lawmakers hold Christian values in their hearts. Since this is not the case these days, moral degeneration is taking its toll."
"Do not follow anyone who promotes class warfare or opposes prayer or weakens independence. All of these are from Satan - the enemy of your salvation. You must not fall under the leadership of a One World leader."
"Stand against anyone who promotes the One World Order. Fight for religious freedom, which your country was founded upon but has abandoned."
"Dear children, take to heart My words to you today. I pray you will have the courage to do so. Your future depends upon it."
July 16, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, turn your hearts over to prayer off and on throughout the day, thus sanctifying the present moment. It is through prayer, free will decisions can be changed and thus your future can be changed."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be Jesus."
"Once again I come to ask that your country return to Christian values. This cannot happen unless your leaders and lawmakers hold Christian values in their hearts. Since this is not the case these days, moral degeneration is taking its toll."
"Do not follow anyone who promotes class warfare or opposes prayer or weakens independence. All of these are from Satan - the enemy of your salvation. You must not fall under the leadership of a One World leader."
"Stand against anyone who promotes the One World Order. Fight for religious freedom, which your country was founded upon but has abandoned."
"Dear children, take to heart My words to you today. I pray you will have the courage to do so. Your future depends upon it."
July 16, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, turn your hearts over to prayer off and on throughout the day, thus sanctifying the present moment. It is through prayer, free will decisions can be changed and thus your future can be changed."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
15. julij 2012
Sveti Pij iz Pietrelčine pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Včasih obup pripravlja in preskrbi temelj za velike čudeže. Vedno je vera hrbtenica in glavna opora
vsakega čudeža. Če pa se v čudež ne verjame, se ga lahko poskuša opravičiti,
razvrednotiti, vanj dvomiti ali pa se (zaradi nevere) spoh nikoli ne pojavi.
V veliko Božjih čudežev se ni nikoli verjelo in so tako milosti bile
zanemarjene. Tako je tudi tu, tudi na tej internetni strani in na tem posestvu.
Nekateri ne bodo nikoli verjeli. Oni ničesar ne sprejemajo. Drugi verjamejo
malo (in skomigajo z rameni); torej prejmejo malo. Nekateri prejmejo
sprejemanje Očetove Volje – veliko milost. Nekateri, ki imajo skrajne potrebe,
so jim podeljene.«
15. julij 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Več duš, ko je posvečeno združenima Srcema, močnejši je Preostanek.
Več duš, ko posluša, več jih bo rešenih. Nekateri ne bodo poslušali, ker so
predali svoja srca krivoverstvu, izdajstvu in hinavščini ter nezvestobi.«
July 15, 2012
St. Pio of Pietrelcina says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Sometimes, desperation provides the groundwork for great miracles. Always, faith is the backbone of any miracle. Unless the miracle is believed, it can be explained away, discounted or never occur at all."
"Many of God's miracles are never believed in, and so the grace goes unattended. It is so here, even at this site. Some will never believe. They receive nothing. Others believe a little; so [he shrugs his shoulders] they receive a little. Some receive acceptance of the Father's Will - a great grace. Some who have desperate needs are granted them."
July 15, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The more souls that are consecrated to the United Hearts, the stronger the Remnant. The more who listen, the more who will be saved. Some will not listen, for they have given their hearts over to falsehood."
July 15, 2012
St. Pio of Pietrelcina says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Sometimes, desperation provides the groundwork for great miracles. Always, faith is the backbone of any miracle. Unless the miracle is believed, it can be explained away, discounted or never occur at all."
"Many of God's miracles are never believed in, and so the grace goes unattended. It is so here, even at this site. Some will never believe. They receive nothing. Others believe a little; so [he shrugs his shoulders] they receive a little. Some receive acceptance of the Father's Will - a great grace. Some who have desperate needs are granted them."
July 15, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"The more souls that are consecrated to the United Hearts, the stronger the Remnant. The more who listen, the more who will be saved. Some will not listen, for they have given their hearts over to falsehood."
14. julij 2012
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, ne glejte na vzhod ali na zahod za tem, kar je tukaj
zastonj dano. Razkrivanje in razjasnitev skozi ta Sporočila je Resnica Sama. Ne
morete razrešiti in razplesti ali pojasniti Resnice s spreminjanjem ali
ponarjejanjem te Misije/Naloge. Ne smete ne verjeti zato, ker drugi ne
verjamejo oziroma dvomiti, ker drugi dvomijo.
Če ne živite v Sveti Ljubezni, tedaj Ji nasprotujete. Zvestoba Sveti
Ljubezni je varna in gotova pot k osebni svetosti, h kateri ste vsi
V svetu vedno bolj in bolj jasno, dve strani oz. dve struji prihajata
na površje – Kristjani in vsi, ki nasprotujejo Krščanstvu. Gradite Kristusovo
Kraljestvo z vašimi napori in prizadevanji v Sveti Ljubezni. Vsak sedanji
trenutek, je trenutek izbire – za zmago ali za poraz.
