
četrtek, 27. december 2012


28. december - DAN NEDOLŽNIH OTROK



Dan za vse tiste, ki jim je bilo življenje vzeto, še preden so se rodili.

Kolumbijska zdravnica Gloria Polo je v svoji knjigi - Zadela me je strela - o splavljenih otrokih zapisala, da so duše otrok, ki so splavljeni, iztrgani iz rok Nebeškega Očeta, iz Njegove Ljubezni, ker so s prekinitvijo življenja iztrgani iz Božjega reda.

Razmislimo, ali res želimo koga prikrajšati za ljubezen?
In to za najvišjo ljubezen – Ljubezen Boga?



552 Hudič slika mladini utvaro, da je spolnost samo za uživanje, da zaradi tega ni treba imeti očitkov vesti, da se zaradi tega ni treba počutiti krivega. In veste, zakaj satan to počne? Zakaj zapeljuje ljudi, da to delajo? Razen mnogih drugih razlogov za to potrebuje človeške žrtve, ker se po vsakem namernem splavu poveča njegova moč na zemlji.

554 Zdravnik mi je dal narkozo. Ko pa sem se spet zbudila, nisem bila več ista kot prej. Ubili so otroka in jaz sem (so)umrla z njim. (Prekine predavanje in spet začne jokati!)

555 Veste. GOSPOD mi je pokazal v »Knjigi življenja« vse te stvari, ki jih ne moremo videti s človeškimi očmi. Pokazal mi je, kaj se je zgodilo, ko je zdravnik opravljal splav.

556 Videla sem zdravnika, ki je imel nekaj takega kot klešče, z njimi je prijel otroka in ga zdrobil v koščke. Ta otrok na vso moč kriči. O moj BOG, tako zelo kriči. Vsak otrok namreč dobi takoj ob spočetju dušo, popolnoma odraslo dozorelo dušo. Ta je popolna, cela in dovršena. Kajti duša ne raste tako kot telo. BOG jo ustvari dovršeno.

557 Takoj po združitvi semena in jajčeca nastane žarek svetlobe, ki je prekrasen. Ta svetloba je kot sonce in izvira iz svetlobnega sijaja BOGA OČETA in NJEGOVE neskončne ljubezni.

558 V istem trenutku je ta duša, ustvarjena od BOGA, že dozorela in odrasla. Je popolna in je slika in podoba BOGA. To mlado življenje je potopljeno v Svetega DUHA, ki prihaja iz BOŽJEGA srca.

559 Naročje žene, ki je spočela, je polno te svetlobe, tega sijaja združitve GOSPODA s to novo ustvarjeno dušo. In ko oni (morilci in pomagači ginekoloških inštitutov za splave) potem tega otroka zgrabijo s kleščami in razdrobijo, kako se to majhno, porajajoče se bitje, bori za svoje življenje.

560 Videla sem, kako je GOSPOD zadrhtel in se zgrozil, ko so MU to dušo iztrgali iz njegovih rok. Kadar takole ubijejo otroka, vpije tako močno, da se trese in drhti vse nebo. V mojem primeru, ko sem jaz dala ubiti otroka, sem tudi slišala, da je tako glasno in močno kričal, da se je trgalo srce.

561 Videla sem tudi, da JEZUS na križu za to dušo stoka in trpi, prav tako za vsako dušo, ki jo uničijo s splavom in ji odrečejo pravico do življenja. Pogled GOSPODA na križu je bil poln bolečin; ne da se opisati, kakšne bolečine je moral zaradi tega prenašati!! Če bi vi to videli, ne bi nihče več imel poguma, da bi naredil splav. (Ponovno prekine predavanje in začne znova jokati!)

562 Koliko splavov se naredi na svetu? V enem dnevu? V enem mesecu? Lahko izmerite grozljivo dimenzijo našega greha? Obseg te množične morije, bolečino in trpljenje, ki jih s tem prizadevamo GOSPODU, NJEMU, ki je z nami tako usmiljen, ki nas ljubi, čeprav smo pošasti in preprosto še naprej grešimo.

563 Vse to trpljenje prizadenemo sami sebi in tako se hudobija našega življenja polašča nas samih.


564 Vsakokrat ko se prelije kri otročička  nedolžnega otroka, prinašamo satanu žgalno daritev in njegova moč se na zemlji polagoma povečuje. Ta duša obupno kliče na pomoč; nihče je ne more slišati oziroma nihče je noče slišati! Še enkrat vam ponovim: ta duša je zrela in odrasla, četudi nima dozorelega in oblikovanega telesa, vse zasnove za to so že tu. Kot je pri jabolčni peški že dana zasnova za veliko široko jablano.

565 Telo se mora šele tvoriti in rasti, toda duša je gotova. Ta krik, ki ga oddaja mlado življenje, če ga ubijemo, strese nebesa. Tudi v peklu se oglasi krik zmagoslavja, ki ga lahko primerjamo z vpitjem na stadionu, kadar dajo gol. Pekel je takšen stadion, velikansko nepregledno ozemlje, polno demonov, hudičev in peklenščkov, ki kričijo kot zmešani od zmagoslavja.

566 Demoni so izlili name kri mojega otroka, ki sem ga imela na vesti, in prav tako kri onih, ki sem jih spodbujala in nagovorila, da so tudi dopustili prekinitev nosečnosti. Moja prvotno svetla duša se je spremenila v neprodorno mračnost. Potem ko sem splavila, sem zgubila vsak občutek za greh. V resnici sem mislila, da nimam grehov.

567 Toda GOSPOD mi je pokazal tudi, da s tako imenovanim »družinskim načrtovanjem« povzročimo še več splavov. Za preprečitev spočetja sem si namreč dala vsaditi spiralo iz bakra.

568 Od svojega 16. leta dalje sem uporabljala to vrsto zaščite pred spočetjem. Nosila sem jo do dne, ko me je zadela strela. Le ko sem sama hotela zanositi, sem si jo dala odstraniti.

569 Rada bi povedala vsem ženam, da spirala sproži splave. Oplojeno jajčece se ne more ugnezditi in umre. Splavimo ga. Vem, da mnoge ženske opazijo, da je med menstruacijo v krvi nekaj kot grob strdek in da imajo pri tem velike bolečine, bolj kot pri običajnih mesečnih periodah. Gredo k zdravniku, ki pa temu ne posveti posebne pozornosti, zapiše jim zdravilo za zmanjšanje bolečin, in če je hudo, jim da injekcijo.

570 Pa veste, kaj je to v resnici? To je mikroabortus. Ja, spirala povzroči mikroabortus. Kajti ko je jajčece oplojeno, se hoče ugnezditi v maternici, vendar se zaradi spirale ne more, kot sem že prej omenila. Ta oplojena jajčeca so že ljudje. Imajo dušo, popolnoma izdelano dušo, ki ji ni dovoljeno, da živi. Grozljivo je bilo videti, koliko takih oplojenih jajčec, torej ljudi, popolnoma sposobnih za življenje, se na ta način splavi. Ta sonca, te »Božje Iskre so ugasnjene, usmrčene, njihovi kriki pa pretresajo nebeške temelje.

571 Najhuje je bilo zame tudi to, da nisem mogla reči, da tega nisem vedela. Kajti nekoč je duhovnik v svoji pridigi to rekel, a nisem hotela slišati.

572 Pri maši ponavadi nisem pazila na to, kaj je govoril duhovnik. Nikoli nisem poslušala, in če bi me kdo vprašal, kaj je bilo pri evangeliju, bi tega ne vedela. Veste, demoni so tudi v cerkvi in preprečujejo, da bi kaj slišali, odvračajo nas in nas uspavajo. Pri neki taki maši pa, ko sem bila spet popolnoma odsotna, me je angel varuh krcnil in odprl ušesa, da sem v tistem trenutku slišala, kaj je rekel duhovnik.

