Spodnje sporočilo je prejela Vassula
Ryden, malo pred njenim nedavnim obiskom na Cipru v maju letos.
22. maj 2012
"Jaz sem vhod k Upanju tam, kjer je
obup; k Radosti, kjer je žalost, k Tolažbi, kjer je trpljenje; Jaz sem Vrata Življenja, kjer je smrt. Govoril bom njihovim
srcem, vodil jih bom iz njihove puščave in z veliko nežnostjo bom zdravil in
spremljal moje Ovce. Ne bom strog do njih in poslušal bom ponižno (sklonjen k
njim), ko bodo prosili za odpuščanje.
Resnično ste mnogi od vas pozabili Moj
nauk in ste pozabili Mene, kljub temu, vas Jaz nikoli nisem pozabil, čeprav,
oh, tako mnogi od vas, grešite proti Meni… Pridite k Meni in se poučite, da sem
jaz Dobri Pastir; Jaz sem vaša mogočna zaščita, vaša močna podpora, ki poživlja
vašega duha in razsvetljuje ter razbistri vaše oči. Jaz dajem ozdravljenje,
življenje in blagoslove; Jaz sem Vse.
Pridite k Meni in govorite Mi iz svojega
srca in Jaz bom poslušal; obrnite svoje življenje v nenehno molitev in Me
razveselite; molite, molite, molite ter izravnajte in uredite svoje poti.
Očistite se in ostanite čisti skozi kesanje in ne zapravljajte več svojih dni z
zemeljskimi stvarmi, ki jih nosi proč, namesto tega, obrnite svoje oči na Moje
Bogastvo, ki daje življenje. Storite vse, kar morete, da živite sveto in v miru
z vsakim. Bodite popolni, kot je popoln vaš Oče v Nebesih in vaši grehi ne
bodo več obvladovali vašega življenja. Živite z milostjo Resničnega Življenja v
Meni, vašem Bogu, in Jaz bom potešil vašo žejo. Jaz, Jezus Kristus, blagoslavljam
vsakega od vas."
Vassula Ryden že od leta 2004 ne dobiva več rednih sporočil, temveč samo občasna. Več o Vassuly Ryden in njenih sporočilih
lahko preberete na stranici:
following message was received by Vassula shortly before her recent witnessing
in Cyprus in May.
May 22, 2012
"I am the Gateway of Hope where there is despair; of Joy where there is sorrow, of Consolation where there is affliction; I am the Gate of Life where there is death. I will speak to their heart, leading them out of their wilderness and with great tenderness I will attend My sheep; I shall not be hard on them and I will listen to the lowly when they will ask for forgiveness;
Indeed many of you have forgotten My teaching, and have forgotten Me, yet, I have never forgotten you, although, ahh, so many of you have sinned against Me… Come to Me and learn that I am the Good Shepherd; I am your powerful protection, your strong support who revives your spirit and brightens your eyes; I give healing, life and blessings; I am All;
Come to Me and speak to Me from your heart and I will listen; turn your life into an unceasing prayer and delight Me; pray, pray, pray and straighten your ways; strip yourselves clean through repentance and do not waste your days anymore with earthly things that wear away, instead turn your eyes on My Wealth that gives life; do all you can to live holy and at peace with everyone; be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect and your sins will no more dominate your life; live by grace a True Life in Me, your God, and I will quench your thirst; I Jesus Christ bless each one of you; ic"
"I am the Gateway of Hope where there is despair; of Joy where there is sorrow, of Consolation where there is affliction; I am the Gate of Life where there is death. I will speak to their heart, leading them out of their wilderness and with great tenderness I will attend My sheep; I shall not be hard on them and I will listen to the lowly when they will ask for forgiveness;
Indeed many of you have forgotten My teaching, and have forgotten Me, yet, I have never forgotten you, although, ahh, so many of you have sinned against Me… Come to Me and learn that I am the Good Shepherd; I am your powerful protection, your strong support who revives your spirit and brightens your eyes; I give healing, life and blessings; I am All;
Come to Me and speak to Me from your heart and I will listen; turn your life into an unceasing prayer and delight Me; pray, pray, pray and straighten your ways; strip yourselves clean through repentance and do not waste your days anymore with earthly things that wear away, instead turn your eyes on My Wealth that gives life; do all you can to live holy and at peace with everyone; be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect and your sins will no more dominate your life; live by grace a True Life in Me, your God, and I will quench your thirst; I Jesus Christ bless each one of you; ic"
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