Dragi otroci, ne dovolite, da satan zmaga v vojni, ki jo bojujete v
vsakem sedanjem trenutku. Bojujte se s plemenito in vzvišeno borbo za Zmago Resnice.«
July 14, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, do not look to the east or to the west for what is freely given here. Unfolding through these Messages is Truth Itself. You cannot unravel the Truth to change or adulterate this Mission. You must not disbelieve because others disbelieve."
"If you are not living in holy Love, then you are opposing it. Fidelity to Holy Love is the sure path to personal holiness to which all are called."
"In the world, more and more clearly two factions are coming to light - Christians and all in opposition to Christianity. Build up the Kingdom of Christ by your efforts in Holy Love. Every present moment is a moment to choose - victory or defeat."
"Dear children, do not let Satan win the war you battle in every present moment. Wage a noble effort for the Victory of Truth."
July 14, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, do not look to the east or to the west for what is freely given here. Unfolding through these Messages is Truth Itself. You cannot unravel the Truth to change or adulterate this Mission. You must not disbelieve because others disbelieve."
"If you are not living in holy Love, then you are opposing it. Fidelity to Holy Love is the sure path to personal holiness to which all are called."
"In the world, more and more clearly two factions are coming to light - Christians and all in opposition to Christianity. Build up the Kingdom of Christ by your efforts in Holy Love. Every present moment is a moment to choose - victory or defeat."
"Dear children, do not let Satan win the war you battle in every present moment. Wage a noble effort for the Victory of Truth."
13. julij 2012
Praznik Rože Skrivnostne
Blažena Mati pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Danes želim, da bi bile vse duše potegnjene v Plamen Mojega Srca, ki
je Zatočišče Miru in Gostišče Resnice. V njem leži vaš prvi korak v svetost,
dragi otroci. Ne iščite še naprej kaj dodatnega, kajti milost, ki jo Bog ponuja
skozi Moje Srce, bo zadostovala.
Čuvajte in ohranite v spominu te Moje besede kot zaklad.
13. julij 2012
Petkova služba – Za vse po
krivem obdolžene v družbi, v vladah in znotraj cerkvenih krogov – da bi se vse
klevete razkrile v Resnici
»Moji bratje in sestre, danes vas povabim v Zmago Združenih Src. Vi ste
v tej Zmagi in del te Zmage, kadar živite v Sveti Ljubezni. Bodite v miru,
kajti nocoj vas vabim v Novi Jeruzalem.
Podeljujem vam Svoj Blagoslov Božje Ljubezni.«
Holy Love
July 13, 2012
Feast of Rosa Mystica
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I desire all souls be drawn into the Flame of My Heart, which is the Refuge of Peace and the Hospice of Truth. Herein lies your first step, dear children, in holiness. Do not search further, for the grace God affords you through My Heart will suffice."'
"Treasure these, My Words, to you."
July 13, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, today I invite you into the Victory of the United Hearts. You are in this Victory and part of this Victory when you live in Holy Love. Be at peace, then, for tonight I'm inviting you into the New Jerusalem."
"I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 13, 2012
Feast of Rosa Mystica
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I desire all souls be drawn into the Flame of My Heart, which is the Refuge of Peace and the Hospice of Truth. Herein lies your first step, dear children, in holiness. Do not search further, for the grace God affords you through My Heart will suffice."'
"Treasure these, My Words, to you."
July 13, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, today I invite you into the Victory of the United Hearts. You are in this Victory and part of this Victory when you live in Holy Love. Be at peace, then, for tonight I'm inviting you into the New Jerusalem."
"I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
12. julij 2012
»Jaz sem
tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Naloga/Poslanstvo je kot sveča – Plamen Ljubezni – ki ne more biti ugasnjen.
Ljudje se vračajo vedno znova in znova, da bi se okopali v tej Luči, ki je Luč
Resnice. Ta posest je kot olajšanje, oddih – zatočišče pred temo, ki prevzema in
požira svet. Nebeška Prisotnost je vedno in nepretrgano, trajno tu. Nihče ne
pride sem in da mu ne bi bila ponujena milost - milost trenutka v trenutek preoblikovanja
in spreobrnenja.
Prigovarjanje in prepričevanje Mojega Srca tu, na tej posesti, je Moje Darilo vam, v teh muke
polnih časih, v katerih ste se znašli. Na tej spletni strani in preko teh Sporočil je svoboda Resnice. Tisti, ki vas
poskušajo prepričati drugače, so se izgubili v temi in jih je potrebno
poklicati nazaj v Luč.
Molite za
July 12, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This Mission is like a candle - a Flame of Love - that cannot be extinguished. People return over and over to be bathed in this Light. It is the Light of Truth. The property is like a respite - a refuge away from the darkness which is consuming the world. Heaven's Presence is always and continually here. No one comes here that is not offered grace - the grace of moment to moment conversion."