573 Govoril je, da spirala povzroča splave, in da vsaka ženska, ki kaj takega uporablja, ne sme hoditi k obhajilu. Slišala sem to in bila besna na duhovnika.

574 Kaj neki so si duhovniki mislili? Kaj so se vmešavali, s kakšno pravico? Jasno, da zaradi tega Cerkev ni mogla napredovati in so bile cerkve prazne. Jasno, oni preprosto ne gredo s časom in se ne brigajo za napredek in znanost. Za koga se pravzaprav imajo ti duhovniki? So mogoče oni tisti, ki bodo dali jesti vsem otrokom, ki se bodo rodili?

575 Besna sem bila in sem zabavljala, ko sem šla iz cerkve. Ko so me sodili pred BOGOM, nisem mogla reči, da tega nisem vedela. Čeprav sem torej to vedela, se nisem zmenila za to in sem še naprej nosila spiralo do svoje nesreče.

576 Koliko dojenčkov sem na ta način ubila? Bila sem potrta, ker je moje naročje, namesto da bi bilo izvir življenja, postalo pokopališče in se spremenilo v morišče za nerojene otročičke.

577 Pomislite, da lastna mati ubije otroka. Mati, ki ji je BOG podelil tako velik dar, da sme posredovati življenje in ki naj bi varovala svoje otroke ter jih obranila pred zlom; ta mati potem umori svojega lastnega otroka.

578 Demon je s svojo hudičevo strategijo vse človeštvo pripravil do tega, da ubija svoje otroke in svojo prihodnost, da jo zaduši v kali.

579 Zdaj sem začela razumevati, zakaj sem bila ves čas tako polna grenkobe, potrta in zlovoljna, razdraženega pogleda, nezadovoljna z vsako stvarjo in z vsem. Ne da bi opazila, sem se spremenila v ubijalski stroj za dojenčke. To me je vleklo vedno bolj navzdol, do roba pekla.

580 Prostovoljni abortus je najhujši izmed vseh grehov. Ubiti v materinem naročju nemočnega otroka, nedolžno bitje namreč pomeni, da prepustiš satanu vodstvo življenja, mu prodaš dušo. Demon nas pelje naravnost v brezno, ker prelivamo nedolžno kri.

581 Dojenček je kot jagnje, »nedolžno jagnje«, podobno »BOŽJEMU JAGNJETU«, ki je bilo zaklano za nas. Takšen greh pomeni vez, zelo globoko vez z mračnostjo, ker je mati tista, ki ubije svojega otroka. To je vzrok, zakaj vedno več demonov prihaja iz brezna in naseljuje to zemljo, da bi uničili vse človeštvo. Za vsakogar danes je očitno, kako zelo se širi satanizem.

582 Odpirajo se do zdaj zapečatena vrata, padajo pečati, ki jih je BOG pritrdil, da nas ne bi preplavila hudobija. Ti pečati z vsakim umorom otroka vedno bolj razpadajo. Izza peklenskih vrat prihajajo demoni, videti so kot strašne ličnike in vedno več te peklenske zalege preplavlja svet in človeštvo, se prilepi nanj, ga zasleduje in na koncu nas vse naredijo za sužnje svojega mesa, svojega poželenja, za sužnje greha, dovzetne za hudobijo.

583 Sami lahko vidimo in tudi res vidimo, da se povečuje zlo. Tako je, kot bi sami dajali demonom v roke ključe, da bi lahko prišli na dan. In prihajajo, vedno številčnejši, demoni prostitucije, bolne seksualnosti, satanizma, ateizma, samomora, otopelosti in vseh hudobij, ki jih lahko dan na dan vidimo.

584 Z vsakim dnem je svet slabši. Veliko število otrok, ki jih vsak dan pomorimo, je zmagoslavje pekla. Zaradi te nedolžne krvi so demoni spuščeni in med nami širijo hudobijo.

585 Spomnite se, da grešimo, ne da bi vedeli, ne vemo pa, ker smo utišali svojo vest. Naše življenje se vedno bolj spreminja v pekel, poln vsakovrstnih težav, kot so bolezni in mnoge druge tegobe, ki nas doletijo. Vse to je delovanje demonov med nami v eni sami kulturi, kulturi smrti.

586 Sami smo tisti, samo mi, ki smo hudiču na stežaj odprli vrata s svojimi ne obžalovanimi in nespovedanimi grehi. Tako mu dajemo svobodo in dovoljenje, da ravna z našim življenjem, kot se mu zljubi.

587 Pa ni tako, da grešimo samo s splavi, čeprav je to najtežji od vseh grehov, temveč na mnogih področjih se ne zavedamo več grehov in smo že čisto otopeli. In potem smo še tako nesramni, da pripisujemo BOGU krivdo za naše tegobe, ko nas doletijo bolezen, bolečina in trpljenje.

588 Vendar nam naš ljubeči BOG v svojem neskončnem usmiljenju daje zakrament sprave. Imamo možnost za kesanje, lahko si damo izbrisati svoje grehe z zakramentom sprave in tako pretrgamo satanove spone ter enkrat za vselej končamo njegov vpliv na naše življenje. Na ta način lahko očistimo svoje duše. Kar se mene tiče, tega nisem storila.

589 Ne ubijamo samo, kadar komu vzamemo življenje. Ta greh lahko zagrešimo tudi po ovinkih. Dobro poslušajte!

590 Zdaj pa dobro pazite! Moč in vpliv, ki sem si ga pridobila s svojim DENARJEM, sta me zapeljala in pripravila do tega, da sem financirala kar nekaj, da ne rečem mnogo  splavov. Šele moj denar je to omogočil. Kajti vedno sem govorila: »Ženska ima pravico, da si izbere, kdaj hoče ostati noseča in kdaj ne. Vaš trebuh pripada samo vam samim!«

591 In glejte! V moji 'Knjigi življenja' je vse pisalo črno na belem. Zelo me je bolelo, ko sem videla in končno tudi dojela, v kakšne ogabne zločine sem
zaradi svojega denarja zapletla samo sebe.

592 Bilo pa je neizbrisno napisano v moji 'Knjigi življenja' deklico, ki je ravno dopolnila 14. leto, sem pripravila do tega, da je splavila. Jaz sem bila njena učiteljica. Če ima kdo v sebi strup, potem ne ostane v njegovi okolici nič zdravo.

593 Vsi, ki se približajo takemu človeku in so pod njegovim negativnim vplivom, pridejo v stik s tem strupom, se tudi sami zastrupijo in postanejo strupeni. Še druge čisto mlade deklice, tri izmed mojih nečakinj in zaročenka enega mojih nečakov, so splavile.

594 Njihovi starši so jih brez pomislekov pustili k meni, saj sem bila tista z mnogo denarja, ki je lahko vse uredila  in je bila tako »dobrega srca«. Bila sem »dobra teta«, ki je vedno vabila vse; dobra teta, ki jim je pripovedovala o modnem svetu, jim pokazala najnovejšo modo in jim pogosto tudi kaj kupila.

595 Jaz sem bila tista, ki je tem mladim bitjem pokazala, kako se lahko naredijo bolj privlačne, kako naj vstopijo v to družbo »glamurja« (sijaja) in pred drugimi pokažejo svoje mlado telo čim bolj izzivalno.