"The persuasion of My Heart here on this property is My Gift to you during these harrowing times you find yourselves in. At this site, and through these Messages, is the freedom of Truth. Those who try to convince you otherwise have lost their way in darkness and need to be called back into the Light."
"Pray for the unbelievers."
July 12, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This Mission is like a candle - a Flame of Love - that cannot be extinguished. People return over and over to be bathed in this Light. It is the Light of Truth. The property is like a respite - a refuge away from the darkness which is consuming the world. Heaven's Presence is always and continually here. No one comes here that is not offered grace - the grace of moment to moment conversion."
"The persuasion of My Heart here on this property is My Gift to you during these harrowing times you find yourselves in. At this site, and through these Messages, is the freedom of Truth. Those who try to convince you otherwise have lost their way in darkness and need to be called back into the Light."
"Pray for the unbelievers."
11. julij 2012
Praznik sv.
Benedikt pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Prišel sem vas obvestiti o določeni pasti, ki jo ljudje dovolijo
satanu, da jih vodi vanjo. Včasih, ko se ljudje počutijo varni v svojem lastnem
sedanjem trenutku spreobrnenja, postanejo pretirano kritični do drugih, tako v
mislih, kot v besedah. To je svetohlinska, licemerna in le na videz pobožna drža
in vedenje, ki ne služi temu, da se popravijo napake, temveč bolj kot ne, da se
zaprejo srca za izboljšanje in popravek.
Če takšna
skrajna kritika zavzema mesto le v mislih, je to oblika neodpuščanja, ki je,
kot veste, ovira med človeškim srcem in Srcem Boga.
Ko opazite
napako pri drugem človeku, hitro vzkliknite molitev, kot na primer: »Sveti Duh,
navdihni me« Tedaj boste vedeli koliko lahko poveste in kdaj to povedati.
July 11, 2012
Feast of St. Benedict
St. Benedict says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to inform you of a certain trap people allow Satan to lead them into. Sometimes, when people feel secure in their own present moment conversion, they become overly critical of others, either in thought or speech. This is a sanctimonious attitude, which does not serve to correct error but, rather, to close hearts to correction."
"If such extreme criticism takes place only in thought, it is a form of unforgiveness, which is, as you know, an obstacle between the human heart and the Heart of God."
"When you notice error in another, say a quick ejaculatory prayer such as: 'Holy Spirit, inspire me.' Then you will know how much to say and when to say it."
July 11, 2012
Feast of St. Benedict
St. Benedict says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to inform you of a certain trap people allow Satan to lead them into. Sometimes, when people feel secure in their own present moment conversion, they become overly critical of others, either in thought or speech. This is a sanctimonious attitude, which does not serve to correct error but, rather, to close hearts to correction."
"If such extreme criticism takes place only in thought, it is a form of unforgiveness, which is, as you know, an obstacle between the human heart and the Heart of God."
"When you notice error in another, say a quick ejaculatory prayer such as: 'Holy Spirit, inspire me.' Then you will know how much to say and when to say it."
9. julij 2012
»Jaz sem
tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Ta Citat iz
Svetega pisma, ki ti ga dajem, je razlog, da sem sklical to Službo, da
nadaljujem kljub preganjanju, obrekovanju, napadom in prenagli sodbi ter
pomanjkanju določene odobritve oziroma uradne potrditve. To Poslanstvo in ta
Sporočila prinašajo Luč Resnice v svet. To je Luč, ki je bila zapuščena in
pozabljena od mnogih, toda mora biti ponovno branjena, vzdrževana in podpirana.
Korinčanom 4:
Zaklad v
lončenih posodah
1 Ker imamo
po usmiljenju, ki smo ga bili deležni, to službo, ne omagujemo. 2 Odrekli smo
se skrivnim, sramotnim delom, ki bi se jih morali sramovati. Ne ravnamo
zvijačno, tudi ne pačimo Božje besede, marveč se z razodevanjem resnice pred
Bogom priporočamo vsaki človeški vesti. 3 Če pa je naš evangelij kljub temu
zakrit, je zakrit za tiste, ki so na poti pogubljenja, 4 za nevernike, ki jim
je bog tega sveta zaslepil misli, da bi jim ne zasvetila luč evangelija o
veličastvu Kristusa, ki je božja podoba. Ne oznanjamo namreč sebe, ampak Jezusa
Kristusa, Gospoda, sebe pa le kot vaše služabnike zaradi Jezusa. 6 Kajti Bog,
ki je rekel: »Iz teme bo zasvetila luč,« je zasijal v naših srcih zaradi
razsvetljenja Božjega veličastva na obličju Jezusa Kristusa.