596 In predstavljajte si! Sestra mi je poslala v popolnem zaupanju svoje otroke in mi jih prepustila. Kako sem jih pokvarila in prostituirala! Ja, jaz sem te mlade stvarce, na pol otroke, privedla v prostitucijo. To je bil še eden teh vnebovpijočih zločinov in strašen greh, ki je v razvrstitvi najbolj gnusnih grehov pred GOSPODOM takoj za splavom. Saj sem te mlade deklice učila takole:

»Moje drage deklice, ne bodite vendar neumne! Četudi vam vaše matere toliko govorijo o vrednosti devištva, nedotaknjenosti in čistosti, je to preprosto zato, ker vaši starši živijo še v preteklosti, njihov svet ni več današnji svet. Navezani so na včeraj, niso utegnili živeti svobodnega in modernega življenja. Morate jih razumeti. Ve same se morate vključiti v moderno življenje in uživati svobodo, ki so si jo ženske priborile, ter se popolnoma uresničiti kot ženske  prisluhnite jim, pokažite se razumevajoče, ker pač ne morejo biti drugačni; ampak zaradi tega si ni treba pokvariti svojega lastnega mladega življenja. Vaše matere vam govorijo o SVETEM PISMU, ki ga poznamo že 2000 let. Niso pa več »na tekočem«.

In župniki so tudi zavrnili to, kar je moderno, in nočejo s časom naprej. Pridigajo nekaj, kar jim naloži papež, ta pa tudi ni v skladu s časom, ta papež je že zastarel. Vsak mlad človek, ki ga še posluša, je neumen in sam kriv, če ne more prav uživati življenja«.

597 Vidite strup, ki sem ga raztresala v ta mlada, nedolžna dekliška srca. To je enostavno kar se da POŠASTNO! Položila sem temeljni kamen, da bi njihovo življenje krenilo proti peklu.

598 Tem mladim dekletcem sem tudi posredovala znanje, kako lahko najbolje telesno uživajo pri spolnosti. Pri tem sem jih še posebej opozorila, kako pomembno je, da se zaščitijo. Naučila sem jih vseh metod, ki sem jih poznala.

599 Pod naslovom »popolna samostojna ženska« sem jih kar se da natančno seznanila o vseh tveganjih in njihovi zaščiti pri spolnem občevanju.

600 Nekega dne pride k meni v ordinacijo ena teh deklic, zaročenka mojega nečaka, bila je stara ravno 14 let (in to, kar vam pripovedujem, sem videla sama zapisano v »Knjigi mojega življenja«), pride torej k meni in mi v bridkih solzah pripoveduje: »Gloria, tako mlada sem še, praktično še sama otrok, in kljub temu sem že noseča.«

601 Jaz sem ji na to odvrnila: »O ti zabita stvar! Vas nisem učila, kako se zaščitimo?!«

602 Še vedno je jokala in rekla: »To že, ampak ni pravilno delovalo«.

603 In ob pogledu v mojo »Knjigo življenja« sem videla, da mi je GOSPOD pravzaprav poslal to mlado bitje, da bi ga obvarovala neumnosti. Hotel je, da jo obvarujem, preden bi padla dol v to brezno, da jo odvrnem od tega, da bi splavila svojega otročka.

604 Kajti splav nam položi okoli vratu tako težko verigo, da nas vleče na tla in jo potem komaj zmoremo vleči za seboj. Povzroča bolečino, ki ne mine celo življenje. To je nesmiselna gotovost, da smo zagrešili umor, da smo torej morilci.

605 Najhuje pri tem je, da nismo umorili kogar koli, temveč lastno meso in kri, svojega lastnega otroka.

606 V primeru te deklice je bilo najhujše to, da sem ji, namesto da bi jo odvrnila od tega in ji pripovedovala o BOGU, potisnila v roko sveženj denarja, da si je lahko privoščila splav.

607 Da bi pomirila svojo vest (ne vem, ali sploh lahko to, kar sem takrat imela, imenujemo vest), sem ji dala toliko denarja, da je šla lahko v najbolj priznano kliniko za splave, da bi pozneje zagotovo ne bilo komplikacij. Tako kot pri tej priložnosti sem financirala še mnoge druge splave.

608 Strašno je, če danes pomislim na to. Kadar koli se prelije kri kakega dojenčka, je to kot velika žgalna daritev za satana, to je gostija za satana. Mane si roke in pleše od veselja.

609 Našega GOSPODA JEZUSA KRISTUSA to boli kot ob NJEGOVI smrti na križu in pod temi bolečinami se zdrzne in vsakokrat zelo trpi, kadar do smrti mučijo nerojenega, nedolžnega otroka.

610 V »Knjigi življenja« sem namreč lahko tudi videla, kako nastane življenje. Videla sem, kako se tvori naša duša v trenutku, ko semenčica zadene ob jajčece.

611 Tedaj preskoči čudovito lepa iskra, ki izžareva svetlobo, ta pa ima svoj izvir v sončni svetlobi BOGA OČETA. Trebuh bodoče matere razsvetlijo žarki te nove duše v trenutku, ko je bilo oplojeno jajčece.

612 Kadar pride do splava, potem ta duša joka in stoka od bolečine, čeprav še niso nastale oči in udi. Vse občestvo svetnikov in ves onostranski svet zazna te krike in to stokanje, kadar umorijo dušo, ki je bila ustvarjena z BOŽJO pomočjo.

613 Celoten nebesni svod se zdrzne ob tem joku in slišati ga je z enega konca do drugega, glasno in razločno kot odmev v hribih.

614 V peklu je tudi slišati klice, toda tam je to vriskanje, ko se oglašajo demoni, da bi proslavili ta dan in tedaj uprizorijo še rajanje.

615 Takoj za tem se odpre v peklu nekaj pečatov in prikažejo se grozljive pošasti, ki so spuščene na zemljo, da bi znova skušale človeštvo in ga privedle na kriva pota.

616 Posledica tega je, da satan vedno bolj zasužnjuje ljudi, da se ljudje vedno bolj vdajajo nasladi in uživanju, da nastajajo vedno nove odvisnosti in se dogajajo vsi ti hudi in strašni zločini ter hudobije, o katerih vsak dan slišimo in jih vidimo v poročilih in za katere vsakič mislimo, da ne morejo biti hujši, naslednji dan pa po novih zločinih spet ugotovimo, da jih je bilo še mogoče stopnjevati.

617 Imamo sploh še predstavo, koliko dojenčkov na celem svetu dnevno umorijo? Sploh si več ne moremo predstavljati obsega tega pošastnega zločina. Bredemo po krvi teh nedolžnih otrok in tega ne opazimo več.

618 Za nas je to normalno in spada k vsakdanjosti. Če se kdo bori proti splavu, ga že prikažejo kot fanatičnega, staromodnega in nekoliko zmešanega.

619 To je eno največjih zmagoslavij za kneza pekla, za satana. Kako bo z našim svetom, če je za ceno nedolžne krvi posameznega nerojenega otroka spuščen na zemljo nov demon? Kmalu se bo na našem svetu stemnilo od samih demonov, ki so jih spustili.

620 Potem sem videla, kako so me potopili v kri teh nedolžnih otrok in me umili. In prav nasprotno kot pri pranju na našem svetu, je postajala moja bela duša v tej krvavi kopeli vedno temnejša in grša, dokler ni bila popolnoma črna.

621 Po teh zgodbah s splavi nisem imela več nikakršnega občutka, kaj je greh. Zame enostavno ni bilo več greha.

622 Vse je bilo dovoljeno in poleg tega se mi je zdelo moje ravnanje dobro. Saj sem pomagala ljudem. Le da se nisem zavedala, da sem tem ljudem pomagala k varni poti v pekel.

623 Pokazala se je še druga stvar, ki mi nikakor ni zbujala pozornosti in prišla na misel, ker sem bila sama na hudičevi plačilni listi.

624 Pokazani so mi bili vsi tisti dojenčki, ki sem jih jaz sama ubila. In prav tako kot vi zdaj v prvem trenutku nisem vedela, kako, kdaj in kje!