7 Ta zaklad pa imamo v
lončenih posodah, da bi bila ta preobilnost moči iz Boga in ne iz nas. 8 Od
vseh strani pritiskajo na nas, pa nismo utesnjeni. Ne vidimo poti, pa jo še
najdemo. 9 Preganjajo nas, pa nismo zapuščeni. Ob tla nas mečejo, pa nismo
uničeni. 10 Vedno nosimo v svojem telesu Jezusovo umiranje, da bi se v našem
telesu razodelo tudi Jezusovo življenje. 11 Čeprav še živimo, nas zaradi Jezusa
vedno pošiljajo v smrt, da bi se tudi Jezusovo življenje razodelo v našem
umrljivem mesu. 12 Tako v nas deluje smrt, v vas pa življenje. 13 Ker pa imamo
istega duha vere, kakor je pisano: Veroval sem, zato sem govoril, tudi mi
verujemo in zato tudi govorimo. 14 Vemo namreč, da bo tisti, ki je obudil
Gospoda Jezusa, tudi nas obudil z Jezusom in nas hkrati z vami postavil predse.
15 Vse to je namreč zaradi vas, da bi se milost zaradi večje množice pomnožila
in s tem obogatila zahvaljevanje v Božjo slavo.
Življenje iz
16 Zato ne
omagujemo. Nasprotno, čeprav naš zunanji človek razpada, se naš notranji iz
dneva v dan obnavlja. 17 Naša trenutna lahka stiska nam namreč pripravlja čez
vso mero veliko, večno bogastvo slave, 18 ker se ne oziramo na to, kar se vidi,
ampak na to, kar se ne vidi. Kar se namreč vidi, je začasno, kar pa se ne vidi,
je večno.
July 9, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This Scripture which I gave to you is the reason I call this Ministry to continue despite persecution, calumnies, rash judgment and lack of certain endorsements. This Mission and these Messages bring the Light of Truth into the world. It is a Light that has been forsaken by many, but that must be upheld."
"Continue all things in faith. Proceed in Truth and Love."
2 Corinthians 4
Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. We have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways; we refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For it is the God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you.
Since we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, "I believed, and so I spoke," we too believe, and so we speak, knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
July 9, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I invite each one of you to open your hearts to the gift of prayer, for herein lies the solution to every problem. Herein lies your ability to accept My Father's Will, and discover My Divine Provision in every present moment."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 9, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"This Scripture which I gave to you is the reason I call this Ministry to continue despite persecution, calumnies, rash judgment and lack of certain endorsements. This Mission and these Messages bring the Light of Truth into the world. It is a Light that has been forsaken by many, but that must be upheld."
"Continue all things in faith. Proceed in Truth and Love."
2 Corinthians 4
Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. We have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways; we refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For it is the God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you.
Since we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, "I believed, and so I spoke," we too believe, and so we speak, knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
July 9, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I invite each one of you to open your hearts to the gift of prayer, for herein lies the solution to every problem. Herein lies your ability to accept My Father's Will, and discover My Divine Provision in every present moment."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
8. julij 2012
Blažena Mati
pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
Danes sem
prišla, da pomagam vsem Mojim dragim otrokom spoznati, da vabim vsakogar v Moj
Nebeški Objem tukaj – vernike in prav tako vse nevernike. Nihče ni zavrnjen
skozi Sveto Ljubezen.
Moje Brezmadežno Srce je Zatočišče, ki kliče k
nevernikom, – še posebno kliče skeptike,
dvomljivce in kritike tega zatočišča in te Naloge/Misije. Ne žalite Duha
Resnice – Svetega Duha – z vašim zavračanjem sprejemanja Resnice te
Naloge/Poslanstva. On je snovalec milosti, ki jih prejemate tukaj – Sporočila,
čudežna ozdravljenja od pomladi, celo Podoba – ki se pojavlja in izginja v
kapeli pod Mojim nazivom »Zatočišče Svete Ljubezni«.
Še posebno
kličem nevernike, da pridejo sem in vidijo sami, da vonjajo in vdihnejo Mojo
Prisotnost in občutijo ter izkusijo njihovo spreobrnenje in preobrazbo srca. Ne mislite sami pri sebi,
da ste preveč intelektualni, preveč inteligentni ali na kakršenkoli način nad
vero v Nebeški klic tu. To so satanova prepričevanja in prigovarjanja. Ne
verjemite, da ste omejeni ali vezani s pokorščino in poslušnostjo, da bi stali
postrani. Če bi bilo to resnično, danes ne bi bila tu, vas vabila in klicala.
Ne verjemite, da je Moja glasnica nepokorna in neubogljiva. Ne poznate celotne
zgodbe. Napad na dostojanstvo ni od Boga.
Pridite k
Meni – vaši Nebeški Materi – čakam vas.
8. julij 2012
»Jaz sem
tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Usmiljenje je neskončno in neizmerno. Ko enkrat duša poskuša doseči odpuščanje
za pregrehe, Moje Usmiljenje počiva nad njo. Ni potrebno, da prihaja k Meni
vedno z istim grehom – odpuščeno ji je – za večno.
Torej, ker
je Moje Usmiljenje neskončno, morate tudi vi odpustiti – vedno in za večno. Ne
ohranjajte in ne zadržujte
nezadovoljstva, zamer in očitkov proti drug drugemu. Ne iščite napak in
pomanjkljivosti ali krivde drug pri drugem. Prav tako, kot sem jaz Pravičen,
morate tudi vi biti pravični.
Mojo Ljubezen in Moje Usmiljenje v vsakem sedanjem trenutku. To je navada in
nagnjenje, ki ju odobravam.
July 8, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I have come to help all of My dear children to realize that I invite everyone into My Heavenly Embrace here - believers and unbelievers alike. None are rejected through Holy Love."
"My Immaculate Heart is the Refuge which calls out to the unbelievers - in particular, the skeptics and the critics of this Refuge and this Mission. Do not offend the Spirit of Truth - the Holy Spirit - by your refusal to accept the Truth of this Mission; for He is the Founder of the grace you receive here - the Messages, the miraculous healings from the Spring, even the Image - which appears off and on in the Chapel under My title 'Refuge of Holy Love'."
"Most especially, I call unbelievers to come here and to see for themselves - to inhale My Presence and experience their conversion of heart. Do not think yourselves to be too sophisticated, too intelligent or in any way above belief in Heaven's call here. These are Satan's persuasions. Do not believe you are bound by obedience to stay away. If this were true, I would not be here today, inviting you, calling you. Do not believe that My messenger is disobedient. You do not know the whole story. Character assassination is not of God."
"Come to Me - your Heavenly Mother. I await you."
July 8, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My Mercy is endless. Once a soul seeks forgiveness for a transgression, My Mercy rests upon him. He need not come back over and over with the same sin. It has been forgotten - forever."
"So, as My Mercy is endless, each of you must forgive, too - always and forever. Do not hold grudges against one another. Do not find fault with one another. As I am Just, you, too, must be Just."
"Imitate My Love and My Mercy in every present moment. This is a habit I endorse."
July 8, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today I have come to help all of My dear children to realize that I invite everyone into My Heavenly Embrace here - believers and unbelievers alike. None are rejected through Holy Love."
"My Immaculate Heart is the Refuge which calls out to the unbelievers - in particular, the skeptics and the critics of this Refuge and this Mission. Do not offend the Spirit of Truth - the Holy Spirit - by your refusal to accept the Truth of this Mission; for He is the Founder of the grace you receive here - the Messages, the miraculous healings from the Spring, even the Image - which appears off and on in the Chapel under My title 'Refuge of Holy Love'."
"Most especially, I call unbelievers to come here and to see for themselves - to inhale My Presence and experience their conversion of heart. Do not think yourselves to be too sophisticated, too intelligent or in any way above belief in Heaven's call here. These are Satan's persuasions. Do not believe you are bound by obedience to stay away. If this were true, I would not be here today, inviting you, calling you. Do not believe that My messenger is disobedient. You do not know the whole story. Character assassination is not of God."
"Come to Me - your Heavenly Mother. I await you."
July 8, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My Mercy is endless. Once a soul seeks forgiveness for a transgression, My Mercy rests upon him. He need not come back over and over with the same sin. It has been forgotten - forever."
"So, as My Mercy is endless, each of you must forgive, too - always and forever. Do not hold grudges against one another. Do not find fault with one another. As I am Just, you, too, must be Just."
"Imitate My Love and My Mercy in every present moment. This is a habit I endorse."
7. julij 2012
Blažena Mati
pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Dragi otroci, Moje Roke so vam tu odprte, ko prihajate na to posest.
Moje Srce je vaše za vaše prošnje in spraševanje.
Ne bodite
prestrašeni ali zapeljani s prepričanjem, da se morate izogibati Moje
prisotnosti tukaj. Moja Prisotnost ne bi bila tu, če vas Jaz ne bi želela imeti
tu z Menoj. Moja Prisotnost je bila zaznana in čutena, tako tudi Moja Milost.*
Molite z
Menoj tukaj in spremenila bom vaša srca in vaša življenja. Predajte se Mojemu
neprenehoma in za vso večnost ostaja Prisotnost Moje Matere na tem kraju. Tu
hrani in vzdržuje mir srca. Odpira Svoje Srce, ki je Vhod v Novi Jeruzalem.
Mir, ki se čuti tu, je Večno Znamenje Božjega miru, ki ga želi za vse
(Napotitev k
celotnemu sporočilu 9. julija 2009 od Jezusa.)
July 7, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, My Arms are open to you here as you come onto the property. My Heart is yours for the asking."
"Do not be intimidated or misled to believe you must avoid My Presence here. My Presence would not be here if I did not want you here with Me. Where My Presence is felt so, too, is My Grace." *
"Pray with Me here and I will change your hearts and your lives. Surrender to My Call."
* "Continually, persistently and for all eternity, My Mother's Presence remains at this site. Here She nourishes peace of heart; here She opens Her Heart, which is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. The peace felt here is the Eternal Sign of God's Peace which He desires for all humanity." (Refer to Complete Message of July 9, 2009 from Jesus.)