625 Pa mi je bilo takoj pokazano in sem potem jasno videla pred seboj. Že na začetku sem vam povedala, da sem kot kontracepcijsko metodo pri družinskem načrtovanju izbrala spiralo in si to dala vsaditi.

626 Ostrmela sem in bolelo me je, ko sem v »Knjigi mojega življenja« zagledala, koliko mojih jajčec je bilo oplojenih in so bila na tem, da zrastejo v majhne dojenčke. Videla sem mnogo iskric, ki so zasvetile ob nastanku duš. Slišala sem tudi krike teh duš, ki so bile iztrgane iz roke BOGA OČETA.

627 Takoj sem razumela, zakaj sem bila zmeraj tako slabe volje, zagrenjena in tečna. Bila sem zlovoljna, ni se dalo govoriti z mano, nisem se obvladala in sem bila do soljudi in svoje družine zoprna.

628 Ves dan sem bila zamorjena, nič me ni moglo zadovoljiti. Večkrat sem se znašla v strašnih depresijah. Zdaj pa je bilo, kot bi mi padle luske z oči: »Kako preprosto in povsem jasno – spremenila sem se v ubijalski stroj za dojenčke!«

629 Zaradi vsega tega sem se potapljala še globlje v močvirje greha. Kako sem si mogla na začetku tega pregleda svojega življenja domišljati in ponosno izjavljati, da nisem nikogar ubila.

630 Kako sem mogla vsakega človeka, ki je bil zame predebel ali mi ni bil simpatičen, prezirati in zaničevati, ja, prav grdo ravnati z njim in ga preprosto odklanjati. Kako sem se lahko tako domišljavo obnašala, čeprav sem bila čisto navadna morilka?

631 Pokazano mi je bilo tudi, da se človeka ne ubije samo s strelom iz pištole. Ne, pogosto zadostuje, če ga neizmerno sovražiš, če mu želiš kaj slabega ali mu to prizadeneš, če te razjeda zavist do te osebe. In tudi s tem že lahko drugega ubiješ. To nam pove beseda: Klevetanje!

632 Umor v družini ali na vasi se zelo pogosto začne z enim takih dejanj, ki jih imamo sami za nenevarna, četudi zlobna.





Neka ponižna žena našega časa, Nemka z imenom Marija, družinska mati, je bila na poseben način obdarovana z veliko mistično milostjo.
Takole pričuje in govori o svojem prikazovanju:

»Sedela sem na tramvaju ob oknu in molila rožni venec. Nenadoma zagledam živo luč: Jezus se je prikazal ob meni in mi reče:
»Glej grob ubijalcev!«
Gledala sem na desno in na levo in vprašala:
»Gospod na desni so sama polja; ali morda misliš na poslopje z napisom »Ginekološka klinika«?«
Jezus odgovori: »Da, točno. Veliko je takšnih klinik.
Moli za te zdravnike in za tiste, ki pomagajo pri splavih, posebno pa za matere, ki ubijajo svoje nerojene otroke, ali jih dajo ubiti, preden se rodijo.
To noč ti bom dolgo govoril.«

Zares mi je ponoči Gospod pokazal grozno sliko. Videla sem zemljo, pokrito z majcenimi trupelci otrok …
Jokala sem ob pogledu na to …

Tedaj mi reče Gospod:
»Nečisti duh je potrkal na vrata in mnoga so se mu odprla.
Gorje tistim ki ga poslušajo!
V eni sami noči se bodo pogreznili skupaj s svojimi hišami v močvirje njihovih pregreh.
Joka se na grobovih otrok, ki jih je Bog poklical k sebi; saj je njihov gospodar!.
Ne joka pa se nad kruto pomorjenimi otroki!
Prišel bo celo čas, ko se bo mislilo, da se dela Bogu in ljudem dobro z ubijanjem teh malih.
Blagoslovljena pa bo vsaka hiša, v kateri biva duša, ki zadoščuje za splave!

Tedaj vidim na nebesnem oboku brezštevilne glave otrok in vzkliknem:
»Gospod, to so glavice tvojih angelov!«
Gospod odgovori:
»To so ti mali, ki jim je bilo vzeto življenje.
Oni bodo tožniki pred Božjim prestolom.
Moli za njihove morilce, da se spokorijo!«

Vprašala sem ga:
»Gospod, zakaj si mi vse to pokazal?
Vem, da ti mali nikoli ne bodo gledali Boga.«

Tedaj mi Jezus reče:
»Marija, ti imaš veliko nalogo …
Ti mali lahko pridejo v nebesa in gledajo Boga.

Povej vsem, kar ti bom sedaj povedal, tudi svojim duhovnikom.
Naletela boš na težave, toda s časom se bo razumelo in opravljali boste to za srečo teh malih.

Vi jih lahko krstite!!!
(Navodilo obreda sledi spodaj)
In glejte neverjetno obljubo Odrešenika:
Tedaj Bog polije z blagoslovljeno vodo glave otrok in da vsakemu svoje ime.

Bodi pozorna in skušaj razumeti, kaj ti hočem povedati; vsakokrat ko boste tako krščevali – in nikoli ne boste prevečkrat – vsakokrat boste prejeli milosti za te male duše, ki jim boste s tem odprli nebesa.«

Jezus še pojasnjuje:
»Naša usmiljena ljubezen, prekipevajoča ljubezen mojega Očeta, Moja in Svetega Duha se razodeva v tem času nereda in zablod …
Delaj tako, da bodo spoznali vero, te besede krsta, besede psalmov in besede ljubezni. (Razlagaj nevednim)
Pomagal ti bom, da bodo tudi preproste duše lahko uporabljale to krščevanje v pomoč tem malim.«
Končno mi zabiča:
»Zapiši še enkrat, da Jaz želim, da se tako dela.«


1.     PSALM 32:
 »Gospodov sklep pa ostane na veke, misli Njegovega Srca od vekov na veke…« (Psalm 32)
-          … da reši njihove duše smrti in jih ob lakoti preživlja (Psalm 32)

2.     VERA:
-         Verujem v Boga Očeta Vsemogočnega, Stvarnika Nebes in Zemlje in v Jezusa Kristusa, Njegovega edinorojenega Sina, Gospoda našega, ki je bil spočet z močjo (od) Svetega Duha, rojen iz Marije Device, trpel pod Poncijem Pilatom, bil križam, umrl in bil v grob položen. Šel pred pekel in tretji dan od mrtvih vstal, šel v Nebesa in sedi na Desnici Očetovi, od koder bo prišel sodit žive in mrtve. Verujem v Svetega Duha, v sveto katoliško Cerkev, v skupnost svetnikov, v odpuščanje grehov, v vstajenje mesa (telesa) in v večno življenje. Amen.

3.     Nato poškropi z BLAGOSLOVLJENO VODO na vse ŠTIRI STRANI NEBA.

4.     Nato reci:

a)    »Vi vsi mrtvorojeni v tem dnevu ali v tej noči, vi vsi, ki ste bili umorjeni v materinem telesu, vi vsi, ki boste umorjeni, da bi v Kristusu imeli večno življenje: Janez, Marija, Jože, Alenka … JAZ VAS KRSTIM V IMENU OČETA IN SINA IN SVETEGA DUHA.«
b)    »Poklical sem te s tvojim imenom, ti mi sedaj pripadaš!« (Izaija 43,1)
c)     »Pojte Gospodu novo pesem, ker je storil za nas čudovite stvari« (Psalm 97,1)
d)    »Gospodove milosti bom na veke opeval« (Psalm 88,1)
e)       »Aleluja, aleluja, aleluja!«


Gospod konča s tem nujnim klicem:
»Širite te moje besede.
Pohitite, dokler ne bo prepozno zanje in za vas.«
Čas pritiska!
Razumite znamenja časov!