July 7, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, My Arms are open to you here as you come onto the property. My Heart is yours for the asking."
"Do not be intimidated or misled to believe you must avoid My Presence here. My Presence would not be here if I did not want you here with Me. Where My Presence is felt so, too, is My Grace." *
"Pray with Me here and I will change your hearts and your lives. Surrender to My Call."
* "Continually, persistently and for all eternity, My Mother's Presence remains at this site. Here She nourishes peace of heart; here She opens Her Heart, which is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. The peace felt here is the Eternal Sign of God's Peace which He desires for all humanity." (Refer to Complete Message of July 9, 2009 from Jesus.)
6. julij 2012
»Jaz sem
tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
»Danes sem
prišel, da prosim vse ljudi, da živijo v spoštovanju drug do drugega. Ne glejte
na čast in ugled drugega tako, kot da je po pravici vredno zasmehovanja.
Gradite Kristusovo telo v mislih, besedah in dejanjih. Spoznajte, da je Moj Klic
k vam edinost vseh ljudi in vseh narodov. Znotraj tega Klica leži vaše
spreobrnenje, trenutek za trenutkom v in skozi Sveto Ljubezen.
Sveti Ljubezni, da bo vaš prsni oklep, vaš meč in vaša okronana slava. Živite
na ta način – branite Resnico, razkrivajte zlo in ščitite nedolžne.
4, 1-3:
1 Zato vas
jaz, jetnik v Gospodu, opominjam, da živite vredno klica, s katerim ste bili
poklicani, 2 v vsej ponižnosti, krotkosti in potrpežljivosti. V ljubezni
prenašajte drug drugega. 3 Prizadevajte si, da ohranite edinost Duha z vezjo
4, 22-32:
22 Treba je,
da odložite starega človeka, kakor je živel doslej in ki ga uničujejo blodna
poželenja, 23 da se prenovite v duhu svojega uma 24 in oblečete novega
človeka, ki je po Bogu ustvarjen v pravičnosti in svetosti resnice.
Navodila za
novo življenje
25 Zato
opustite laž in govorite resnico vsak s svojim bližnjim, saj smo med seboj deli
enega telesa. 26 Jezite se, a nikar ne grešite; sonce naj ne zaide nad vašo
jezo 27 in
ne dajajte prostora hudiču. 28 Kdor krade, naj ne krade več, ampak naj se trudi
s svojimi rokami in dela to, kar je dobro, da bo lahko dal tistemu, ki je v
potrebi. 29 Nobena umazana beseda naj ne pride iz vaših ust, marveč le dobra,
da bi bila ob potrebi v izgrajevanje, da bi podelila milost tistim, ki poslušajo.
30 Ne žalostite Božjega Svetega Duha, s katerim ste bili kot s pečatom
zaznamovani za dan odkupitve. 31 Naj izginejo med vami vsakršna ujedljivost,
vsakršno besnenje, jeza, rohnenje in preklinjanje z vsakršno hudobijo vred. 32
Bodite drug do drugega dobrosrčni in usmiljeni ter drug drugemu odpuščajte,
kakor je tudi vam Bog milostno odpustil v Kristusu.
6. julij 2012
služba – za vse po krivem obdolžene v družbi, v vladah in
znotraj Cerkvenih krogov; da bi se vse klevete razkrile v resnici
Jezus je tu
z izpostavljenim Svojim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem
tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Moji bratje
in sestre, v tem času nadlog, žalosti in stiske, v katerem se je svet
znašel, morate usmerjati vaše oči na Luč Resnice, ki je ozka pot odrešenja –
ozka pot Svete Ljubezni.
Ne obračajte
pozornosti na kritike tega Poslanstva /Naloge in na tožnike glasnice. Živite
sporočila Svete Ljubezni.
Nocoj vam
podeljujem Svoj Blagoslov Svete Ljubezni.«
July 6, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to ask all people to live in respect for one another. Do not see another's reputation as fair game. Build up the Body of Christ in thought, word and action. See that the unity of all people and all nations is My Call to you. Within this Call is your moment to moment conversion in and through Holy Love."
"Allow Holy Love to be your breastplate, your sword and your crowning glory. Live this way, defending the Truth, revealing evil and protecting the innocent."
Ephesians 4:1-3
I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:22-32
Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Therefore, putting away falsehood, let everyone speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, so that he may be able to give to those in need. Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
July 6, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, during this time of distress in which the world finds itself, you must keep your eyes on the Light of Truth, which is the narrow path of salvation - the narrow path of Holy Love."
"Pay no heed to the critics of this Mission and the accusers of the messenger. Live the Messages of Holy Love."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 6, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to ask all people to live in respect for one another. Do not see another's reputation as fair game. Build up the Body of Christ in thought, word and action. See that the unity of all people and all nations is My Call to you. Within this Call is your moment to moment conversion in and through Holy Love."
"Allow Holy Love to be your breastplate, your sword and your crowning glory. Live this way, defending the Truth, revealing evil and protecting the innocent."
Ephesians 4:1-3
I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:22-32
Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Therefore, putting away falsehood, let everyone speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, so that he may be able to give to those in need. Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
July 6, 2012
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, during this time of distress in which the world finds itself, you must keep your eyes on the Light of Truth, which is the narrow path of salvation - the narrow path of Holy Love."
"Pay no heed to the critics of this Mission and the accusers of the messenger. Live the Messages of Holy Love."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love."
4. julij 2012
»Jaz sem
Zaharija, angel varuh tvoje države.
Hvaljen bodi
»Danes, ko
tvoja država praznuje obletnico svoje neodvisnosti, sem prišel resno poudariti,
kako daleč od neodvisnosti je tvoja dežela.
Ustanovna listina,
ki je bila navdahnjena iz nebes, je bila spremenjena od tistih na oblasti.
Zakoni so bili obrnjeni tako, da podpirajo greh – celo razvratnost. Vaš
Predsednik celo prevzema nadzor in oblast nad svobodo vesti, glede na
pospeševanje in podpiranje splava ter kontrole rojstev, pri tistih, ki v to ne
Svetovni Red se ponuja kot zaželjen, medtem ko v Resnici, premika vse ljudi in
vse narode k diktaturi. Ne pustite se ukaniti in prevarati.
Kot narod se
vrnite k idealom vaših Očetov Ustanoviteljev, kajti tam leži upanje resnične
July 4, 2012
"I am Zechariah, the guardian angel of your country. Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, as your country celebrates the anniversary of its independence, I have come to solemnly point out how far from independence your country has come."
"The Constitution, which was heavenly inspired, is being transgressed by those in power. The law is being twisted to support sin - even debauchery. Your President is even taking command of freedom of conscience in regards to the promotion of abortion and birth control by those who do not believe in it."
"The New World Order is being touted as desirable when, in Truth, it moves all people and all nations under a dictatorship. Do not be fooled."
"As a nation, return to the ideals of your Founding Fathers, for herein lies the hope of true independence."
July 4, 2012
"I am Zechariah, the guardian angel of your country. Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, as your country celebrates the anniversary of its independence, I have come to solemnly point out how far from independence your country has come."
"The Constitution, which was heavenly inspired, is being transgressed by those in power. The law is being twisted to support sin - even debauchery. Your President is even taking command of freedom of conscience in regards to the promotion of abortion and birth control by those who do not believe in it."
"The New World Order is being touted as desirable when, in Truth, it moves all people and all nations under a dictatorship. Do not be fooled."
"As a nation, return to the ideals of your Founding Fathers, for herein lies the hope of true independence."
2. julij 2012
Blažena Mati
pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
Da bi lahko
učinkovito razširjali evangelij, morate najprej in predvsem imeti ponižno Sveto
Ljubezen v svojem srcu. To izključuje vsakršno vedenje svetohlinske
samo-pravičnosti. Morali bi prositi za milost, da prepoznate možnosti za
razširjanje evangelija. Zatem, morate biti pripravljeni ujeti trenutek, ki jo
milost ponuja. Vedno bi morali imeti s seboj literaturo, pripravljeni, da jo
Če ste
znamenje in vzor ponižne ljubezni v svetu, bo to ljudi privlačilo k vam. Vedno
potrjujte dobro v ljudeh in naj vaše vedenje in obnašanje pridiga Sveto
Ljubezen za vas. V takšnem zgledu in vzorcu Svete Ljubezni bodo lahko ljudje
prepričani v svojih srcih o svojih napakah, bolje kot da jim pridigate. Vedno
branite, zagovarjajte Resnico, tudi pri soočanju z nasprotovanjem.
2. julij 2012
služba: Mir v vseh
srcih skozi Sveto Ljubezen
Jezus je tu
s Svojim izpostavljenim Srcem in pravi:
»Jaz sem
tvoj Utelešeni Jezus!«
Moji bratje
in sestre, ta država je bila osnovana na neodvisnosti in verski svobodi. Ne
smete dopustiti komurkoli, da bo izvoljen na visoke funkcije, z zmožnostjo, da
odvzame svoboščine ljudem. Ko se neodvisnosti enkrat odrečete, jo je težko
ponovno pridobiti nazaj.
Nocoj vas
blagoslavljam z Mojim Blagoslovom Božje Ljubezni.«
July 2, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"To be an effective evangelizer, you must first and foremost have humble Holy Love in your heart. This precludes any air of sanctimony - self-righteousness. You should ask for the grace to recognize opportunities to evangelize. You need, then, to be ready to seize the moment that grace offers. You should always have literature with you, ready to propagate."
"If you are a sign of humble love in the world, people will be drawn to you. Always affirm the good in people and let your demeanor preach Holy Love for you. In this example of Holy Love, people can be convicted in their hearts of their errors, rather than you preaching to them. Always defend the Truth, however, even in the face of opposition."