Bog obljublja obilico Božjega blagoslova za:
-         vernike, ki energično in brezpogojno nasprotujejo uboju nedolžnih pod materinim srcem;
-         - kristjanom, ki imajo usmiljenje in se goreče (vsak dan) poslužujejo tega razodetja – krsta nerojenih – o katerem je bilo rečeno:
»Glejte znak ljubezni usmiljenega Troedinega Boga za tiste, ki se še niso rodili!«


Proti poplavi blata, ki teče iz peklenskih votlin, glejte odgovor Gospoda, polnega usmiljenja do ubogih nedolžnih žrtev. To je ponudba vsem dušam dobre volje, da KRSTIJO NEROJENE, SPLAVLJENE OTROKE.
V izjemnih časih, izjemno zdravilo!

To nebeško luč smo prejeli po privatnem razodetju. Ko smo ga pazljivo in previdno preiskali, ga sedaj predstavljamo z vrsto garancij o njegovi pristnosti.
Poleg tega smo se potrudili, da smo besedilo predložili nekemu odgovornemu teologu, ki je odgovoril:
»Cerkev ne obsoja takega stališča in še manj, da bi karkoli rekla glede tega. Bolje je to razširjati, kakor nič narediti, ker stvar je pozitivna …«

(Priporočajmo tem anglecem v nebesih, naj pri Bogu izprosijo spreobrnenje slovenskih «splavaric« in blagoslov vsem družinam, ki z zaupanjem v Božjo Previdnost, sprejemajo tudi večje število otrok,da ne bi izumrl naš narod, ampak v poštenju napredoval!)


Na neki svoji konferenci je pater Tardif povedal tole zgodbo:

«Nekega dne se mi je približala bivša redovnica, ki je zapustila svoj poklic potem, ko je splavila.
Toda stvar jo je globoko prizadela in pater Tardif ji je po tem obredu krstil mrtvega  (splavljenega) otroka.
Čez nekaj časa se sestri prikaže otrok, ki jo veselo objema in kliče:
»Mama!« –  Zahvaljeval se ji je, da ga je dala krstiti vsaj na ta način.«


»Jaz sama sem nekoč rodila otroka šestih mesecev, ki je bil že mrtev. Zdravnik mi je že prej povedal, da se bo otrok, ki ga nosim, rodil predčasno in ne bo živel. Zato sem ga hotela krstiti, preden bo v meni umrl. Poiskala sem mesto, kjer je bila glavica in prosila Boga: »Moj Bog, naj ta voda, ki teče po moji koži, priteče na glavico otroka!«

Šele po enem letu sem prejela potrdilo,da me je Bog uslišal…
Ob moji postelji je stal čudovit otrok. Vprašala sem ga: Kdo si, moj mali angelček?«

Slišala sem odgovor:
»Jaz sem tvoj mali Werner. S krstom si mi odprla vrata v nebesa. Molil sem za tebe, za tvoje ozdravljenje.
(To videnje je mati imela, ko je bila operirana in se je zbudila).
Za tvojo tolažbo in za potrditev resničnosti tega krsta, mi je Bog dovolil,da se ti prikažem.
Na svidenje, draga mama!«

(Pretipkano iz obširnejšega prevoda iz nemščine, Ljubljana, 15.2.1992)




1.     V začetku dvignemo naš rožni venec k nebu in rečemo:

NEBEŠKA KRALJICA, s tem rožnim vencem vežem, izročim in priporočim vse grešnike in vse narode Tvojemu Brezmadežnemu Srcu.

2. Naredimo ZNAMENJE KRIŽA in rečemo:

V imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha.


Nebeški Oče, v teh časih svetovne stiske, naj vse duše najdejo mir in varnost v Tvoji Božanski Volji.
Daj vsaki duši milost razumevanja, da je Tvoja Volja Sveta Ljubezen v sedanjem trenutku.
Dobri Oče, razsvetli vsako vest , da vidi poti, na katerih ne živi po Tvoji Volji.
Podeli svetu milost, da se spremeni in čas, v katerem lahko to stori.
BOŽJE DETE JEZUS, ko molimo ta Rožni venec, Te prosimo, odstrani iz Srca sveta željo in nagnjenost, da zagreši greh splava.  Odstrani plašč satanove prevare, ki jo je položil v srca in ki prikazuje promiskuiteto  (zmešnjavo in svobodne spolne odnose) kot svobodo in jo razkrij, razodeni jo takšno kot je – kot sužnost grehu. Položi v Srce sveta  obnovljeno spoštovanje do življenja v trenutku spočetja.


Verujem v Boga Očeta Vsemogočnega, Stvarnika Nebes in Zemlje in v Jezusa Kristusa, Njegovega edinorojenega Sina, Gospoda našega, ki je bil spočet z močjo (od) Svetega Duha, rojen iz Marije Device, trpel pod Poncijem Pilatom, bil križam, umrl in bil v grob položen. Šel pred pekel in tretji dan od mrtvih vstal, šel v Nebesa in sedi na Desnici Očetovi, od koder bo prišel sodit žive in mrtve. Verujem v Svetega Duha, v sveto katoliško Cerkev, v skupnost svetnikov, v odpuščanje grehov, v vstajenje mesa (telesa) in v večno življenje. Amen.

5. Napovemo 1. Skrivnost rožnega venca in
zmolimo OČE NAŠ:

Oče naš, ki si v Nebesih,
posvečeno bodi Tvoje Ime,
pridi k nam Tvoje Kraljestvo,
zgodi se Tvoja Volja,
kakor v Nebesih, tako na zemlji.

Daj nam danes naš vsakdanji kruh

in odpusti nam naše dolge

kakor tudi mi odpuščamo svojim dolžnikom
in ne vpelji nas v skušnjavo
temveč reši nas hudega. Amen.

6. Zmolimo ZDRAVA MARIJA – 10-krat:

ZDRAVA (POZDRAVLJENA) MARIJA, milosti polna, Gospod je s Teboj, blagoslovljena si med ženami in blagoslovljen je sad Tvojega telesa, Jezus.
SVETA MARIJA, Mati Božja , prosi za nas grešnike, 
zdaj in ob naši smrtni uri. Amen.

7. Zmolimo ČAST BODI:

ČAST BODI Očetu in Sinu in Svetemu Duhu, kakor je bilo v začetku, tako zdaj in vselej in vekomaj. Amen.


O Jezus, odpusti nam naše grehe, obvaruj nas peklenskega ognja in pripelji v nebesa vse duše, posebno še tiste, ki so najbolj potrebne Tvojega Usmiljenja. Amen.


Jezus, zaščiti in reši nerojene!. Amen.