July 2, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, this country was founded on independence and religious freedom. You must not let anyone be elected to a high office with the ability to remove freedoms from the people. Once independence is relinquished, it is difficult to regain."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
July 2, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"To be an effective evangelizer, you must first and foremost have humble Holy Love in your heart. This precludes any air of sanctimony - self-righteousness. You should ask for the grace to recognize opportunities to evangelize. You need, then, to be ready to seize the moment that grace offers. You should always have literature with you, ready to propagate."
"If you are a sign of humble love in the world, people will be drawn to you. Always affirm the good in people and let your demeanor preach Holy Love for you. In this example of Holy Love, people can be convicted in their hearts of their errors, rather than you preaching to them. Always defend the Truth, however, even in the face of opposition."
July 2, 2012
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, this country was founded on independence and religious freedom. You must not let anyone be elected to a high office with the ability to remove freedoms from the people. Once independence is relinquished, it is difficult to regain."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
1. JULIJ 2012
pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
Ne verjemite
nobenemu politiku, ki ne govori Resnice. Če lahko laže o eni stvari, lahko laže
o mnogih. Eno brezvestno in brezobzirno dejanje vodi k drugemu.«
V politiki
ne bi smelo biti nikakršnih prikrivanj – nobenih skritih načrtov in poslov.
Vsakdo bi se moral držati zakona v pravičnosti. Samo tako se bi ta narod vrnil
k resnični demokraciji – narod, ki ne bi izločil nobene skupine v preganjanje.
Ko molite za
ta narod, molite, da bi bil naslednji predsednik voditelj, ne le politik.
Voditelj bi branil demokracijo. Njegovo vodenje ne bi slabilo, temveč krepilo
narod. Dober voditelj ne bi ločeval, temveč združeval državljane. Z državniško
modrostjo in politično usmerjenostjo, kot voditelj svobodnega sveta, bi zahteval
zaščito pravic širom sveta in ne bi potegnil tega naroda v En Svetovni Red.*
Poznan tudi kot Ena Svetovna Vlada; Novi Svetovni Red
Opomba: Blažena Mati
je meni (Maureen) predstavila Ezekijela prejšnji četrtek. Rekla je, da je on
angel Združenih Držav in je iz kora Moči (5. kor).
1. julij 2012
služba – Zmaga Združenih Src – tako v srcih kot v svetu;
enotnost v družinah
Sveti Jožef
je tu in pravi: »Hvaljen bodi Jezus!«
»Moji bratje
in sestre, nocoj ponovno prihajam, da spomnim družine, naj bodo zedinjene v
Božji Volji Večnega Očeta. Edini način, da se tako dela, je živeti v Sveti
Ljubezni. Na ta način boste sprejeli Božjo Voljo v vsakem sedanjem trenutku z
ljubečim srcem; in to je prvi korak.
Nocoj vam
podeljujem moj Očetovski Blagoslov.«
July 1, 2012
Ezekial says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Do not trust any politician who does not tell the Truth. If he can lie about one thing, he can lie about many. One unscrupulous act leads to another."
"There should be no hiddenness in politics - no hidden agendas. Each one should uphold the law in righteousness. Only then will this nation return to a true democracy - a nation that would not single out any one group in persecution."
"When you pray for this nation, pray that the next president is a leader, not just a politician. A leader would defend democracy. His leadership would not weaken, but strengthen the nation. A good leader would not divide, but unite the citizenry."
"His policies, as leader of the free world, would demand respect worldwide and not pull this nation into the One World Order." *
* Also known as One World Government; New World Order.
Note: Blessed Mother introduced Ezekial to me [Maureen] last Thursday. She said he is the Angel of the United States, and is from the Choir of Powers [The 5th Choir].
July 1, 2012
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph is here and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come once again to remind families to be united in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. The only way to do this is to live in Holy Love. In this way, you will accept God's Will in every present moment with a loving heart; and that is the first step."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing."
July 1, 2012
Ezekial says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Do not trust any politician who does not tell the Truth. If he can lie about one thing, he can lie about many. One unscrupulous act leads to another."
"There should be no hiddenness in politics - no hidden agendas. Each one should uphold the law in righteousness. Only then will this nation return to a true democracy - a nation that would not single out any one group in persecution."
"When you pray for this nation, pray that the next president is a leader, not just a politician. A leader would defend democracy. His leadership would not weaken, but strengthen the nation. A good leader would not divide, but unite the citizenry."
"His policies, as leader of the free world, would demand respect worldwide and not pull this nation into the One World Order." *
* Also known as One World Government; New World Order.
Note: Blessed Mother introduced Ezekial to me [Maureen] last Thursday. She said he is the Angel of the United States, and is from the Choir of Powers [The 5th Choir].
July 1, 2012
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in Families
St. Joseph is here and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come once again to remind families to be united in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. The only way to do this is to live in Holy Love. In this way, you will accept God's Will in every present moment with a loving heart; and that is the first step."
"Tonight I'm imparting to you my Fatherly Blessing."
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