Točke 5 – 9 ponovimo petkrat: vsakič za povrstjo dodamo novo (1 do 5) skrivnost svetega Rožnega Venca .
(glej skrivnosti Rožnega venca)



Pozdravljena Sveta Kraljica, Mati Usmiljenja, življenja sladkost in upanje naše, pozdravljena!
K tebi vpijemo ubogi, izgnani Evini otroci.
K Tebi vzdihujemo objokani in žalostni v tej solzni dolini.
Obrni torej, najbolj ljubezniva Zagovornica, Svoje milostljive oči k nam in nam po tem izgnanstvu, pokaži blagoslovljeni sad Tvojega Telesa, Jezusa.
O Dobrotljiva, o Ljubeča, o sladka Devica Marija.

b) Prosi za nas, o sveta Božja Mati,
-         da postanemo vredni obljub Kristusovih.
-         O Bog, čigar edinorojeni Sin, nas je s Svojim Življenjem, Smrtjo in Vstajenjem odkupil in pridobil za nas  dar Večnega Življenja, podeli, Te prosimo, da bomo v premišljevanju teh skrivnosti najbolj Svetega Rožnega venca Preblažene Device Marije, lahko posnemali, kar vsebujejo in dosegli, kar obljubljajo, po istem Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen.


a)      VESELE SKRIVNOSTI ROŽNEGA VENCA (Veseli del Rožnega venca):
1.      – ki si ga Devica od Svetega Duha spočela,
2.      – ki si Ga Devica v obiskovanju Elizabete nosila,
3.      – ki si ga Devica rodila,
4.      – ki si ga Devica v Templju darovala,
5.      – ki si ga Devica v Templju našla.
(Molijo se vsak PONEDELJEK in v SOBOTO)

b)      ŽALOSTNE SKRIVNOSTI ROŽNEGA VENCA (Žalostni del Rožnega venca):
1.      – ki je za nas krvavi pot potil,
2.      – ki je za nas bičan bil,
3.      – ki je za nas s trnjem kronan bil,
4.      – ki je za nas težki križ nesel,
5.      – ki je za nas križan bil.
(Molijo se vsak TOREK in PETEK)

c)      ČASTITLJIVE SKRIVNOSTI ROŽNEGA VENCA (Častitljivi del Rožnega Venca):
1.      – ki je od mrtvih vstal
2.      – ki je v Nebesa šel
3.      – ki je Svetega Duha poslal,
4.      – ki je Tebe Devica v Nebesa vzel,
5.      – ki je Tebe Devica v Nebesih kronal.
(Molijo se vsako SREDO in v NEDELJO)

d)      SVETLE SKRIVNOSTI ROŽNEGA VENCA (Svetli del Rožnega venca):
1.      – ki je bil krščen v Jordanu,
2.      – ki je v Kani naredil prvi čudež,
3.      – ki je razglašal Nebeško Kraljestvo
4.      – ki je na Gori razkril Svoje Veličastvo
5.      – ki je ustanovil Sveto Evharistijo
6.      (Molijo se vsak ČETRTEK)

Recite the Rosary of the Unborn® just as you would pray a regular rosary and pray from the heart. The Rosary should be offered for the unborn and for an end to abortion. Meditations, prayed silently or aloud before each decade, are optional. Rosary Basics The beads on the Rosary help us to keep track of which prayers are being said and the number of prayers being recited. We should always pray from the heart, and meditate on the mysteries of the rosary, which reflect the lives of Our Lord and Our Lady. The Rosary Structure The Rosary consists of a crucifix, which indicates the beginning and end of the rosary. To begin recitation of the rosary, one must make the Sign of the Cross. The Sign of the Cross is a prayer itself. Then, there are "opening", or beginning prayers. After the opening prayers, you will find single beads in the shape of a red cross on the Rosary of the Unborn®. These are "Our Father" beads and the "Our Father" prayer should be said on them. You will see sets of 10 beads (the teardrop beads with small babies) in which the "Hail Mary" prayer is to be recited. As you pray the rosary, follow the prayers holding the beads between your thumb and finger. When you move toward the end of the rosary, near the centerpiece, the "closing", or ending prayers, should be prayed, and the Sign of the Cross made.
Please note: The small, one-decade Rosary of the Unborn® is a smaller, compact version of the rosary. All of the prayers that are said using a large rosary should also be said on a smaller version, even though there are not as many beads. Rosary of the Unborn Finger Cards can also be used and hold the graces promised by Heaven. The Mysteries of the Rosary The Mysteries bring us closer to God as we pray and reflect on the events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. If you are praying one rosary per day, follow this schedule in meditating on the mysteries:
Mondays, Saturdays: The Joyful Mysteries
Tuesdays, Fridays: The Sorrowful Mysteries
Wednesdays, Sundays: The Glorious Mysteries
Thursdays: The Luminous Mysteries
Each meditation is prayed before each set of the "Our Father" and 10 "Hail Mary" beads. The Joyful Mysteries:
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Birth of Our Lord (Nativity)
The Presentation of Our Lord
The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple The Sorrowful Mysteries:
The Agony of Our Lord
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion The Glorious Mysteries:
The Resurrection
The Ascension into Heaven
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
The Coronation (Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth) The Luminous Mysteries (The Mysteries of Light):
The Baptism in the Jordan (Baptism of Jesus)
The Wedding at Cana
The Proclamation of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist _________________________________________________________________
The Prayers of the Rosary The following prayers are used when praying the rosary. We raise our rosaries to Heaven and say Celestial Queen, with this rosary I bind all sinners and all nations to your Immaculate Heart. The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Opening Prayers Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, let all souls find their peace and security in Your Divine Will. Give each soul the grace to understand that Your Will is Holy Love in the present moment. Benevolent Father, illuminate each conscience to see the ways that he is not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time in which to do it. Amen. Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this rosary, we ask You to remove from the heart of the world the desire to commit the sin of abortion. Remove the veil of deceit satan has placed over hearts, which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is-slavery to sin. Place over the heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen Apostle's Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Our Father Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (All) Glory Be All glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Fatima Prayer My Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Prayer to Jesus Jesus, Protect and Save the Unborn! Prayers at the end of the Rosary: Hail, Holy Queen Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Leader: Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God…
Response: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray: O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that in meditating upon these mysteries of the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. OPTIONAL ENDING PRAYERS The following ending prayers are used at Holy Love Ministries prayer services:
Leader: Let us say an Our Father, Hail Mary, and All Glory Be for the intentions and well-being of Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II.
(Recite prayers) Our Father…Hail Mary…All Glory Be…
Leader:We offer this Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with St. Joseph for the restoration of the priesthood to the tradition of faith and for all the unconverted. Make us Your humble instruments of Holy Love.
ALL: Mary, Protect Our Faith!
Leader: Mary, Refuge of Holy Love…
ALL: Pray for us!
Leader: St. Michael, St. Joseph, St. Therese, St. John Vianney, St. Pio de Pietrelcina, and Archbishop Gabriel Ganaka…
ALL: Pray for us!
Leader: Let us pray the Prayer of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.
ALL: Mary, Protectress of the Faith, shelter my faith in Your Immaculate Heart -- Refuge of Holy Love. In the Refuge of Your Heart and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Son, Protect my faith from all evil. Amen.
ALL: (The Sign of the Cross)
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. _____________________________________________________________________________ How to Pray the Rosary of the Unborn® "Step-by-step" (Large) 1. Hold the crucifix, make the Sign of the Cross, and say the Apostle's Creed.
2. Pray the 'Our Father' on the first red cross bead.
3. Pray three 'Hail Marys' on each teardrop bead in the set of three.
4. Recite the 'All Glory Be' after the third 'Hail Mary' prayer.
5. Recall the first Rosary Mystery and then pray the 'Our Father' on the next bead.
6. Pray the 'Hail Mary' on each teardrop bead of the group of 10 beads (called a "decade"); reflect on the First Mystery as you are praying.
7. After the tenth 'Hail Mary', recite an 'All Glory Be' and the Fatima Prayer.
8. Continue in this manner by recalling the 2nd and 3rd mystery, and so on, and praying the 'Our Father' on red crosses, 10 'Hail Mary's on teardrops, and one 'All Glory Be' and the Fatima Prayer after, while reflecting on each new mystery.
9. When the fifth, or last, mystery is completed, then conclude with 'Hail, Holy Queen', and then the closing prayers.
10. Make the Sign of the Cross. [If using the Small, One-Decade Rosary of the Unborn, pray the beginning prayers before reaching the centerpiece [there will not be a prayer bead for each prayer]. The centerpiece should begin the 1st "Our Father" of the first mystery/meditation that you are praying. Follow each bead praying a "Hail Mary" and when returning to the centerpiece, pray the "Glory Be" and "Fatima Prayer". Stay on the centerpiece and begin the "Our Father" of the next meditation. Continue in this manner until all meditations are completed. Finish with the ending prayers of the Rosary.] [If using the Finger Card, follow in a similar manner as with the Small, One-Decade Rosary as explained above.]

Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, each time you pray this prayer - the Consecration of the Heart of the World to the United Hearts - God pours grace into the world. Thus, souls are convicted of their wicked ways and attracted to personal holiness. Every soul that follows the inclination of these graces strengthens the Remnant Faithful. Satan's kingdom in this world is weakened forever by the conversion of one soul. Therefore, understand he is powerfully opposed to the recitation and propagation of this consecration. Pray for the grace of Holy Boldness in the face of all evil attacks. Persevere in the Will of God, in propagating this consecration far and wide."

Why Pray the Rosary?

"No government, no peace accord or economic remedy can compare to the MIGHTY FORCE OF THIS PRAYER." ***"Your Rosaries Are The Victory" *** THE POWER OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, when you pray the rosary, you hold the power in your hands to defeat Satan's agenda in the world. With the prayer of the rosary, you can assist Me in lifting the veil of deceit Satan has placed over the heart of the world. With the rosary, you allow Me to extend many graces into the world which God would have withheld because of mankind's infidelity to the Truth."

"Dear children, you do not understand the power of a rosary said from the heart, but I tell you, that no leader, no government, no peace accord or economic remedy can compare to the mighty force of this prayer. The enemy hides this from you. My words to you today challenge the darkness of his secrecy with the Light of Truth. Do not be misled to believe your efforts are ineffective. I tell you, your rosaries are the Victory." (8/31/2012) Jesus (Regarding The Rosary of the Unborn): "...if you knew the power of the rosary that you hold in your hands and that you pray with your hearts, you would never put it down. It would always be with you and the prayers would always be on your lips. (10/7/04)
"The Greatest Weapon of Mass Destruction Is ABORTION."
Message from Jesus: "If your nation overturns legalized abortion, I will richly bless it by my favor. But if this sin continues with national approval, much will be stripped away."

The Rosary of the Unborn™ The Rosary of the Unborn is a special project in the mission of Holy Love Ministries, an ecumenical, pro-life organization dedicated to reaching all hearts and minds with the Message of Holy Love, which means to put God above all else and to love your neighbor as yourself. The selfish act of abortion goes against this teaching. With God’s help and the powerful prayer of this particular Rosary, we hope to unite all people in bringing an end to the horrible sin of abortion. The Rosary of the Unborn has begun to "bridge the gap between Heaven and Earth". If we continue to unite to pray this special Rosary, which holds the grace of saving an unborn child from abortion with each "Hail Mary" prayed from the heart, the heart of the world will change. To end one of the most peril evils in the world, we are offering The Rosary of the Unborn and a variety of pro-life items to promote anti-abortion prayer in addition to books regarding messages from the Blessed Mother and Jesus, jewelry, and other religious items to assist all people on their spiritual journeys. By raising anti-abortion awareness through rosaries and other pro-life items, we hope to reach souls struggling to see God’s truth regarding the unborn, that: LIFE BEGINS AT THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION. When you purchase from The Rosary of the Unborn website, you help spread the word by making our rosary known and enable for the continuing production, distribution, and promotion of this special Rosary. Proceeds also assist in providing pro-life counseling of poor, unwed mothers at the Life Mission Centers, which opens the path for God’s will to be done in their lives and in the lives of their unborn children. REMINDER MESSAGES... "I have come to speak to you about the Rosary of the Unborn. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My Mother prepared My manger with love -- directing St. Joseph to cushion it with humble straw. The Rosary of the Unborn which She presented to the world through you is today like that straw in a manger for the unborn. The prayers said on these rosaries are protection and comfort for the unborn. These same prayers are welcoming new life into the world with love. Continue to see, then, the importance of prayer upon this special rosary -- this gift from Heaven given through this ministry." (Message from Jesus, May 10, 2002)
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come today to help all people understand that the laws which govern against the Law of Love are the fruits of convoluted consciences. I look into the heart and judge according to what is in each heart.
It is pride that leads the soul off track. It is pride that works against truth. I watch in sorrow the sins against the innocents from My Throne in Heaven. Such error does not exist in a humble soul, but only in the proud of heart. My Mother has prescribed for you the Rosary of the Unborn to overcome this great error and grave sin. I never tire of hearing it. It is balm to My wounded Heart." (Message from Jesus, July 7, 2001) MESSAGES REGARDING ABORTION:
Our Lady is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, and is holding a rosary of all white rose buds like on Her statue in the Field of the United Hearts. She says: Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, dear little children, I have come to tell you that your rosaries are the key that unlocks the door to untold graces. The rosary is a decisive weapon against evil. It cannot be unpiloted like a drone aircraft, however. Your heart must be in the prayers you say, for this is where the power lies."
"These days, your country is faced with important decisions. You need a strong leader; a leader not enamored with the importance of his office, but one who seeks the welfare of the people and the strength of this nation. Such a leader supports the Truth."
"Once again, I tell you, do not trust what someone tells you simply because of his high office. We have seen in this Mission that this can be misleading. The same is true in the political arena. Truth, dear children, is the reality of the facts. Lying must not be considered business or politics as usual. Lying is Satan's deceit."
"Dear children, do not allow yourselves to be tricked by Satan to think that your prayers and your vote do not count. Both your prayers and your vote in this upcoming election affect your future and the future of the world."
"You do not understand how the rosary works in concert with the Will of God. Nor do you comprehend the evil that threatens your national security if you make the wrong choices. I am praying for you that you see Truth for Truth's sake. Then My Victory will be possible. Then the citizens in this nation will be led - not manipulated. Pray your rosary daily for My Victory and your Victory of Truth."
"Dear children, to those of you who pray My Rosary from the heart daily, I promise My eternal assistance. I take your rosaries and use them to stop wars, influence politics and international affairs, and most of all, to transform hearts into Holy Love."
"You must not have hatred in your hearts for anyone or any group. You can hate only the actions of others. You must pray for those far from the Truth of Holy Love. Realize, My dear little children, that Truth is the standard by which good is discerned over evil. Holy Love is the Truth. No one, no matter their influence, can change this."
"Your Rosary of the Unborn is My weapon of choice during this present age. Your future lies in the welfare of these innocent unborn lives. Wage war with Satan with this - Heaven's most powerful weapon."
"Dear children, once again I remind you that law, title or even vocation do not preclude the compromise of Truth. If Truth is compromised in any way, My Son's Dominion is diminished. Jesus does not take up His Sovereignty in a heart which does not live in Truth." "The Holy Rosary grounds your heart in the reality of Truth."
"Dear children, your prayers are like weapons of mass destruction against Satan's lies. Be assured I take each prayer and lay it on the altar of My Son's Most Sacred Heart. You hold no petition in your heart that I do not know of. Therefore, have courage. Today I am extending to you My Blessing of Holy Love."
August 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. This is the prayer I desire you add to your daily prayer regimen:"Jesus, give me the courage always to support the Truth - no matter the opposition or the consequences."
August 23, 2012
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus. Please understand, dear little children, that living in Holy Love carries with it the responsibility of always supporting life in the womb. This means that given a choice between two political candidates, you must support the pro-life candidate. This is true even if there are other issues this pro-life candidate supports that you do not agree with. It holds true even if there are characteristics in the candidate's personality you do not like. I tell you this, for the battle over life in the womb is the war which must be won. The womb is the battleground which will determine the future of your country. Make it known."
August 13, 2012
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, solemnly I tell you, that you will never have peace in the world until you have peace in the womb. Governments are responsible for the atrocity of abortion; and so, elect your officials carefully. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love." July 23, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today Alanus* did many small but important favors for you. The angels are always ready to help each person, and often do. But they are most helpful when they are asked for assistance. It is then that they work silently in the background to bring about positive effects. Angels do not only work in small ways but in significant ways, as well. You can pray to the angels of politicians and whole bodies of government at once. Did you know that your Congress and your Supreme Court has ruling angels over them? The angel that tries to guide Congress is 'Constant'. The angel that tries to guide the Supreme Court is 'Micah'. Pray that their influence is effective."
*Note: Alanus is Maureen's guardian angel. July 2, 2012
Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. My brothers and sisters, this country was founded on independence and religious freedom. You must not let anyone be elected to a high office with the ability to remove freedoms from the people. Once independence is relinquished, it is difficult to regain. Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love."
June 13, 2012
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. These days, man has chosen love of technology over the love of God. He assumes all credit for his technological feats when, in fact, all knowledge comes forth from My Father's Permitting Will. Mankind is using technology to race towards his own demise - a fact he is blind to. He sees modern advances as new ways to destroy God-given life. The fact that life issues and moral issues are given space in the political arena bespeaks the state of moral degeneration today. This is why My Voice must not be silenced or disregarded here in these Messages. Your pilgrimages here are encouraged by Heaven as worthy sacrifices, although they are discouraged by man. Some use all their power to discredit My efforts here. I cannot wait for endorsements. More lives are at stake now than even at the time of Fatima. Listen to My appeals. Amend your lives." A sincere "Thank You" to all of those who have prayed and made The Rosary of the Unborn known! A Word About Us: We are an ecumencial (for all people) organization and do not seek ecclesiastical approval.
We are extending to you the Complete Blessing of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary
and the Anointing of St. Michael.


Recite the Rosary of the Unborn® just as you would pray a regular rosary and pray from the heart. The Rosary should be offered for the unborn and for an end to abortion. Meditations, prayed silently or aloud before each decade, are optional. Rosary Basics The beads on the Rosary help us to keep track of which prayers are being said and the number of prayers being recited. We should always pray from the heart, and meditate on the mysteries of the rosary, which reflect the lives of Our Lord and Our Lady. The Rosary Structure The Rosary consists of a crucifix, which indicates the beginning and end of the rosary. To begin recitation of the rosary, one must make the Sign of the Cross. The Sign of the Cross is a prayer itself. Then, there are "opening", or beginning prayers. After the opening prayers, you will find single beads in the shape of a red cross on the Rosary of the Unborn®. These are "Our Father" beads and the "Our Father" prayer should be said on them. You will see sets of 10 beads (the teardrop beads with small babies) in which the "Hail Mary" prayer is to be recited. As you pray the rosary, follow the prayers holding the beads between your thumb and finger. When you move toward the end of the rosary, near the centerpiece, the "closing", or ending prayers, should be prayed, and the Sign of the Cross made.
Please note: The small, one-decade Rosary of the Unborn® is a smaller, compact version of the rosary. All of the prayers that are said using a large rosary should also be said on a smaller version, even though there are not as many beads. Rosary of the Unborn Finger Cards can also be used and hold the graces promised by Heaven. The Mysteries of the Rosary The Mysteries bring us closer to God as we pray and reflect on the events in the lives of Jesus and Mary. If you are praying one rosary per day, follow this schedule in meditating on the mysteries:
Mondays, Saturdays: The Joyful Mysteries
Tuesdays, Fridays: The Sorrowful Mysteries
Wednesdays, Sundays: The Glorious Mysteries
Thursdays: The Luminous Mysteries
Each meditation is prayed before each set of the "Our Father" and 10 "Hail Mary" beads. The Joyful Mysteries:
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Birth of Our Lord (Nativity)
The Presentation of Our Lord
The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple The Sorrowful Mysteries:
The Agony of Our Lord
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion The Glorious Mysteries:
The Resurrection
The Ascension into Heaven
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
The Coronation (Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth) The Luminous Mysteries (The Mysteries of Light):
The Baptism in the Jordan (Baptism of Jesus)
The Wedding at Cana
The Proclamation of the Kingdom
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist _________________________________________________________________
The Prayers of the Rosary The following prayers are used when praying the rosary. We raise our rosaries to Heaven and say Celestial Queen, with this rosary I bind all sinners and all nations to your Immaculate Heart. The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Opening Prayers Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, let all souls find their peace and security in Your Divine Will. Give each soul the grace to understand that Your Will is Holy Love in the present moment. Benevolent Father, illuminate each conscience to see the ways that he is not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time in which to do it. Amen. Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this rosary, we ask You to remove from the heart of the world the desire to commit the sin of abortion. Remove the veil of deceit satan has placed over hearts, which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is-slavery to sin. Place over the heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen Apostle's Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Our Father Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (All) Glory Be All glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Fatima Prayer My Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Prayer to Jesus Jesus, Protect and Save the Unborn! Prayers at the end of the Rosary: Hail, Holy Queen Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Leader: Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God…
Response: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray: O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that in meditating upon these mysteries of the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. OPTIONAL ENDING PRAYERS The following ending prayers are used at Holy Love Ministries prayer services:
Leader: Let us say an Our Father, Hail Mary, and All Glory Be for the intentions and well-being of Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II.
(Recite prayers) Our Father…Hail Mary…All Glory Be…
Leader:We offer this Rosary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with St. Joseph for the restoration of the priesthood to the tradition of faith and for all the unconverted. Make us Your humble instruments of Holy Love.
ALL: Mary, Protect Our Faith!
Leader: Mary, Refuge of Holy Love…
ALL: Pray for us!
Leader: St. Michael, St. Joseph, St. Therese, St. John Vianney, St. Pio de Pietrelcina, and Archbishop Gabriel Ganaka…
ALL: Pray for us!
Leader: Let us pray the Prayer of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.
ALL: Mary, Protectress of the Faith, shelter my faith in Your Immaculate Heart -- Refuge of Holy Love. In the Refuge of Your Heart and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Son, Protect my faith from all evil. Amen.
ALL: (The Sign of the Cross)
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. _____________________________________________________________________________ How to Pray the Rosary of the Unborn® "Step-by-step" (Large) 1. Hold the crucifix, make the Sign of the Cross, and say the Apostle's Creed.
2. Pray the 'Our Father' on the first red cross bead.
3. Pray three 'Hail Marys' on each teardrop bead in the set of three.
4. Recite the 'All Glory Be' after the third 'Hail Mary' prayer.
5. Recall the first Rosary Mystery and then pray the 'Our Father' on the next bead.
6. Pray the 'Hail Mary' on each teardrop bead of the group of 10 beads (called a "decade"); reflect on the First Mystery as you are praying.
7. After the tenth 'Hail Mary', recite an 'All Glory Be' and the Fatima Prayer.
8. Continue in this manner by recalling the 2nd and 3rd mystery, and so on, and praying the 'Our Father' on red crosses, 10 'Hail Mary's on teardrops, and one 'All Glory Be' and the Fatima Prayer after, while reflecting on each new mystery.
9. When the fifth, or last, mystery is completed, then conclude with 'Hail, Holy Queen', and then the closing prayers.
10. Make the Sign of the Cross. [If using the Small, One-Decade Rosary of the Unborn, pray the beginning prayers before reaching the centerpiece [there will not be a prayer bead for each prayer]. The centerpiece should begin the 1st "Our Father" of the first mystery/meditation that you are praying. Follow each bead praying a "Hail Mary" and when returning to the centerpiece, pray the "Glory Be" and "Fatima Prayer". Stay on the centerpiece and begin the "Our Father" of the next meditation. Continue in this manner until all meditations are completed. Finish with the ending prayers of the Rosary.] [If using the Finger Card, follow in a similar manner as with the Small, One-Decade Rosary as explained above.]

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